
5 Easy Ways To Overcome Skinny Cats Won't Eat

Looking at a cat whose body is thin, we certainly see that the cat becomes unattractive and its cuteness decreases. In addition, we will also feel worried about the condition of our pet cat.


How To Overcome Cat Tha Is Really Skinny And Won't Eat.jpg

In addition, if the skinny cat didn't want to eat at all, this would certainly make us more worried and also feel sad. I'm afraid that if this is allowed the cat will fall ill and even die.

Of course we don't want this to happen. that's why as much as possible we will find a way to get this cat back to eat. Then how ? You can see how you can do this in Angora's article, because on this occasion Anggora will share tips on how to deal with skinny cats that don't want to eat.

Check out Angora's explanation below until the end, Good Readers, so you understand and don't make a mistake in applying the method.


How To Overcome A Skinny Cat Won't Eat ?

Seeing a skinny cat, of course, we will not stay silent. We will try our best to make the cat fat. The same thing applies to skinny cats who don't want to eat, we will definitely try to find ways to get the cat to want to eat again.

For those of you who are trying to get your skinny cat to eat, then you can try some of the ways below to get your cat back to eating and healthy as usual. What are the ways you can see below :

1. Treat Cats

Generally, most cats are skinny and don't want to eat because the cat is sick. So, to overcome this, try to treat the cat. To treat cats independently at home can be done as long as the cat only has a mild illness.

The mild illness can be in the form of cat flu, fever, intestinal worms and others. You can treat it by buying medicine according to the type of cat disease. You can buy the medicine at a pet shop or online shop.

During the treatment of cats, make sure to also force cat food into the cat's mouth using a syringe so that the cat remains energized and able to fight the disease. After being treated, usually the cat will slowly recover his appetite and he will want to eat by himself.

Then what about the cat who is seriously ill ? For a cat who is seriously ill, the only way we can make it heal is to take the cat to the vet for treatment. Keep in mind that when a cat is seriously ill there is a 50 percent chance that the cat will recover.

When a cat dies, we can't blame the vet for not being able to treat it. Because basically not all diseases in this world that can be cured by doctors.


2. Giving Cats Coconut Water

Young coconut water is famous for its various health benefits for humans. One of the properties that are well known by the public is that young coconut water can cleanse the body of toxins. In addition, young coconut water is often given to people who are sick.

This water will help the healing process and provide energy to the body and cleanse the dirt and toxins in the body. Not only for humans, young coconut water also has similar properties when given to cats.

Coconut water can be used to help heal, treat mild poisoning, supplements and also increase energy for cats who are sick. When your cat is skinny and doesn't want to eat, try giving him coconut water. Give every hour using a syringe. 

Do it for a few days and continue to monitor the condition of the cat. If the cat's condition improves and the cat is back to eating, then giving this young coconut water can be done until the cat feels completely healed.

However, if the cat's condition is even worse, it is better to stop giving coconut water. Stop giving coconut water and then immediately ask a doctor for help to deal with cat problems. Oh yes, while giving the cat coconut water, also give wet food to the cat using a syringe.


3. Egg Yolk

You can also give egg yolks to your pet cat who is skinny and is on medication. This provision is done because the egg yolk has a property which can increase the cat's appetite.

In addition, egg yolks also have the benefit of increasing the cat's endurance and stamina, so it is very good to give to cats, especially to cats who don't want to eat at all. For those of you who want to fatten a cat, you can also give egg yolks.


4. Giving The Cat Honey

You can also give honey to your cat who is skinny and doesn't want to eat. Honey for cats serves as a supplement, energy booster and appetite enhancer for cats. Give your cat a spoon or a half of honey every hour or two.

To make it easier for cats to drink honey, mix water into the honey until the honey that was very thick has now become a bit liquid and blends with the water. Give honey using a special cat syringe or nipple.

You can also give honey directly to your cat if the cat still wants to lick the honey by itself. Giving honey can also be done during the cat's treatment period. In fact it is very good for helping cats heal. Giving is done an hour or two after the cat consumes the drug to avoid things that are not wanted.

If you are in doubt, try to consult a veterinarian whether giving honey is safe when given together with certain drugs.


5. Milk Bear Brand

When a cat is sick, some cat lovers often advise cat owners to give their cat bear milk while giving the cat wet food using a syringe. Many of them say that their cat wants to eat again after using this method.

This also applies to skinny cats who won't eat. Giving bear milk can be done every hour or two hours. Oh yes, keep in mind that if you want to use this method, you must be diligent in monitoring the condition of your cat.

If the condition improves and returns to appetite then you can continue to be given or stop. But if the cat's health condition does not improve or even gets worse, then you should stop immediately and take the cat to the vet as soon as possible.


A Little Additional Information

You can apply the above method so that your cat will want to eat again with several conditions :

  • Do not do it when the cat's health condition is very bad

  • Doing the above method while still giving cat food in the form of wet food and drinks using a syringe for cats

  • Do not use the five methods above at the same time on cats because it is feared that it can have a health impact on cats

  • Immediately take the cat to the vet if the cat's condition does not improve


Those are 5 easy ways to deal with skinny cats that don't want to eat. With this article, hopefully it can help in making your skinny cat return to its appetite and return to health and increase your insight and can be useful for you.

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