
6 Unique Thing About Cat Teeth And How Many Teeth Do A Cat Have

Many of us may like to keep cats. The reason may be that this one animal is very tame and very easy to care for. Another reason is because cats are cute animals that behave cute and adorable. Talking about cats, of course we know that cats are carnivores ( meat eaters ).


How Many Teeth Do A Cat Have


That is why this one animal has sharp fangs and strong teeth to tear and chew its food. Although cats are classified as carnivores, cats are not so savage and do not like to hurt humans. Most cats actually have a friendly attitude and are very docile, this is in contrast to their order which is a Carnivorous animal.

There are so many things about cats that are interesting to discuss, one of which is about cat teeth. On this occasion, Angora will discuss the uniqueness of cat teeth and their number. Read until the end, Good Reader.


The Uniqueness of Cat Teeth

Cats are carnivores. Therefore cats have sharp and strong fangs and teeth. In addition, it turns out that cats also have certain uniqueness that makes their teeth much different when compared to human teeth. Here are some unique things about cat teeth :

1. Cat Teeth Designed For Hunting

Cat teeth look like inverted crowns. This form is the true tooth shape of carnivorous animals. The cat's teeth are designed in such a way by the creator to make it easier for cats to hunt their prey. An example is the cat's sibling, the tiger.

When the jungle cat hunts, the cat will catch its prey using its claws and then paralyze and kill the prey using its teeth. Then he will tear the flesh and skin of his enemy with his fangs and use his other teeth to cut and chew his food in his mouth so that it can easily pass through the throat and food is easily digested by the digestive organs.


2. Cat Teeth Have Their Own Functions

We must have seen cat teeth. Each tooth has a different shape. There are sharp and large and there are also small and blunt teeth that are located between the sharp teeth. These teeth have their respective uses. For example, canines are used for hunting and tearing food.

While the cat's small teeth are used by cats to bite something. Not only that, these small teeth are often used by cats to clean their nails, pull out the part of the nail that starts to come off and bite the skin on their body that they feel itchy.


3. Cat's Teeth Will Never Have Cavities

Cat teeth will never have cavities like what is experienced by humans and dogs. This is because cat teeth do not have an occlusal table ( horizontal surface ) on their teeth. So that the cat's teeth will not develop carious lesions.

That's why a cat's teeth will never have cavities. Until now there has never been a case of a domestic cat experiencing cavities. The problem of cavities is only found in cat fossils from the 13th century.

Even though a cat's teeth will never have cavities, that doesn't mean the cat won't have dental and oral problems. Cats can also develop toothaches, gingivitis, gingivostomatitis and oral cancer. Not only that, cats are also prone to tooth resorption. When a cat experiences tooth resorption, the vet will tend to recommend that the cat's teeth be extracted.


4. Even Though The Tooth Is Pulled Out, The Cat Can Still Eat

Don't worry if your cat is forced to have its teeth removed by a veterinarian. Because the cat can still eat normally even though he has lost some or all of his teeth. Cats will still be able to eat foods such as wet food or dry food.

It's better for a cat to lose its teeth than for a cat to suffer the painful pain of a tooth problem


5. Cats Never Look Like Toothache

Cats are the type of animal that likes to hide pain. When a cat has a toothache, it will be difficult for us to find signs or symptoms of a cat experiencing a problem or disease in his teeth. It is important for us to be diligent in paying attention to bad breath, changes in saliva, gums and cat appetite and the cat's breathing rate.

When we feel something strange or odd happen, we should immediately take the cat to the veterinarian to immediately get the right treatment.


6. Cat And Human Teeth Have Something In Common

The shape of the cat's teeth when we look closely has a different shape when compared to human teeth. But cats and humans have something in common, namely that they are both diphyodont creatures.

Diphyodont creatures that have two consecutive pairs of teeth. The first pair is the pair of milk and primary teeth that will fall out when they are young, while the other pair of teeth are permanent teeth.

Although both have 2 pairs of teeth, cat teeth grow and change faster than human teeth. Cats will have baby teeth by the time they are 2 weeks old. When a cat is 3 months old, all baby teeth will fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth.


So How Many Cat Teeth Do Cat Have ?

How many cat teeth do you have? This one question may have been implied in our minds as cat lovers or people who are only interested in cats. Not only adults, sometimes even children often think and ask similar questions.

How many cat teeth do cat actually have? There are 30 cat teeth for adult cats while for kittens there are usually 26 teeth. Simply put, 26 baby teeth and 30 permanent teeth. If you compare the number of cat teeth with human teeth, there are more adult human teeth than adult cat teeth, which is about 32 permanent teeth. While dogs have 42 permanent teeth in adult dogs.


How to Take Care Of Cat Teeth ?

Caring for cat teeth is quite easy, you only need to brush them once a day. When brushing your cat's teeth, you should use a special cat toothbrush to make it easier for you to brush your cat's teeth. Don't forget to also use toothpaste specifically for cats.

Brush the inside and outside of the cat's teeth slowly and gently so as not to injure the teeth and gums of our beloved fur friend. Brush once every day. That's the only way to care for cat teeth. Oh yes, when you feel that there is a problem with the cat's mouth and teeth, don't forget to take it to the vet to be checked and treated immediately.


Maybe that's all the discussion about the uniqueness of cat teeth and how many cat teeth are there. With this article, hopefully it can make you understand the advantages of cat teeth and how many cat teeth there are.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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