
10 Characteristics Of Sick Persian Cats That You Must Know

Like other pets, Persian cats can get sick too. But knowing whether a cat is sick or not, is not as easy as we think because cats are very good at hiding their illness and pain.


Characteristics Of Sick Persian Cats

Especially for those of you who have just kept a cat and happen to be sick, it will be very difficult for you to realize that a cat is sick or not if you yourself do not know at all what the characteristics of a sick cat are.

That's why it's important for us to know what the characteristics of our Persian cat are sick. In this article, Angora will discuss some of the characteristics that are usually found in Persian cats who are sick.

Read carefully to Angora's explanation below until the end, Good Readers, so that you really understand this.


10 Characteristics Of Sick Persian Cats

Most cats will generally show certain characteristics when they are sick. This also applies to Persian cats who are sick. From looking at these signs we can tell if our beloved fur friend is sick. Some of the characteristics or signs of a sick Persian cat are as :

1. Changes In Cat Behavior

When a Persian cat is sick there is often a change in the cat's behavior. Starting from a cat that used to be active to be lazy, a cat that used to love to play now sleeps more often, a cat that is greedy to eat now doesn't want to eat and other changes.

Cats who experience changes in behavior like this can be sure the cat is sick. But this does not apply to cats who are pregnant because pregnant cats can also have some of the above characteristics in the early stages of pregnancy or when the cat's gestational age is quite old.


2. Cat's Eyes Look Empty, Glazed Or Covered With Tertia Membranes

The second characteristic is that the eyes of a sick Persian cat look empty, glazed or covered with a tertia membrane. For those of you who don't know what the tertia membrane is, the tertia membrane is a white membrane on the side of the eye close to the nose whose function is to protect the eye from dust, foreign objects, etc.

The cat's eyes that look empty are usually the result of the cat feeling uncomfortable and holding back the pain caused by certain diseases.


3. Cat's Eyes Look Empty

A sick Persian cat will usually have a blank look in his eyes. If you see your cat is daydreaming and his eyes look blank as if he has no spirit for life, then chances are your Persian cat is sick. Not only empty, Persian cats who are sick sometimes have droopy eyes or sleepy eyes and sometimes they are also partially covered by a tertia membrane ( white membrane ).


4. Persian Cats Lose Their Appetite

The next characteristic of a sick Persian cat is the cat's loss of appetite. The loss of appetite for Persian cats is caused by the pain and discomfort that the cat feels. Most common diseases often cause Persian cats to lose their appetite.

One example is gingivitis, IUI disease will make cats lazy to eat and only want to drink. Although most diseases make cats lose their appetite, there are some that make the cat's appetite increase. Diseases such as intestinal worms are examples of diseases that make a cat's appetite increase.

Cats suffering from intestinal worms will usually become very greedy, belly fat but the body is getting thinner, diarrhea and sleep more often.


5. Persian Cats Drink More Often

When a Persian cat is sick, it will not eat at all and will drink more often. Cats do this not because they are thirsty but to keep their bodies energized and to fill their stomachs so they are not empty.

If the cat is not treated immediately, it is feared that over time the cat will become thinner, it is difficult to walk and even the cat can die.


6. Visible Signs Of Physical Disease

A sick Persian cat will of course have visible signs of physical illness. Signs of this physical disease will be in certain areas according to the type of disease. For example, cats with skin diseases such as scabies will usually have physical signs of disease in the form of crusty skin accompanied by fungus.

Cats who experience mild poisoning will usually show physical signs such as foaming at the cat's mouth, the cat staggering. Meanwhile, cats who are severely poisoned will usually lie weak and even have convulsions.

And there are many other diseases that have certain physical characteristics or signs. If you are experienced and observant to see the condition of the cat's body then you will easily find it and can quickly conclude what disease is suffering from our fur friend.


7. Persian Cats Like To Be Alone

Although sometimes Persian cats do like to be alone, if most of their time is spent alone, they don't even want to eat when it's time to eat, then this is a sign of a sick Persian cat.

Cats who like to spend time alone are usually because they feel uncomfortable with humans around them and don't want to let their owners know that they are sick


8. Cats Often Sleep In Wet Or Warm Places

The eighth characteristic of a sick Persian cat is that the cat will prefer to sleep in wet or warm places. Places such as toilets, bathrooms, wet ground, above hot electronic devices will become a cat's favorite place when sick.

When the cat does not want to eat at all, sleeps more often and likes to sleep in the places Angora mentioned above, you can be sure that your Persian cat is in an unhealthy condition.


9. Cat's Body Looks Thinner

Just like humans, cats who are sick over time will experience shrinkage and become thin. This happens because the cat does not want to eat so the body does not get the nutritional needs so that the cat's body will take nutrients from its body fat.


10. Cat's Body Looks Unkempt

The last characteristic of a sick Persian cat is that the cat's body looks increasingly unkempt. This is because the cat who used to love to lick his body to clean himself now prefers to sleep because he feels his body hurts.

Cats that used to look beautiful and have beautiful and clean fur, if not treated immediately, gradually the cat's body will look ugly, dirty, smelly and disgusting. So, if your cat looks unkempt over time, you can be sure the cat is sick.


If The Cat Is Sick What Should We Do ?

Of course what we have to do is treat the cat. Treatment for cats we can do independently at home or ask for help by more skilled and experienced people such as veterinarians. For self-medication at home, it can be done to treat minor ailments experienced by cats, such as diarrhea, flu and the like.

Meanwhile, for the disease that is classified as severe, treatment should be done by a veterinarian.


That's a discussion about the characteristics of a sick Persian cat and what actions we should take when a Persian cat is sick. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfactory answer.

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