
How Long Does It Take For A New Cat And An Old Cat To Get Along ?

Keeping many cats at once does look fun, that's why many of us who already have one cat then want to add back pet cat by adopting another cat. Apart from being fun, cat lovers also have other reasons why they want to adopt another cat at home.


How Long Does It Take For A New Cat And An Old Cat To Get Along

The reason is because they want the cat at home not to be lonely and have friends and also to mate the cat. Another reason is to add variety to the breed of cat at home or to want a crowded house so that we don't feel lonely if we live alone.

But whatever the reason, keeping many cats at once is not a negative thing as long as we are able to take good care of cats. When we just adopt a cat, of course there will be a problem that we will face.

One of them is that newly adopted cats often fight with cats that we have kept at home for a long time. To solve this problem and make your cat get along, you can read Angora explanation below.


How To Make Old And New Cats Get Along ?

Even though the old cat and the new cat seem difficult to get along, you can still make your two cats get along in a certain way. The method is quite easy, according to Anggora, it's just that getting cats to get along with each other takes a rather long process and time.

The trick is enough for the two cats to roam freely in the house. Let the cats get to know each other. Make cats always eat together or drink in the same place. If the cat is fighting, let it be as long as the cats are only arguing with each other and not clawing at each other.

But if the cats are clawing at each other, separate them and take care of the oppressed cat. When the bullied cat has calmed down and is not afraid, let him roam again. Do the same thing over and over again and make sure the oppressed cat doesn't run away from the house.

Because if this happens, most likely the runaway cat will not come home again because he is afraid. Usually by using this method and once the cats get used to each other the cats will get along and will not fight again at all.


Is The Way Above Really Effective ?

The above method is very effective in getting cats to get along with each other. It's just that getting the cat to really get along takes a rather long process and time. Oh yes, the method above is only effective on the condition that :

  • The cat you want to get along with is not a adult male cat

  • The cat you want to get along with is a cat of a different gender

  • The cat that you want to get along with is not a cat that is in heat, because a cat in heat tends to be more aggressive towards the same sex.

  • The cat that you want to get along with is a cat that has both been sterilized


Are There Other Ways To Get Cats To Get Along ?

There seems to be no other way than the method above and there is no instant way that we can do to make cats who don't know each other get along with each other. The only way to get the cat to get along is the method above and even then it will take a little longer to work.


Then How Long Does The New Cat And Old Cat Get Along ?

Now by using the method above, it takes a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 2 months so that the newly adopted cat gets along with the old cat we keep at home. Angora itself took about a month to make these two cats get along.

When it has not reached a minimum of 1 or a maximum of 2 months, then continue to do the above methods every day. Indeed, at first the above method does not seem successful or effective, but over time the cats will become familiar with each other.

So, don't despair when you feel that the above method is not useful at all because to get the results it takes a rather long process and time.


It's Been A Month The Cat Still Doesn't Get Along ?

I've applied the above method or 8 ways to make cats get along but why do cats still don't get along even when it's been a month since I applied these methods. If a month passes try to do it up to 2 months.

Then if the cat still doesn't get along after 2 months, there may be some conditions that are not met, for example the cat you want to get along with is a adult male cat that has not been sterilized, the cat you want to get along with is a cat that is in heat.

If so then it's impossible to get the cats to get along with each other. If you want to get your cat to get along then you must sterilize your cat so that your cat does not enter a period of lust and so that the cat becomes friendly even to cats of the same sex.


That's a discussion about how to get an old cat and a new cat to get along and some questions related to it. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfactory answer.

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