
5 Causes Cats Are Frightened Like Seeing Something

Generally, a cat will run away in fear when he sees something that scares him. The things that make cats afraid can be people, animals or objects or other things that in the cat's eyes look scary and threatening.


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But sometimes a frightened cat seems to see something we can't see. Maybe some of you have a cat that suddenly runs away in fear as if he saw something. Well, when you check what the cat saw until he was scared like that, it turned out that there was nothing there.

This of course makes us cat owners wonder. Actually why the cat is acting weird like that and what the hell did the cat see that made him so scared. For those of you who are curious to know what the causes are, you can see Angora's writing below to find out.


5 Causes Cats Are Frightened Like Seeing Something

For us cat lovers, of course, we often catch our cats being scared. When the cat is frightened, the cat's eyes continue to look in a certain direction as if the cat saw something. When we see a cat acting like this as an owner of course we are curious about what the cat is seeing.

But when we look in the direction that the cat is looking at, there is absolutely nothing or empty. So what makes cats scared ? Here are some of the causes :

1. Ghost

The first reason why cats are scared when there is nothing they can see is that cats actually see ghosts or spirits. Cats see ghosts that are terrible so that the cat feels scared. 

Another reason is that cats are disturbed or bullied by ghosts so that cats feel uncomfortable, disturbed and also afraid. So when the cat looks at the empty room continuously and looks scared, it could be that the cat is seeing a ghost.


2. Cats See Other Animals

Another reason is that cats see other animals. These animals can be cats, dogs, snakes, large lizards, monkeys or the like. Cats who feel there are other animals around which are naturally considered a threat by instinct will make the cat feel scared.

Cats who see these animals will run away in fear and then hide while continuously looking at the direction the animal is located. The reason why we don't see what he saw is probably because the animal he thought was an enemy was far away or had already left.

Angora knows this because once one of my cats was frightened as if he was seeing something terrible. I rushed out of the house and found out what the cat was really looking at. At first I didn't see anything in front of the house which was someone else's palm oil field.

When I was about to enter the house I heard a creaking sound, this sound was caused by a swaying palm branch. There I saw a monkey jumping to and fro. From this I concluded that this cat was not scared because he saw an object that didn't look like a ghost, but he was scared to see monkeys roaming in front of the house.


3. Cats Hear Scary Sounds

Not only because they see other animals, cats can get scared when they hear certain sounds. Maybe our cat is scared and seems to see something not because he sees something but because he hears something.

For example, when there is the sound of a chainsaw around the house, cats often run away in fear when they first hear the sound. Now this scared cat then runs or hides while looking outside the house to find the source of the sound.

Often we who witness this think that cats are scared because they see something but in reality that is not the case. Cats are simply afraid of the sound and wonder where the sound is actually coming from.


4. Cats See Strange Things

The fourth cause is that cats are afraid when they see objects that they feel are strange. Examples of these strange objects include remote control car toys, drones, toy cellphones and similar children's toys.

When there are other children who play with these toys which can move on their own and can make sounds, some cats will be frightened when the person carrying the toy or moving toy is near them.

After the children who brought the toy or toy moved away, the cat who had been afraid would see the situation outside whether the situation was safe or not. When the cat examines the situation, it is in this moment that we see the cat being frightened as if he saw something that doesn't exist.


5. Cats See Children Age 7 and Under

Most cats are afraid of small children ( under 7 years old ) who play outside. From what Anggora himself thought that cats were afraid because the children often chased the cats, they also often shouted joy when they saw cats.

At a young and innocent age, it is natural for these children to scream and want to hold animals that they find cute and funny. But for cats, they are one type of human that they are very afraid of, their sound alone is enough to make the cat run.

That's often why sometimes we see scared cats like they've just seen something terrible but upon inspection it turns out that there's nothing there but small children playing.

Oh yes, for local cats, it seems that they are not so afraid of toddlers or children aged 7 years and over in the house. This is because maybe they are used to it and already assume that these children are part of their own family members.


Maybe those are just some of the reasons why our cats are afraid of seeing something. With this article, hopefully now you will know that your cat is not afraid without obvious reasons, but the cat is afraid because there are things that make him afraid.

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