
7 Easy Ways To Take Care Of A Sick Persian Cat

Cats are similar to other animals, they can move and be active in their daily lives when they are healthy and act the opposite when they are not healthy ( sick ). When the cat is sick, the cat will not be able to take care of itself.


How To Take Care Of A Sick Persian Cat

Cats certainly need care from their owners so that they can recover quickly. For experienced cat owners, of course, this is not a difficult thing to do. But for those of you who are beginners or have just started raising cats, of course, you will be confused when faced with a cat who is sick.

It's because you don't know how to take care of it. So that you are not confused, of course you need to know how to take care of a sick cat. So, how do you take care of a sick cat ? How to do it, Good Readers can read Angora's explanation below..

Read to Angora's explanation below until the end so that it is not wrong in its application.


How To Take Care Of A Sick Persian Cat

Sick cats need proper care. This is very much needed by cats for the healing process and of course this treatment must be done by us the owner. There are several ways that we can do in caring for our beloved fur friend who is sick. Here are some ways to care for a sick cat :

1. Treating Cats

The first is to treat Persian cats by treating them. The name of the cat is sick of course need treatment to treat the disease. Be it herbal or chemical medicine, one of the two must be given to a cat who is sick.

By treating the cat, it will increase the cat's potential to recover faster. Can you treat a sick cat without having to give him medicine? It will be difficult to make a cat recover without treating it.

The probability of a cat recovering without medication is only 30% percent for cases of a sick cat with a severe type of disease. However, for mild disease, some cats can recover on their own. Even then, with a note that the cat has a very strong immune system.

To get medicine that suits the type of disease, it is recommended for you to take your cat to the vet for treatment. You can also buy medicine at the pet shop and treat your cat independently at home if the cat's illness is a minor illness such as intestinal worms, fever and the like.


2. Provide A Warm Place

A sick Persian cat will usually spend more time sleeping. This cat does because the cat feels unwell and feels sick. Not only that, sick cats often go to wet places to sleep. As owners we can't let pet cats do this. Because this can actually make the condition of the cat's disease worse.

When we see this we should ban the cat and move it to a warmer and cleaner place. Provide a warm bed for the cat and let the cat sleep in it. By sleeping in a warm place, this can help the cat in the healing process, especially for types of diseases such as flu, fever, calici and the like.


3. Giving Cat Food

Feeding is important for cats, especially for Persian cats who are sick. Without food, a sick cat will be weak, powerless and unable to fight the disease. You can give cat food every hour by using a syringe.

Feeding once an hour is intended so that when we feed the cat, the cat does not lose much energy due to rebellion. In addition, this method will greatly facilitate you to ensure that cat food can be digested properly.

This can also allow the cat to eat in regular portion sizes, although feedings must be repeated every hour or two. For the type of food used, you should use wet food.

This type of food is very easy to give to cats because the food is smooth and soft so that the cat does not really need to chew it and can swallow food immediately. So when the cat is sick, it is obligatory for us to give the cat food. If the cat does not want to eat then give it forcibly using a syringe.


4. Cleaning The Cat's Body

When a Persian cat is sick, it will be reluctant to take care of its body. In certain types of diseases such as flu, calici and inflammation of the mouth, it often causes certain areas such as the mouth, nose and eye area to become dirty.

Not only dirty, the accumulated liquid will also cause a foul odor. This will also make the cat uncomfortable, difficult to breathe, impaired vision and a bitter taste in the tongue every time the cat eats or drinks.

When we feel the cat's body parts feel dirty, clean the area. Clean using a clean cloth that has been dampened first. Gently rub the dirty area slowly until the area is clean

Do this every time we see a dirty part of the sick cat's body. Oh ya, after the cat urinates, also clean the cat's body.


5. Giving The Cat A Drink

Giving a sick Persian cat a drink is no less important than feeding a cat, especially a cat suffering from a fever due to dehydration. Give your cat a drink every hour or every two hour. You can use a syringe or a special bottle for cat drinking.

Give it a drink after you feed the cat. Before giving the cat a drink, make sure that the drink you want to give is boiled water. Giving boiled water as a cat to drink in order to keep the cat from being infected with parasites as well as for the recovery and health of the cat.


6. Help The Cat Pee

A sick Persian cat will find it difficult to move, so sometimes the cat needs to be helped in moving, especially when the cat is about to urinate. How do we know if a cat is going to pee ? The easy way is to predict where the cat will walk.

If you see a cat trying to walk towards the litter box, it means the cat wants to pee. When you're sure your cat is going to pee, you can help ease her stride by lifting her to her destination. If the cat is still able to walk, then there is no problem letting the cat walk alone using both legs.


7. Watching Cats

The last thing is to keep an eye on the condition of the Persian cat. Keep an eye on your cat's health condition. If the cat's condition improves then continue to apply the tips above but if the cat's condition worsens then you should immediately take the cat to the vet for emergency treatment.


Those are some ways to care for a sick Persian cat. Hopefully this article can help you understand how to properly care for Persian cats so that your cat will get well soon.

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