
7 Great And Cheap Persian Cat Foods

The Persian cat is a cat that is synonymous with its flat nose and thick fur. In addition, this cat is also famous for its spoiled nature and very easy to adapt to the environment and the people around it.


Great And Cheap Persian Cat Foods


Even though this cat is a cat breed that comes from abroad, keeping this cat is not so difficult and does not cost a lot of money to maintain this type of cat as long as we know how to take care of it properly.

There are many ways we can do to reduce the cost of caring for Persian cats. The ways include doing independent cat grooming, checking the cat to the vet at least once a month, providing quality and cheap cat food and sterilizing the cat.

When it comes to cat food, there are many types of Persian cat food that are good and cheap, but not all of them are suitable for our beloved cat. For those of you who are confused about what food is good for your Persian cat, Good Readers can see Angora's recommendations below.


7 Good And Cheap Persian Cat Food

On this occasion, Angora will discuss cat food for Persian cats which Angora thinks are quality and cheap. Cheap here means that this cat food costs between 5 dollars to 6 dollars for the 1 Kg repack size. Without further ado, here's a cheap and good Persian cat food :

1. Bolt Cat Food

The first food, according to Angora, is quite cheap but quite nutritious, namely Bolt brand cat food. This cat food has been on the market for quite a long time and is quite popular among cat lovers.

If we ask cat lovers about one brand, many of them are certainly familiar with it, Bolt is a cat food that is quite nutritious for its low price.

Not only that, this cat food is also made from various natural ingredients such as poultry meat, flour and so on. Bolt also contains sufficient fiber, this is certainly very good for the cat's digestion and can reduce hairball problems in cats.

In addition to containing fiber, Bolt cat food also contains taurine which is good for cat's eyes, protein which is good for body development and cat fur, contains calcium which can strengthen cat's bones and teeth and others.

It can be said that although this cat food is quite affordable or cheap, in terms of nutrition, bolt cat food is able to meet the daily nutrition needed by the cat's body and has many benefits.

Meanwhile, from the cat's point of view, bolt is a delicious cat food that has tuna and salmon flavors that can invite appetite.


2. Cat Choize Cat Food

A cheap but good second food that is highly recommended for Persian cats is Cat Choize. This cat food is a cat food produced by a multinational company called Perfect Companion Group.

Although it is a foreign-made product, the price of this cat food product itself is quite cheap and not much different from the bolt brand, which is in the range of 5 dollars to 6 dollars for 1 Kg repack packaging.

Although this cat food can be said to be quite cheap, this cat food is considered to have complete nutrition. As far as Anggora knows, there are only 2 flavor variants, namely Tuna and Salmon.


3. Felibite Cat Food

The next cat food that is cheap and has a pretty good quality is Felibite cat food. Felibite is a cat food made in Indonesia, this cat food is famous for its tuna taste which is very liked by cats.

This cat food on the market is sold at prices ranging from 23 thousand to 25 thousand and we can easily find it at the nearest pet shop or through online stores. Felibite has 2 forms of kibel as far as Anggora is concerned, namely donuts and fish.

Then what about the nutrition? The nutritional content can be said to be not much different from the other 2 foods that Angora has just described above. The nutrition is quite sufficient to meet the daily nutritional needs of our beloved Persian cat and is good for its coat and health.


4. Universal Cat Food

Another great and inexpensive cat food for Persian cats is Universal cat food. Similar to Cat Choize cat food, this cat food is also cat food produced by foreign companies and is considered an expert in its field.

Universal kitten cat food the price may be a bit expensive compared to other cat food that Angora just described above, the price can be a little more expensive, which is a difference of 2 dollars.

Although the price is a little expensive compared to other cat food, for its own quality, this cat food is not far from other competitors. This cat food might be an alternative for those of you who want good cheap cat food for your Persian cat.


5. Maxi Cat Cat Food

The fifth recommendation of good and cheap Persian cat food is Maxi cat food. For those of you who have mediocre funds, this one food can be an alternative to your Persian cat food. The low price does not mean that this cat food is cheap because the nutritional content in it is quite complete.

This cat food is also made from natural ingredients and processed with sophisticated technology. Maxi cat is also fairly safe for cat consumption. For the price of maxi cat food, it is not much different from the other cat food that Angora mentioned above, which is around 5 dollars to 6 dollars for the 1 Kg repack size.


6. Minino Cat Food

Minino cat food is cat food produced by a foreign company called Malta Cleyton and has its own factories in Indonesia, precisely in the cities of Mojokerto and Bogor. This cat food is one of the quality cat food and quite cheap according to Angora.

For Minino cat food, the 1 Kg repack packaging itself is sold at a price of 5 dollar. This cat food also uses natural ingredients. In addition, the nutrients contained in it are also quite good and in accordance with the daily needs of cats.

The protein contained in it is also quite high so it is very good for the health of Persian cat's fur. So, this one cat food is worth considering as the main feed for your Persian cat.


7. Markotops Cat Food

Markotops cat food may sound foreign to you. For those who don't know Markotops, Markotops is a cat food from Thailand. This cat food is cheap and also famous for its salmon and tuna flavor variants.

Markotops products provide various variants, namely Kitten, Kitten Mother, Adult, Wet Food and others. For a variety of flavors, there are choices of tuna, tuna salmon, chicken salmon flavors available. For the price itself, it is quite cheap, which is around 5 dolars for 1 kg cat food.

For those of you who want to save on your cat's food but want to simultaneously provide nutritious food for the cat, Markotops can be a consideration for you.


Additional information

Shortly after changing cat food, usually some cats will experience diarrhea, but this is normal and will not interfere with the cat's health. Diarrhea will go away on its own when the cat is used to its new food.

The longest a cat can get used to its new food is about a week. If after one week the cat still has diarrhea, you should immediately stop feeding the cat and try replacing it with old food or other cat food brand products.

Sometimes this happens because the cat's digestion is incompatible with its food and it will be normal to change to the old food or replace the food with another food brand.

But if the diarrhea continues even though the food has been changed, you should immediately take the cat to the vet for a checkup.


Thus a discussion of good and cheap cat food for Persian cats. With this article, hopefully it can help you determine the suitable and inexpensive food for your favorite Persian cat.

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