
7 Human Foods That Cats Can Eat

What can cats eat ? This question is often thought of by those of you who may have just had a cat. Because of course we also think that cats are the same as humans. Both have foods that can and cannot be eaten so that health is maintained. But unlike humans, cats have less food to eat than humans to eat.


Human Foods That Cats Can Eat


This is because cats are not omnivores like humans, cats are carnivorous animals. That is why most of the food that our beloved fur friends can eat is mostly obtained from animals. Then what are the foods that cats can eat that are not harmful and healthy for them ?

To find out, Good Readers, you can read article below until the end.


7 Human Foods That Cats Can Eat

Giving a cat food should not be done carelessly. Because it can be the cause of cats suffering from digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, bloody feces, poisoned cats and various other health problems.

That is why it is important for us to know what foods are good and can be given to cats. Some of the good foods that can be given to our pet cats include :

1. Fish

Of course we all know that cats really like fish and this food is a food that cats cannot refuse at all. Fish itself is rich in Omega 3 and rich in protein content. The protein itself is animal protein which is very good and very much needed by carnivorous animals such as cats.

While the omega-3 contained in it is very good for heart and kidney health. Although this one food can be given to a cat, the gift should not be given just like that. Fish should not be given raw to cats. Fish must be boiled thoroughly first and cooked without a mixture of spices.

Cooking fish until cooked aims to kill harmful bacteria and parasites in it. While not boiling fish with spices, it aims to prevent the cat from being poisoned by a certain mixture of spices.


2. Chicken

Another food besides fish that cats can eat is chicken. Chicken meat is one type of food that can be given and eaten by cats. Chicken meat is also rich in protein and vitamins. It contains multivitamins such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D and iron, calcium and magnesium.

Various nutritional content and animal protein contained in it will certainly make a healthy cat grow well. Similar to fish, chicken meat should not be given away without cooking it until it is cooked first. The reason is similar, namely to avoid cats being infected with harmful bacteria or parasites.


3. Eggs

Another food that can be given to cats is eggs. Eggs are a type of food that is rich in protein. Generally most cats like to eat the yolk but for the egg white itself some cats do not like it. Although eggs can be given to cats, egg whites themselves are not recommended to be given to cats.

Because in egg whites there are compounds that are able to bind B vitamins, which causes the cat to lack B vitamins which are very much needed by the cat's body. In contrast to egg whites, egg yolks themselves have many good benefits for cats.

One of the benefits of egg yolks if given to cats is that it can increase the cat's appetite.


4. Beef

The fourth is beef. Not only fish, beef is one of the cat's favorite foods. This is because beef has a delicious taste and a tantalizing smell. That's why every time a cat smells beef, the cat will race to the place where the smell comes from.

In addition to the delicious taste of beef, beef also turns out to contain many good nutrients. These contents include :

  • Water

  • Beta carotene

  • Riboflavin

  • Zinc

  • Retinol

  • Niacin

  • Iron

  • Copper

  • Thiami

  • Fat

  • Ash

  • Calcium

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Energy

  • Protein

  • Phosphor


Oh yes, before giving the cat beef, it is better to cook the beef thoroughly so that the bacteria and parasites in it die. Also so that the cat is safe to eat it. For this type of food, you should give it in the right portion.

Because giving a cat too much beef to eat can cause the cat to experience constipation and obesity ( overweight ).


5. Rice

Rice is a food that contains a lot of carbohydrates. Which carbohydrates are also needed by cats. Giving rice as cat food is not wrong and is not prohibited. It's just that giving rice to cats must be accompanied by a mixture of other foods such as fish, eggs, chicken and similar foods.

Why should it be combined with other foods? Because just giving rice without any other mixture, according to veterinary experts, is considered less healthy.


6. Vegetables

Even though cats are animals that like to eat meat, that doesn't mean you can't give them vegetables to eat. Giving your cat vegetables directly may be a bit impossible because most cats don't like them and don't want to eat them.

The only way to get your cat to eat vegetables is to mix the pureed vegetables with wet food or fish. Vegetables that are often given by catlovers to cats are carrots, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, kale, asparagus and broccoli.


7. Snack Or Cat Food

In addition to the 6 foods above, other foods that can be given to cats are snacks or special cat food. You can easily find this type of food at the nearest pet store or you can buy it through an online store. This type of food is food that is specially formulated for cats.

Generally, cat snacks or food contain protein, taurine and various multivitamins that are needed by the cat's body. This type of cat food also has many benefits such as:

  • Healthy body

  • Healthy cat eyes

  • Strengthens cat's bones and teeth

  • Good for fur

  • Control hairball

  • Reduces cat litter odor

  • Safe for cat's digestion

In the market, cat food is sold starting at 4 dollars for cat food with a size of 1 Kg. Cat food that is generally available in stores is 1 Kg, 3 Kg, 5 Kg and 10 Kg. Meanwhile for cat snacks the price varies and starts at 1 dollar.


That's an explanation of what foods can be eaten by cats. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand better about good food for your cat, add to your knowledge and can be useful for you.

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