
6 Reasons Why Cats Suddenly Sleep With Us Human

Have you ever been a cat lover who used to sleep alone then suddenly when he woke up there was our beloved cat sleeping with us. Surely many of us cat lovers have experienced this, even Angora himself has also experienced it.


why Do Cats Sleep Wiith Humans

This happened not just once but over and over again. For some cat owners, this is a unique and surprising thing, especially for cat owners whose cats are very indifferent and reluctant to be spoiled by their owners.

Why did the cat that didn't want to sleep with us suddenly sleep with us? Is there a specific reason that makes cats do this? For those of you who are curious about this, you can read anggora explanation below until the end to find out.


Reasons Cats Don't Like to Sleep Near Humans

As we know most cats really don't like sleeping with humans even though humans themselves are the owners who have always taken good care of them. Although there are cats who like to sleep with humans at least only a few are counted.

Actually there are many reasons why cats do not like to sleep close to humans. Some of the reasons cats do not like to sleep with humans include :

  • Past trauma

  • Human snoring is very scary and disturbing for some cats

  • Cats feel that the mattress is too warm plus a human hug that can make the body temperature feel warmer, this will make the cat so hot that it can't sleep

  • Cats don't like the smell of a sleeping human

  • The place to sleep is too smelly or too fragrant so that it feels very piercing for a cat's sharp sense of smell

  • Cats are afraid of being crushed by humans whose sleep moves to and fro carelessly

  • Cats are afraid of being kicked or accidentally hit by a sleeping human


Then Why Do Cats Suddenly Want To Sleep With Us A Human ?

After reading the reasons why cats don't like sleeping with humans in the discussion above, we now understand why cats don't want to sleep with us. Then why does the cat suddenly want to sleep with us ? This of course has a reason.

Based on Angora's own knowledge, there are several things that might be the cause of cats suddenly sleeping with us. So, the reasons are :

1. Cats Start To Like You

Cats start to like you as their owner. Not only like you, cats also don't feel bothered by the smell caused by your body or the smell of your bed. Cats think the smell is a normal smell and don't hate it at all.

Because of this, cats can feel comfortable and happy to sleep with us.


2. The Place Where You Sleep Is The Cat's Favorite Place To Sleep

The second reason is that you sleep in their favorite place so that the cat is forced to sleep with you. So when a cat suddenly sleeps next to you, don't think that cat likes you, because it could be that cat only sleeps with you because it is his favorite bed.


3. The Air Temperature Is Too Cold

The next cause is the air temperature is too cold. Although cats have thick fur, especially race cats like Persians whose fur is 2 times thicker than that of local cats. Still cats can experience a cold. When the cat feels the air is too cold, the cat will look for a warm place or gather close to other cats to warm each other.

Because it happens that in your house the warmest place is where you are sleeping and there are no other cats in the house besides your pet cat, the cat will decide to sleep where you sleep and be close to you so that its body gets warm again.


4. Feel Safe And Comfortable

When a cat sleeps with you, it is likely that the cat feels safe and comfortable sleeping near you. Because if the cat is with you, he doesn't have to worry anymore if an enemy ( its natural predator ) attacks or is disturbed by bad people.

Apart from being safe, another reason why cats sleep with us is because cats feel comfortable sleeping near people who love them.


5. Cats Are In Heat

Cats that are in heat will usually be more spoiled than usual but this spoiled attitude will only be owned by a female cat that is in heat. As for male cats, cats will not have this spoiled attitude.

A male cat who is in lust will prefer to wander out of the house compared to being pampered and staying at home. When your female cat is in heat, it is likely that the cat likes to sleep near you who are fast asleep.


6. Signs Cats Will Leave Us

This one is a bit rare but does not rule out the possibility that it will happen to our beloved cat. When a cat that used to be very indifferent to us then suddenly becomes very spoiled and often suddenly sleeps with or near us, this could be a sign that the cat will leave.

Cats can go away or leave this world. This is not a nonsense opinion because Angora herself has experienced it. Once upon a time, one of my cats who had been very indifferent suddenly became very kind and spoiled.

This cat often asks to be petted and sleeps near me. At first I thought that there was nothing strange about the cat's behavior but after a few days I finally realized that the cat was acting like that because he was going to leave me.

Because after a few days later I found the cat was dead drowned in a neighbor's well. So, if the cat's attitude changes and suddenly it is always spoiled and wants to sleep with us. That means the cat wants to say goodbye and wants to be pampered with its owner one last time.

Always take good care of your cat and love your pet cat every day so you won't regret later when your cat suddenly leaves you.


Cats Sleep With Us, What Should We Do ?

All we do is let the cat sleep near us. Or if we want to move out of bed, try at least to move carefully and remove the cat from our body slowly so as not to disturb the cat's sleep and wake him up.


Maybe that's all the discussion about the reason why cats suddenly sleep with us. With this article, I hope you can understand this. And add your insight and can be useful for you.

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