
What Age Can Kittens Walk ? Here Is The Answer !

Many of us have probably had a mother cat that just gave birth. Kittens that are born are cute and adorable kittens. With this cute kitten, many interesting things await us. One of them is watching kittens grow and breed.


What Age Can Kittens Walk


When a kitten can defecate on its own, when it can urinate on its own, when it can walk on its own and when it can start eating are common things that make owners curious. To eliminate curiosity as well as answer all questions related to kitten development.

Good Readers can read Angora's explanation below until the end.


4 Stages Of  Cat Or Kitten Growth

Taking care of kittens from birth has its own pleasures. One of them is to see the growth and transformation of cats for months until the kitten finally grows into an adult cat. The overall development of the cat is the same, both will go through 4 stages of development.

The 4 stages of development include the Neonatal Period, Weaning Period, Intensive Development and further development. Let's discuss one by one the stages of cat or kitten development so that Good Readers understand more about this :

1. Neonatal Period ( 4 Weeks First )

Kittens that have just been born generally have a normal weight of about 100 grams to 150 grams in the first week. This weight will increase 2 to 3 times when the kitten is 3 weeks old. Initially the kitten could not urinate and defecate independently.

For the cat to do this, the mother cat must stimulate the kitten by licking the kitten's bottom. Usually this occurs in the first week after the birth of the kitten. Apart from not being able to defecate and urinate on their own, kittens are also unable to regulate their body temperature until they are over 3 weeks old.

They must stay close to their mothers to keep them warm and prevent death from hypothermia. For cats that do not have mothers, warming their bodies can be done by using incandescent lamps, warm beds and blankets and adding a little cloth around the kitten's body.

Make sure the temperature is not below 27 degrees to prevent death from hypothermia. In the first 1 week the kitten's eyes will begin to open but the kitten still can't see clearly ( vision is still blurry ). A kitten's vision is still not perfect until its age reach 10 weeks old.

Even so, when the kitten is 2 months old, it can be said that the kitten's eyesight is quite good and will get better over time. Along with the development of the eye, the ear canal will begin to open. This happens when the kitten is 3 weeks old.

It is also at this age that kittens start to play a little more actively with their siblings. Kittens will start playing to and fro around their mother at this age. When the cat is 4 weeks old, the cat begins to be able to straighten its legs and can walk out of bed.

It is also at this age that the kitten's canine milk teeth begin to grow. The canines are located adjacent to the incisors and are pointed.


2. Weaning Period ( 6 To 8 Weeks )

Weaning is the time when cats will begin to eat other foods besides milk. Weaning will begin when the kitten is 6 to 8 weeks old. At this age kittens will begin to be interested in other foods. If you put the boiled fish near the kitten, the kitten will start sniffing the fish and eating it.

At first the kitten seems to have a hard time eating it and sometimes the fish gets stuck on the inside of the mouth, over time he will get used to this. When kitten begins to wean, you should give it a special cat food for kittens and it is easy for cats to eat.

The food can be in the form of wet food or homemade cat food that has been pureed. Feeding other than milk should be done when the kitten is 7 to 8 weeks old and over. And also pay attention to the portion of feeding.

Adjust to the size of the kitten's stomach so that it does not have stomach pain or constipation because its digestive system is still not perfect.


3. Age 4 To 8 Weeks

When kitten has reached the age of 6 to 8 weeks, kitten's eyes will experience permanent iris changes. Although the average cat experiences this, there are also some cats who do not experience this.

Kittens that begin to develop will begin to move actively at the age of 7 to 8 weeks. At this age cat will start to enjoy playing and jumping to and fro. Cats will also start hunting for animals or moving objects around them.

Then when the cat is even 8 weeks old, the cat must be vaccinated to keep it growing healthy. The vaccine given is the Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus ( FVR ) vaccine. Furthermore, vaccination will be carried out again when the cat is 12 and 16 weeks old.


4. Intensive Development ( 2 To 4 Months )

At the age of 2 months of kittens, usually the mother cat will start to stop breastfeeding her kittens. Because the mother's milk begins to dry and milk can no longer be produced by the mother cat's body.

Another reason a mother cat begins to stop breastfeeding her kitten is because the kitten's teeth have grown and begin to hurt the mother cat while the kitten is breastfeeding. The mother cat also feels that her child doesn't need milk anymore because she can eat something other than milk

Give kittens special kitten food as their main food. When the cat is 3 and 4 months old, don't forget the cat must be vaccinated again. This time the cat must be vaccinated with the Panleukopenia vaccine and the Calici vaccine.

Cats who are 2 months old will have permanent incisors and experience hormonal changes. Not only that, the cat's voice also changes and there is a dominant attitude that appears in the male cat.


5. Advanced Development

Cats that are over 4 months old will generally have several permanent teeth (adult teeth). These teeth will be perfect by the time the cat is 7 months old. Not only that, the cat's immune system will begin to perfect.

Along with perfect teeth and the cat's immune system, the cat's sexual maturity will also mature. At this age the cat can be sterilized or neutered. You can do sterilization or neutering with the help of the nearest veterinarian.

The cat's body will continue to develop until the cat is 1 year old and the maximum can continue until the cat is 2 years old. In addition to the cat's body, the cat's bones will also develop and become very strong and even 4 times stronger.


What Age Kitten Can Walk ?

As explained above that kittens will begin to walk a little and straighten its legs when the kitten enters the age of 3 to 4 weeks. At this age, kitten will begin to actively walk while playing with his siblings.

Even though the cat has started to be able to walk, its legs are still not strong enough to move to and fro quickly. The cat's legs will get stronger when the kitten is 2 months old. At this age, kittens will be able to run around to play with their siblings and hunt for small animals around them.

Kittens will also start playing with small objects that move around them.

Maybe that's all about the age at which cats can walk. With this article, hopefully it can make you understand about cat development and at what age kittens can walk.

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