
7 Signs Cats Are Afraid Of Us

Like other humans, cats also have fears. This fear is not limited to animals but also to humans. This is a natural thing considering humans are creatures at the top of the food chain. In the eyes of animals, especially animals such as cats, humans have two sides.


Why My Cat Is Afraid Of Me


The first side is that humans are both dangerous and frightening existences. But on the other hand, humans are loving and kind creatures They even like to give and leave their food for the cats. Even for the lucky cats, the cat's encounter with the kind human they are destined to be with can change the cat's life.

Cats who are afraid of humans will usually show certain signs or characteristics. What are the signs that cats are afraid of us? Good Readers can find out by reading to Angora's writing below until the end.


7 Signs Cats Are Afraid Of Us

Cats are not able to express their feelings to humans through words, but we can tell if a cat is afraid of us by the signs that the cat shows. Some signs or characteristics of cats afraid of us are as follows :

1. Keep Looking At Us Sharply

The first sign is that the cat will look at us with a sharp gaze. This stare feels uncomfortable to me. These gazes are as if they see us as a dangerous enemy who is ready to attack at any moment. That's why Angora didn't like this look.

Generally cats do this when he feels that we are a scary figure. Usually the cat will look at us with this gaze for a moment before he intends to move away and run out of our reach.


2. Cats Always Stay Away From Us

Most pet cats may have the nature of wanting to be alone and don't want to be disturbed by someone or even their own master at certain times. But if the cat always stays away from you and doesn't want to be near you even when you are eating.

This means that the cat really doesn't like you, hates you and is even afraid of you. Maybe because your treatment is not friendly to cats, rarely feeds, beats them or scolds them in a loud voice, as a result you are hated and feared by cats.


3. Cats Run From Us

If we approach the cat then the cat immediately runs as if frightened then when we don't chase him he will continue to watch us warily. So this is one sign that cats are afraid of us. For local cats this is normal if they are outside the house.

This is not because they hate us but because of their wariness alone. Try approaching your cat while calling his name, for sure he will not be afraid anymore and will approach you.


4. Cats Don't Feel Close To Us

When a cat likes someone, it can sometimes be very happy to be around that person. Signs of a cat's closeness to someone can be in the form of a cat rubbing its body against that person, sleeping next to it, sitting next to it and even cuddling with it.

Now when you feel that the cat doesn't feel close at all because it rarely interacts with you as in the example above, it means that the cat is not yet tame and maybe he is still afraid of you.


5. Cats Run When They Hear Our Voices

Sound is one of the things we can use to tell if a cat is afraid of us. Generally, cats hate and are afraid of people who have strong and loud voices.

Pay attention to your cat, if every time you make a sound and he runs away from you in a hurry then the pet cat may not like and be afraid of you because of your voice. Talking gently and kindly to cats is one way to overcome the cat's fear of us.


6. Cats Keep Their Distance From Us When We Want To Feed Them

Cats who are afraid of someone will usually always be alert and keep their distance from that person. Even if we want to feed him, he will still show this attitude to us who want to have good intentions for him.

Situations like this are usually familiar to cat lovers who like to do street feeding (feeding stray cats ). Wild cats who want to be fed usually keep their distance then when he is sure we are not dangerous and he is not afraid anymore, he will eat the food we give.


7. Cats Struggle When We Pick Up

Indeed, cats will usually struggle if they don't want us to pick them up, but it's a different story with cats who are afraid of us. This cat will thrash very strongly when we lift it even the cat does not hesitate to scratch our hands or body when he is very scared.


How To Make Cats Not Afraid Of Us ?

Making a cat not afraid of us is actually very easy but we have to be patient and it will take a while for the cat to lose his fear of us. For those of you who want to try to make cats not afraid and tame on you, then you can try the following methods :

  • Start by naming the cat

  • Feed and drink cat regularly

  • Before you want to feed the cat, try to call his name

  • Often hold him and stroke his head or body

  • Play with him often

  • Give him a snack

  • Speak softly and kindly

  • Bathe at least once in 2 weeks


The above method may not work just like that in a short time. At least the cat will not be afraid of you in a month or so. If you apply the methods above and take care of your cat with all your heart, your cat will not only be afraid, but will also be tame to you.


Maybe that's all for a discussion of some of the signs that cats are afraid of us and how to deal with them. Hopefully, this article will let you know why cats are afraid of you and what actions you can take to overcome this.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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