
Is Your Cat Have Mucus From Its Mouth And Nose ? This Is The Cause !

When our beloved cat is sick, of course we as owners will feel worried and sad. We will do whatever is necessary so that our beloved fur friend recovers from his illness and returns to being cheerful as before.


cat mucus from mouth

One of the symptoms of the disease that sometimes occurs in cats is the cat secretes mucus from the mouth and nose. This mucus is a yellow, white or similar liquid which makes the cat look dirty and disgusting.

In addition to making the cat's condition look sad, the mucus that comes out of the cat's mouth and nose will be very disturbing and uncomfortable for the cat. This can also interfere with the cat's vision and smell and can make the cat experience shortness of breath.

So what actually makes cats secrete mucus from their mouths and noses? Check out Angora's explanation below to find out.


What Causes Cats To Come Out Of Mucus From The Mouth And Nose ?

The discharge of mucus from the nose and mouth of a cat is usually because a cat infected by the flu. Flu in cats is commonly known as cat flu. Common symptoms of cat flu are disturbances in the cat's respiratory tract such as secrete mucus from nose, sneezing or shortness of breath.

Similar to humans, flu in cats also occurs at a time when the body is not fit. Usually cat flu occurs in the rainy season or the transition season, at this time the body becomes susceptible to disease. 

In addition to weather factors, cat flu can also be caused by virus infections. One of the viruses that can infect and cause cat flu is the Calici Virus.


Characteristics Of Cats Infected With Calici Virus

To be more sure that cat flu that occurs in cats is the result of the calici virus, you can confirm it by looking at certain characteristics or symptoms found in your pet cat. Characteristics or symptoms include :

1. Cat Fever

Cats infected with Calicivirus will generally have a fever. This fever is accompanied by flu, loss of appetite, weakness and several other symptoms.


2. No Appetite

Just like other diseases, this virus infection can also make cats lose their appetite. Whatever food we serve him, the cat will still refuse to eat it, even if the food is his favorite food the cat will still not want to eat it.

It is the pain and discomfort that makes the cat lose its appetite. In addition, cats who have the flu usually also lose the ability to smell. This loss of smell can greatly affect a cat's appetite.

This is because generally carnivorous animals such as cats will smell their prey or food first before deciding whether what is in front of them is worth eating or not.


3. Watery, Slimy Or Dirty Eyes

Calicivirus infection in cats is also characterized by watery eyes, mucus or accumulated eye discharge. The occurrence of eye problems is the result of a virus infecting the respiratory tract which is connected to eye health.

You can remove cat eye discharge so that the cat's eyes feel more comfortable and do not interfere with the cat's vision. You can do this by wiping the eyes with a soft cloth that has been moistened with warm water. Gently wipe on the dirty eyes.


4. Cats Have Stomatitis

For those of you who don't know what stomatitis is, stomatitis is a health disorder in the mouth. These disorders can be in the form of canker sores, gingivitis, sores on the roof of the mouth, sores on the tongue and the like.

Stomatitis in cats will make cats who suffer from it become lazy to eat due to pain when chewing food and make the mouth slimy and cause bad breath in cats.

In mild cases, cats with stomatitis still have an appetite if they are given food such as wet food, but for severe conditions the cat will usually not have an appetite even if we give wet food.


5. Sneezing And Nose Release Fluid Or Mucus

The fifth characteristic is that cats often sneeze and their noses secrete fluid or mucus so that the fur on the cat's face area becomes often wet and looks dull.


6. A lot Of Saliva That Comes Out ( Hypersalivation )

The next feature is that the cat's saliva comes out a lot. Usually this is closely related to the problem of stomatitis that occurs in cats due to calici virus infection. The saliva that comes out is usually very thick like mucus and has a foul smell.


7. Cats Are Weak And Sleep More Often

Cats who are usually cheerful and active will turn out to be very quiet, lazy and prefer to spend time alone and sleep more often. Cats will also always look for a warm place to hang out. Not only that, the cat also looks weak.

This is because cats feel pain in their muscles and joints. The weakness of the cat is also due to the lack of energy in the cat's body due to the cat not wanting to eat because of the loss of appetite.


8. Shortness Of Breath

The last characteristic is that the cat will experience shortness of breath. This condition occurs when a cat has a severe virus infection. A virus infection that previously only occurred in the respiratory tract now extends to the lungs and causes pneumonia.


Then How To Treat A Cat Who Has A Calici Virus Infection ?

The best way to treat a cat with the Calici virus is to take the cat to the vet. Although this method must spend a little capital, but this method is considered more effective and appropriate in dealing with this disease.


Can Calici Virus Infection Be Prevented ?

There are several ways that you might be able to do to prevent your cat from being infected with this virus. The methods include :

  • Make sure the cat you want to adopt is free of Calici virus infection, this is so that other cats in your house don't get infected with this virus.

  • Get vaccinated.

  • Do not allow cats to interact with other stray cats because infected stray cats are often carriers ( hosts ) that can transmit the virus to pet cats.

  • Don't let your cat be in the same room as an infected cat.

  • Do not use contaminated cat equipment for other cats to use. The equipment can be in the form of eating bowls, drinking containers, beds and various other cat-specific equipment.

  • Wash hands after handling a cat infected with the Calici virus because transmission can occur through contact with our hands with equipment or hand contact with cats.

  • If you have an infected cat, you should isolate the cat in a special room. Don't forget to also provide special cat equipment for sick cats.


Now that's an explanation of the cause of the cat's mucus coming out of the mouth and nose. With this article, hopefully it can help you find out what causes your cat to experience this and find out how to treat it and how to prevent this disease.

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