
Can Choking Cat Recover By Itself ? Here's The Explanation!

Choking is not foreign to us nor is it foreign to cats. When a cat is choking, the cat will generally try to expel the trigger by regurgitating something he just ate.Choking in cats generally often occurs due to the provision of bones and spines as cat food.


Can Choking Cat Recover By Itself


This behavior is often done by those who have just kept cats or people who keep local cats. It's not without reason that they do this. The reason may be because of their ignorance or their lack of insight on how to properly maintain and care for cats.

When a cat chokes what should we do and can a choking cat recover on its own. Now to find out, you can read to Angora's explanation below. Listen to the end, Good Readers.


8 Causes Why Cats Can Choke

Before discussing the main topic, it's a good idea to discuss a little about the causes why cats can choke. This of course will relate to the answer to the question of whether a choking cat can recover on its own.

As just explained above, one of the causes of choking in cats is the provision of bones or thorns as food. In addition, there are many causes that make cats choke and vomit. Some of the causes include :

1. Cat Coughs Or Sneezes

Not only humans, cats can also have a cough or flu. If the cat is eating then suddenly coughs and sneeze then the cat will choke. Shortly after the cat chokes, the cat will vomit and then expel the food he just ate.


2. Cats Eat Bones Or Thorns

Cats who are not used to eating bones or thorns will usually choke when given thorns or bones. Choking can also occur in cats who are used to eating thorns or bones. Although bone is very good for the growth of bones and teeth of cats but you should not give it to cats.

Because if the cat is not able to eat the bones and thorns properly it can cause problems in the cat's body. Problems such as gingivitis, inflammation of the mouth, sore throat, problems with the digestive tract, bloody feces and others.

So, you should avoid giving your cat bones or thorns in order to maintain their health. To fulfill the calcium needed by cats, you can use dry cat food or wet cat food. Both types of food contain calcium and complete nutrients that are needed by the cat's body.


3. Cats Eat In A Hurry

Cats can also eat in a hurry. Cats that eat in a hurry are usually caused by :

  • The cat is too hungry

  • The food provided for cats is very catlike

  • The cat is about to leave immediately to continue the mating process

  • Cats are frightened by the presence of cats or other animals around them

  • There are other people who make him uncomfortable so hurry up to eat

Cats in a hurry can cause the cat to choke. When you feel that your cat is in a hurry to eat, you should immediately find out the cause and then find the right solution so that the cat does not choke on its own food.


4. Surprised Cat

Apart from being in a hurry, being surprised can also make a cat choke. Strange noises, sounds that are too loud, the presence of cats, other animals or humans suddenly in front of the cat can make cats choke and vomit their food.

Cats are surprised not only because they are afraid but also because cats are animals that are aware of their surroundings when they eat. When something suddenly appears near the cat, it is not uncommon for the cat to be surprised and then choke.

One example of a cat being surprised by the presence of something suddenly and a cat's high alertness when a cat is eating is a cat who is afraid of the cucumber that we bring him suddenly when he eats.

The presence of a cucumber that we bring near without the cat's knowledge makes the cat will be surprised and afraid because they think cucumber is a threat. If you don't want your cat to be surprised, it's best to let her eat quietly and don't disturb her.


5. Food Too Big

The fifth reason why cats choke is because the food to be eaten by the cat is too big for the size of the throat tract. As a result, the cat chokes because food is difficult to pass through the throat and makes the cat feel uncomfortable and there is something wrong with the throat.

Finally, the body will automatically try to overcome the problem by forcibly pushing the presence of the food so that the cat vomits.


6. Cats Eat Rice

This one happens when the cat eats rice. Just like cats eat bones or thorns, cats who are not used to eating rice can also feel choking. In local cats this is rare, but in purebred cats who usually eat cat food, choking on rice often occurs.


7. Cats Swallow Lots Of Food At Once

The seventh is the cat choking from swallowing too much food at once. Not because the cat is in too much of a hurry but maybe because the food we provide is food that cats really like. This behavior is also common in very very hungry cats and is also common in kittens who are starting to wean ( switching from drinking only milk to eating foods other than milk ).


8. Cats Eat Foreign Objects

Choking is also often caused by cats eating foreign objects. This behavior usually occurs due to the cat's curiosity about something. Apart from curiosity, Pica ( eating disorder ) is also one of the main reasons cats like to eat foreign objects that are not food.


Can A Choking Cat Recover On Its Own ?

A choking cat can recover on its own if the choking is a light choking. Like a cat in a hurry to eat, a cat eats rice and the like. But if the choking is the result of heavy choking such as thorns or bones then this choking will not heal or go away by itself.

This will only go away if the cause is vanished. If you feel you can't handle it yourself, then immediately ask for help from a veterinarian in your city. Of course this will drain your wallet quite a bit but it can easily get rid of the source of problems and diseases.

That's a discussion of some of the causes of cat choking and answers about whether a cat's choking can heal on its own. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfactory answer.

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