
Can Wounded Cats Be Batheed ? Here Is The Answer !

Bathing a cat is something that must be done by us people who keep cats. It is recomended to bathe the cat at least once a month and it is recommended to bathe the cat twice a month. We usually do cat bathing for cats who are 2 months old or above.


Can Wounded Cats Be Batheed

Because cats who have entered this age already have a strong body and immunity so that when the cat is bathed, the cat will withstand the cold and will not get sick easily. Bathing a cat is mandatory, but sometimes there are times or conditions where our cat should not be bathed at all.

For example, when a cat is sick, the cat should not be bathed at all because this can risk making the disease he suffers worse. Not only that, a sick cat that is forced to be bathed can also make the cat weak because he uses most of his energy to fight or run away from us when he is bathed.

Of course this will make the cat run out of energy to fight the disease and to survive as a result the cat will be difficult to recover from the disease. Then what about the cat that has a wound ? Should a cat with this condition not be bathed in the same way as a sick cat ?

Find out the answer by reading to Angora's writing below until the end.


Various Causes of Cat Wounds

Before going into the main discussion, it's a good idea to know in advance some of the causes of cats experiencing injuries to their bodies. In Angora's opinion, there are 3 things that cause a cat to suffer injuries to its body.

The causes of these injuries include :

1. The Result Of The Cat Itself

The first is that the cat is self-inflicted. As we know that male cats who have reached adulthood are very happy to fight with other male cats. These fights are often triggered by territorial disputes, love rivalries ( rivals at the time of lust ), and deep-rooted hatred between each other, this can also happen when cats consider other cats as enemies and so on.

When cats fight, cats will claw each other and fight each other and it is during this fight that cats often suffer long and deep scratches on several areas of their bodies. Often a cat that fights a lot of injuries in the area of ​​​​the face or the upper body close to the neck. Cat fights are not limited to only male cats.

Female cats also sometimes fight with female cats or cats around them, this often happens when the female cat becomes very sensitive. Usually female cats will be very sensitive during heat or pregnancy.


2. Due To Human Activities

The next cause is the result of human activity. Not all humans have the heart to do this, only a few people who do not have a conscience who have the heart to do it. Human-caused injuries are often injuries from blunt objects that cause internal injuries.

But not infrequently also injuries caused by human activities cause physical injuries that appear on the outside of the cat's body. Examples of external injuries that can occur include a cat's body crusts and hair loss after a cat is flushed with hot or boiling water.

Injury to the outside of the cat's body can also occur due to the cat being thrown by a stone or pebble very strongly which sometimes not only causes the cat to feel pain and internal injuries also make the cat's external body injured due to being scratched by the sharp part of the stone or pebble.


3. Due To Disease And Parasite Attack

The cause of the cat has a wound which is the result of disease and parasitic attacks. These two things often cause sores on the cat's skin. The reason is because both make the cat feel uncomfortable or feel itchy due to his body condition.

When the cat feels itchy, the cat will scratch or lick his body continuously, causing the hair to fall out and the cat's skin to get injured. Diseases that often make cats do this are inflammation of the mouth, bones, stress and the like.

As for parasitic attacks, generally itching is often caused by fungi and fleas that attack the cat's body. Some examples of parasitic attacks that often make cat skin itchy and problematic include :

  • Skin tumor

  • Mushroom lice

  • Pijal Mushroom

  • Stud Tail

  • Ringworm

  • Scabies

  • Too many lice

  • Etc


4. Due To Accident

The last reason why cats can get injured is because the cat has an accident. This accident can occur because the cat was accidentally hit by a vehicle crossing the street, the cat was injured while playing or because the cat fell from a height.


Then Can Wounded Cats Be Bathe ?

Wounded cats can actually be bathed and there is no prohibition against bathing an injured cat on the condition that the injured cat who wants to be bathed is :

  • Cats only have wounds on the outside, not the inside

  • Cats don't have internal wounds

  • The cat is not sick

  • The external wound is not too heavy

  • The skin that has been injured is already covered by blackened parts of the skin

  • Do not rub the injured skin

  • Use cat shampoo


As long as the cat meets the requirements above, it is okay for us to bathe the cat.


So How Do You Wash It ?

Bathing a cat that is injured on the outside of its body is actually the same as bathing a healthy cat. It's just that there are some important points that need to be considered so that the cat is comfortable when bathed. 

Now to bathe an injured cat you can follow the following ways :

1. Prepare Cat Bath Equipment

Before bathing the cat, of course, we must first prepare cat toiletries and others, some things we need to prepare include :

  • Warm water

  • Cat bath basin

  • Dipper, hose or water spray

  • A special cat brush or soft cloth for scrubbing the cat's body

  • Cat shampoo or baby shampoo

  • Clean dry towels

  • Hair dryer

  • Cage or cat basket


2. Bathing The Cat

After preparing the things needed to bathe the cat, the next step is to bathe the cat. First rinse the cat's body using warm water then give the cat shampoo.

Rub the cat's body until the shampoo foams and then gently brush all the cat's fur. When shampooing and scrubbing the cat's body, make sure not to touch the injured cat's skin because if it is exposed, this can make the wound feel painfuL

Just leave the injured part not shampooed or brushed because later when the wound has healed, we can still clean the part. For the injured part, just flush it with water until the part feels clean enough.


3. Drying The Cat's Body

After the cat's body is completely clean, then rinse the cat's body with warm water until the cat's body is clean from the rest of the shampoo. Dry the cat's body with a towel until there is no water on her body that is still dripping on the floor.

Then put the cat in a cat cage or basket and dry the cat until its body is completely dry.


Maybe that's all the discussion about whether an injured cat can be bathed and how to bathe an injured cat. Hopefully this article can help you understand whether it is permissible for a cat to be injured in a bath and the things related to it.

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