
5 Main Reasons Why Cat CaninesTeeth Broken

Just like humans, cats can have problems with their teeth. Some of the problems that often occur in cats include dislodged teeth, gingivitis, plaque and tartar, broken teeth and other similar problems.


Cat Canine Teeth Broken


Therefore it is difficult for us to know that a cat has a problem with his teeth unless we take care of his teeth regularly. Speaking of dental problems, has your cat ever had a broken canine ? If yes then what is the cause ?

Of course, many of us are curious to know why something like this can happen to your favorite fur friend's teeth. According to Anggora, there are certain things that trigger the fracture of canine teeth in cats.

What are the triggers for broken canines, Good Readers can find out by reading to the end of Angora's explanation below.


5 Main Causes Why Cat's Canines Are Broken

Cats that lose their canines due to fracture will have difficulty hunting their prey. Because cats lose the ability to pounce and hold their prey due to losing their canines teeth.

Not only that, losing one of its canines will also make it difficult for the cat to eat its food and cause uncomfortable feelings for the cat when he is eating.

As Angora has explained above, there are several things that might be the main cause of breaking a cat's tooth. Below are some of the causes of broken canines :

1. Cat's Canine Teeth Will Change To New Teeth

Maybe your cat's teeth are not just broken but fall out. Look again at the cat's canines, if the canines don't break, they fall off then this could be a sign that your cat's teeth are about to change to new canines.

The canines that fell out were probably temporary teeth, so when the cat reaches a certain age, these teeth will fall out on their own. The dislodged or loose canines are then replaced by permanent canines.

The replacement of canines with permanent canines usually occurs in cats who have reached the age of 5 to 6 months. When a cat's canine teeth change into permanent canines and then fall out again, these teeth will not grow again in the future.


2. Tartar

Tartar is generally often experienced by local cats. Cat food such as dry food is the cause of tartar in cats. The remaining dry food that is not cleaned by the cat's tongue will settle between the teeth.

This causes the formation of tartar on the cat's teeth. So what does tartar have to do with broken canines ? Canine teeth can be easily broken because of the buildup of tartar in the teeth which makes the teeth porous and loses their strength.

But this tooth will not break by itself. Cats biting bones, mouth injuries, eating foreign objects are other supporting causes that make the cat's canines break which has been porous due to tartar buildup.


3. Weak Cat Teeth

One of the causes of broken canines is the weakness of the cat's teeth. Weak cat teeth are the result of a lack of care for cat teeth. Not only makes teeth weak, lack of care can also weaken the jaw that supports the teeth.

Therefore, as people who keep cats, it is important for us to brush the cat's teeth and carry out regular checks related to the condition of the cat's mouth and teeth to the nearest veterinarian. You can check your cat's mouth and teeth to the vet once a month.


4. Impact Of Blunt Objects

The fourth reason why a cat's canine can break is due to an injury caused by a blunt object that injures the mouth and then affects the cat's teeth. The impact of this object can make the cat's teeth shake, break teeth and even shift the cat's jaw.

Injuries to the mouth that damage teeth are often due to the cat's own fault, but it is possible that this may be due to external factors such as errors by irresponsible persons. Generally cat mouth injuries are the result of :

  • The cat plays and then hits a wall or iron fence

  • Cats fall from heights such as falling from stairs, roofs or parapets and other high areas

  • Cat hit by motorbike

  • The cat was hit by an irresponsible person with a blunt object

  • Getting injured while fighting with other cats


5. Cats Eat Hard Objects

Cats are animals that have a high curiosity. That is why when the cat is playing, it is not uncommon for the cat to bite and try to chew foreign objects such as rubber, wood, plastic balls and the like.

When a cat's teeth are not strong enough or have problems with his teeth then he eats hard objects. Then we can imagine what will happen to the cat's teeth. Yes, a cat's teeth will break, including the canines.

In addition to a high sense of curiosity, Pica behavior ( Eating Disorder ) can also be the main reason for cats to eat hard objects or other objects that are not included in the food group. So, as much as possible, prevent your cat from eating hard objects, especially objects that you don't recognize.

Because the object could have been contaminated with harmful microorganisms or contaminated with toxic substances.


Broken Cat Canine Teeth, How To Overcome It ?

The fix is ​​quite easy, you just need to take the cat to the vet. The doctor will examine the condition of the cat's teeth. If the broken tooth does not cause serious problems for the cat's gums and mouth, then it is right to leave the remaining cat fragments that are still attached to the gums.

But if the rest of the fracture stuck in the gums makes the cat feel uncomfortable and painful then the only way that can be taken by the doctor is to remove the tooth that has been broken earlier. The doctor will also give certain drugs to suppress the pain and are useful for the cat's recovery.

Even though the cat has lost its teeth, you don't need to worry because the cat will still be able to eat as usual.

Maybe that's all the discussion about the main causes of cat canine teeth can be broken and how to overcome them. With this article, I hope you can find out why your cat's teeth are broken and what actions must be taken when this happens

And add insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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