
Will Cats Come Back Home If They Run Away ? Here's The Answer !

Cats are animals that like freedom and a high sense of curiosity, so it is not uncommon for cats to like to go out to play or wander away from home. That's why even a little neglect, our pet cat can run away from the cage or from inside the house.


Will Cats Come Back Home If They Run Away

If he just ran away, it might be easy for us to find him right away but what if he's been running for too long? Of course it will be difficult for us to find our favorite cat even the possibility of the cat has gone very far.

Well, when this happens, of course, we as owners will feel worried and keep trying to find a lost cat. At this time, sometimes there are questions in our hearts such as "the cat ran away, will it come back home alone" ?

Then whether the runaway cat will later return home alone? To find out the answer, Good Readers, you can read Angora's article below.


The Fleeing Cat Will Come Back Home Alone ?

For those of you who are currently missing the cat due to running away from home, of course you will ask if the cat will return home by itself later. Don't worry because the cat will definitely return home with certain conditions.

The conditions for a cat to be 100% guaranteed to return home are if :

1. There Is No Other Cats Are His Enemy Inside Or Outside The House

Sometimes a cat that runs away from home is caused by another cat in the house who is hostile to him. This often happens when you keep a cat of the same sex and has not been neutered in the same house.

Although initially when they were small they were very close but when the cat became an adult cat, their dominant and powerful nature would emerge. They do not even hesitate to antagonize their own siblings ( who are of the same gender ).

When this happens, the oppressed cat will run away from the house in fear of other cats. The runaway cat will not even dare to enter or be around the yard as long as the cat that is hostile to him is still there.

If you only keep one cat at home or you keep 2 cats of different sexes, your cat that ran away will definitely come back home


2. Cats Are Not Stolen By Others

The second condition is that the cat that ran away was not stolen by someone else. If the cat is not stolen by an irresponsible person, you can be sure that the cat who had run away from home will return home.

It's a different story if the cat was stolen by someone else. No matter how hard we look for it and no matter how patient we wait for the cat to return, the cat will certainly not be found and will never return home as long as we wait for it.


3. Cats Are Not Thrown Away By Neighbors

The next requirement is that the runaway cat is not thrown away by a neighbor who hates cats. Many cases where cats who leave the house do not come home are actually caused by neighbors who throw away their owner's pet cat.

Not only that, even some of the cats died because they were poisoned by neighbors. Yes, that's life. While we are tolerant of disturbing them and their pets, on the other hand they are intolerant of us and our pets.


4. Cats Know The Way Home

The fourth requirement is that the runaway cat knows the way back home. Cats that are usually allowed to roam freely outside the house, such as village cats or mixeddom domestic cats, usually know their way home very well.

When this cat runs away or leaves the house, it is very likely that this cat will return home when they feel hungry or thirsty. This also applies to purebred cats where they are often free to roam so they really know the way back home.


5. Cats Don't Get Lost

The next requirement is that the cat does not get lost. Even though the cat knows the way back home but if the cat goes too far in the end the cat will get lost. This will prevent the cat from returning home. But if the cat does not get lost, it can be ensured that the cat will come home by itself.


6. Cats Don't Get Hit By Vehicle And Die

A cat that runs away and gets hit and then dies of course will never return home, but if the cat is not hit, doesn't get lost and knows the way home, it can be ascertained that the cat will return home.


7. Not Just Moving House

If your cat runs away when you have just moved house for a few days, you should immediately find your runaway cat. If you don't find it as soon as possible, chances are your cat will disappear and never return home.

The cat's loss is because the cat doesn't know that your new home is his new home and the cat doesn't know the environmental conditions and the roads around it so it's easy for the cat to get lost.

If your cat ran away while you were still in the old house and you are sure that the cat knows the way home, then there is no need to worry, because the cat will go home alone when he is hungry.


8. Cats Are Not In Heat

Male cats in heat generally like to wander outdoors looking for other females. This cat will only come home when he feels very hungry. In fact, many male cats who are in heat will only come home after wandering for a day and night.

Also not infrequently some of the cats travel for days or even weeks. But if your cat is not in heat, you don't need to worry because the cat that left the house will come back later.


What If The Cat Doesn't Come Home ?

After waiting all day then it turns out that the cat does not come home, so what we can do is look for a cat. You can look for cats near your house, in the neighborhood you live in, where cats usually play, look for places where cats hang out and so on. The cat will surely meet if the cat does not :

  • Stolen by people

  • Abandoned by neighbors

  • Dead cat


That's the discussion about the runaway cat whether to go home alone. With this article, I hope it can help, add to your insight and can be very useful for you.

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