
Can Cats Affected By Kidney Disease Get Rid ? Here Is The Answer !

Kidneys are one of the most important organs. This organ is important for us humans as well as for cats. Because in the human body or cat, the kidneys themselves have a very large role.


Can Cats Affected By Kidney Disease Get Rid

Such as cleaning the blood of waste, stimulating the bone marrow to produce red blood cells, regulating blood pressure. When a cat has kidney disease, of course, all of the above kidney functions will be disrupted.

Kidney pain in cats can be caused by many things. Can be caused by age, food and so on. When a cat has kidney disease, this must be handled immediately, because if it is not worried it can cause a series of health problems in the cat's body.

Then can a cat suffering from kidney disease be cured ? And how to cure a cat with kidney disease ? Good Readers can read to Angora's writing below to find out the answer.


8 Causes Cats Get Kidney Pain

Before going into the main discussion, Anggora wants to first discuss what causes cats to get kidney disease. So that later by knowing what the causes are, we can avoid or keep cats from getting kidney disease.

Based on Angora's knowledge, there are 8 causes that make cats suffer from kidney disease. The causes include :

1. Bacterial Infection

The first cause that can make a cat have kidney disease is a bacterial infection. This infection is caused by a severe bacterial infection which changes the characteristics of the urine and blood flow. The bacterial infection that makes cats sick is called pyelonephritis.

Some of the bacteria that commonly cause this infection include :

  • Escherichia coli bacteria

  • Staphylococcus bacteria

  • Proteus Bacteria

  • Streptococcus bacteria

  • Klebsiella bacteria

  • Enterobacter bacteria

  • Pseudomonas bacteria


Most cats who have bacterial infections and have kidney problems don't show any symptoms or signs. These signs can only be known after a physical examination is carried out. These signs can include fever, pain and so on.


2. Blood Loss

Loss of blood can also be a reason for cats to have kidney problems. When a cat is pretentious due to the sudden loss of a lot of blood or severe dehydration it can trigger kidney disease in cats.


3. Severe Dehydration

As mentioned above that severe dehydration is one of the causes of cats experiencing kidney problems. Severe dehydration is generally caused, too hot weather, excessive activity, vomiting, diarrhea which can cause the cat's body to lack fluids in large quantities.

If allowed to continue, the cat will not only suffer from kidney disease. Cats can also experience kidney failure.


4. Trauma

The fourth cause is trauma to the cat. This trauma is trauma caused by an impact on his body. Especially in cases of trauma related to a ruptured bladder or broken pelvis, causing kidney problems or causing the cat to experience kidney failure.


5. Poisoning

Not only in humans, poisoning for cats can also cause kidney pain in cats. Poisoning in cats is generally caused by :

  • The cat who carelessly eats the food he finds

  • Eating grass that has been poisoned

  • Eating insects that have been sprayed with insect venom

  • Eat rats that are poisoned by poison rats

  • Biting any particular object

  • Poisoned by some one

  • The owner of the origin of the chemical substance so that the cat accidentally touched it, then the cat licked his body which made him poisoned

  • And others


Poisoning in cats can happen anytime and anywhere, that's why as owners it's important for us to be aware of the dangers that objects around us pose to our beloved fur friends.


6. Blockage Of The Kidneys And Urinary Tract

Blockage of the kidneys and urinary tract can be another cause for cats to develop kidney disease. This usually occurs due to a collection of crystals or kidney stones that block the cat's kidneys or urinary tract.

This makes urine in the cat's body unable to be removed, over time the flow of urine and blood in the kidneys is not normal so that the cat's kidneys become problematic or even the kidneys fail to function ( kidney failure ).


7. Heredity Factor

Hereditary factors can also be one of the reasons cats suffer from kidney disease. Some types of cats are very at risk of suffering from this disease. One type of cat that is at high risk of developing kidney problems is a cat of the Persian breed.

Even so, other cat breeds also do not rule out the possibility of having a high risk of kidney disease.


8. Age Factor

The older a cat is, the higher the cat's risk of developing kidney problems. This is because the kidney function in the cat's body will decrease over time. To keep old cats healthy, it is important for us to provide good cat food for their kidneys.


Characteristics Of Cats Who Have Kidney Problems

Similar to other diseases, kidney disease in cats will also make the cat suffer having certain characteristics. The characteristics that are usually shown by cats with kidney problems are as follows :

  • Cats who used to rarely urinate are now going back and forth to the litter box to urinate more often

  • Cats get thirsty easily and drink a lot

  • Decreased appetite for cats due to kidney problems

  • Cats lose their appetite

  • Cats experience digestive problems such as diarrhea, nausea and the like

  • Cats often vomit


Well, if your cat shows some of the symptoms above, it is likely that your cat has kidney disease. Immediately consult the nearest veterinarian to get the right treatment.


Can Cats Affected by Kidney Disease Get Rid ?

This is based on the severity of the cat's kidney disease itself. If the cat's kidney disease is still relatively mild, it is likely that the cat will recover. Conversely, if the cat suffers from chronic kidney disease, the cat will be very difficult to cure.

What if the cat has a history of urinary tract and organ diseases? If the cat has this history, there is still hope for the cat to recover. It's just that the cat can not recover completely.


How to Cure Cats Affected by Kidney Disease

To cure a cat suffering from kidney disease can only be done by an expert such as a veterinarian. Self-medication of cats at home is not recommended. In curing a cat with kidney disease, the doctor will likely suggest :

  • Fluid therapy

  • Blood pressure medication

  • Food modification

  • Dialysis

  • Transplant


After the Cat Recovered What Should We Do ?

A cat who has recovered from kidney disease does not mean that in the future the cat will not get this disease again. In fact, the cat's risk of developing kidney disease is quite high. Of course we don't want this to happen again to our cats.

That's why it's important for us to take precautions before this happens. So how do you prevent cats from getting kidney disease again ? To prevent this you can do the following things :

  • Reduce giving dry food to cats

  • Make wet food as the cat's main food

  • Give milk thistle supplements to cats

  • Take care of the cat's weight

  • Make sure the cat is drinking enough water

  • Make sure the cat's litter box is always clean so that the cat doesn't like to hold bowel movements or urinate


In addition to preventing the cat from getting kidney disease again by using the above method, it is also necessary to check the cat to the veterinarian regularly. This is useful for detecting early whether the cat suffers from certain diseases such as kidney or other.

Also as an effort to reduce the intensity of the disease that might attack and so that medical action can be taken immediately so that the disease can be easily cured.

Thus the discussion about whether kidney disease in cats can be cured and things related to this. Hopefully this article can help answer questions about kidney disease in cats. And add your insight and can be useful for you.

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