
Can Cat Bites Cause Rabies ? Here's The Answer !

Rabies generally often infects animals such as dogs. But there are many rumors that even cats can be infected with rabies. Of course this rumor makes cat owners feel worried.


Can Cat Bites Cause Rabies


This is because cat owners will not be able to bear to see their cat suffer from rabies and feel sad to see their cat's condition when it happens. Cat owners will also be afraid if their favorite cat bites them and then transmits the infection to their owners.

It will be very ironic for us when we are bitten by a beloved cat who has always loved us and we have taken good care of it due to rabies. Apart from these reasons, another reason we want to get an answer to this question is in anticipation of something that is not wanted.

Then whether cats can really spreading rabies and whether cats can cause rabies in people who are bitten. To find out the answer, Good Readers can read below article until the end.


Can Cats Get Rabies ?

Generally, animals that are often infected with rabies are dogs, but not infrequently this deadly virus infects cats. When a cat is exposed to rabies, it usually goes through 3 certain stages. These stages include:

1. Visible Changes In Nature in Cats

This is marked by a major change in the nature of the cat. Cats who were calm, friendly and like to be pampered near us, now don't like being disturbed, angry and don't like being pampered. When this happens you must be vigilant and immediately check your cat to the vet.


2. Cats Become Grumpy And Like To Attack

The next stage of a cat infected with rabies is that the cat will become irritable and aggressive ( likes to attack ) towards people around him, including aggressive towards his master or owner. 


3. Paralyzed Cat

The final stage of a cat experiencing rabies is paralysis. At this stage the cat may suddenly faint and the cat may even die.


8 Characteristics Of Cats Affected By Rabies

After knowing that there are 3 stages that occur in cats, then you also need to know the characteristics of cats affected by rabies. By knowing the characteristics or signs of an infected cat, you can immediately take action when a cat is infected with rabies.

The characteristics of cats affected by rabies are generally as follows :

1. Cats Become Hydrophobic

When you hear the word cat, one thing that comes to mind about this animal is an animal that is afraid of water. Cats are indeed hydrophobic animals but this fear is still in a reasonable portion.

But with rabies, cats will become increasingly afraid and dislike water, including objects that resemble water ( liquid ). This fear is triggered by the pain felt by the cat when swallowing food and drinks such as water.


2. Cats Have Pica

Pica is a condition in which an animal or human has an eating disorder. This condition makes the patient will eat foreign objects or other objects that are not food. For example, the patient will eat hair, thread, plastic, soil and the like.

In cats with rabies, pica is one of the signs that indicate the cat has infected by this virus. Then what if the cat often licks cooking oil or eats his own child's feces ? For cats who often lick cooking oil then this is not pica and this is purely because of the cat's own interest.

Now for cats to eat their own child's feces is also a natural thing and is not classified as Pica. Cats only develop Pica disorder if they eat their own feces or other animal feces.


3. Cat Fever

When a cat has rabies, it will have a fever for a day or two day. Fever in cats is not as long as fever in dogs with rabies. The increase in the body temperature of a cat is also not as high as the increase in the body temperature of a dog infected with rabies.

Fever usually occurs in the early stages of a cat infected with rabies, followed by a change in the nature of the cat when the cat recovers from the fever.


4. Cats Have Trouble Eating Or Drinking

Another characteristic of a cat with rabies is that it is difficult for the cat to eat or drink. Because cats feel pain from swallowing food or drinking. The cat's appetite will decrease, especially when the infection has entered the second stage.


5. Cats Often Have Seizures

Not only occurs in poisoned cats, seizures are also common in cats suffering from rabies. When a infected cat experiences this, it means the cat has entered the second stage, the stage where the cat becomes angry and aggressive.

Cats often experience seizures due to the virus attacking the muscle and nervous system. Nerves that are usually attacked by this virus are usually motor, sensory, and peripheral nerves.


6. Cats Often Secrete Saliva

In addition to frequent seizures, cats infected with rabies will also often salivate. You must be wary of cat saliva because cat saliva can be a medium for the spread of rabies from cats to other animals or to humans.


7. Cats Get Grumpy

The cat's attitude change will occur in the second stage. At this stage the cat that was calm and friendly will look depressed, grumpy and unhappy when humans are around him. This grumpy attitude is usually accompanied by the cat's aggressive attitude towards humans.


8. Cats Paralyze Then Die

Paralysis is the final stage. Cats affected by rabies will usually experience paralysis after 7 days of being infected with this virus. Then after that the cat will go into a coma and then the cat will experience death.


Can Cat Bites Cause Rabies ?

Just like a dog bite. Cat bites can also cause rabies in humans. Not only the bite, cat saliva can also be a medium for the spread of rabies to other animals and to humans. Although cat bites can cause rabies in humans. It is limited only to cats infected by this rabies virus.

This is similar to the case of Toxoplasma which is only transmitted to humans if the cat itself is infected. For healthy and cats that not infected by rabies, they will not transmit rabies to humans even if we are bitten by our beloved fur cat.

When you feel that you have rabies from a dog or cat bite, you should immediately check yourself and seek help from the nearest doctor.


How To Prevent Infection With Rabies After Being Bitten By A Cat ?

After you are bitten by a cat and you are sure that the cat has rabies, the first step you need to do is don't panic and calm down. Then do the following steps so that you are not infected with this virus :

  • Clean the wound first with running water and soap

  • Give 70 percent alcohol to the affected area while cleaning the blood

  • Then stop the bleeding by pressing the wound with a clean cloth or towel

  • Then cover the wound with a clean cloth or sterile bandage

  • After that, go to the nearest hospital or health center for medical help and explain that you have just been bitten by a cat

  • The doctor will then provide treatment according to your condition


How To Prevent Your Pet Cat From Being Infected With Rabies ?

The best way to avoid getting rabies is to prevent yourself from being bitten by an animal that has rabies. That's why we must keep our cats healthy and free of rabies. The method is quite easy, you can follow the steps below :

  • Don't just keep a cat, first make sure the cat you are going to keep is a cat that is free from rabies

  • After you are sure your cat is free of rabies, then do the vaccination. Usually the first vaccination is done when the cat is 4 months old. Then the mandatory vaccine must be done once every year.

  • Make sure your cat is always in the yard area of ​​the house

  • Do not let your cat interact with other wild animals such as stray dogs or stray cats. Because interaction with infected wild animals is one of the main reasons why cats get rabies.

Maybe that's all the discussion about whether cats can cause rabies and how to prevent infection before medical action is taken. Hopefully this article will help you understand cat rabies and what to do when it happens.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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