
How Many Months Persian Cats Pregnant ? Here's The Answer !

Persian cat is a cat breed originating from Iran and Turkey. This type of cat is identical to its short body, round face, small and close ears and the most prominent of which is its fairly flat nose. Just like other cats, this cat breed can also get pregnant and then give birth.


How Many Months Persian Cat Pregnant

Only there is one difference, namely Persian cats can only get pregnant when they are over 10 months old. Indeed, some Persian cats can get pregnant under the age of 10 months but this pregnancy is considered unsafe and often results in the death of the kittens that are born.

Even not only cause the death of the kitten, the death of the mother cat can also occur. Talking about cat pregnancy, maybe many of us don't know how long a cat is pregnant, especially Persian cat pregnancy. So, to find out, Good Readers, you can read Angora explanaton below.


How Many Months Persian Cat Pregnant ?

When our beloved Persian cat is pregnant, many of us will be wondering when the cat will give birth or how long the Persian cat will be pregnant. This question arises perhaps because we can't wait to have a new family member at home.

This is like a grandfather who can't wait to have grandchildren. Actually, the length of pregnancy for Persian cats is the same as the length of pregnancy for local cats or other types of cat pregnancies, which is about 2 months. More precisely about 63-67 days.

After the cat's womb is more than 2 months old, the Persian cat will give birth and then enter the next stage of development, namely the breastfeeding stage. This stage also has the same period as the period of pregnancy which is about 2 months too.

Cats will continue to nurse their kittens until the kittens are weaned and can eat other foods besides breast milk.


Characteristics Of Persian Cats Are Pregnant

Often many of us cat lovers mistakenly think that the cat is pregnant when in fact the cat is not pregnant but is only getting fatter. To avoid this mistake, it is necessary for us to know certain characteristics between pregnant and fat Persian cats.

Persian cats who are pregnant usually show some of the following characteristics :

  • The cat is very very spoiled

  • Often snores when we rub his body or he rubs his body against us

  • The cat's belly is getting bigger and bigger

  • Cats eat more than ever

  • Cats sometimes throw up

  • Nipples change color

  • Become a bit less active

  • Getting to sleep more often


Can Pregnant Persian Cats Be Batheed ?

Of course you can, it's just that when bathing a cat we have to be more careful and there are some important things that we must pay attention to. The first important thing that we must pay attention to is that we should only bathe Persian cats whose gestational age is still young.

Because Persian cats who are pregnant are very risky to be bathed. This is because the stress level of older pregnant cats is higher when compared to cats with young pregnancies. This can make the cat very panicked when bathed.

It is feared that if an old pregnant cat is forcibly bathed, the cat can be very rebellious and can make the cat's stomach accidentally bump so that it can put the future baby in danger. So, it's best to bathe a pregnant Persian cat while the cat is still in its early stages of pregnancy.

The second important thing is how to bathe. How to bathe a pregnant Persian cat is quite easy. The method is the same as how to bathe a normal cat. The most important thing in bathing a cat is that we must bathe the cat slowly and carefully.

Then what about the cat who is pregnant is already above 1 month ? How do we bathe it ? For this cat, it is better not to bathe the cat in the usual way. Simply clean the cat's body using a clean cloth that has been moistened with water.

Then clean the dirty body parts with a damp cloth earlier. After the cat's body feels clean enough, then clean the cat's body to dry using a dryer such as a hair dryer.


When Persian Cats Are Pregnant What Should We Do ?

There are many things we can do for our pregnant Persian cat so that the cat is always healthy and can give birth safely in the future. Some of the things we can do include :

  • Bathing the cat

  • Ensuring that you have enough food and drink

  • Ensuring daily nutritional needs are met

  • Monitor cat's health condition

  • Keeping the cat safe from any movement that can harm him and the fetus in his womb

  • Keep cats from eating or drinking carelessly

  • Immediately take the cat to the vet if you feel something is wrong with the cat's health condition


If A Pregnant Cat Gets Sick What Should We Do ?

Cats who are pregnant have lower immunity when compared to cats that are not pregnant, this makes pregnant cats more susceptible to getting sick. Taking the cat to the vet is the best solution or action we can take if the cat is sick.

Because if not, this might threaten the safety of the cat and the child that is in the womb. The sooner we take the cat for treatment, the better it is for the health of the mother and fetus.


Maybe that's all the discussion about how many months the Persian cat is pregnant. With this article, hopefully it can let you know how long your Persian cat's pregnancy is and things related to Persian cat pregnancy

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