
7 Foods That Persian Cats Can Eat

Keeping a Persian cat is not as easy as keeping a local cat. There are many things that must be considered when keeping a Persian cat. One thing that must be considered is the food that is given to Persian cats.


What Food Can Persian Cats Eat


We can not just give the cat food because the wrong food can affect body development, hair growth and affect the health of the Persian cat itself. That's why it's important for us to know what foods are allowed to eat by ours Persian cats.

Then what kind of food can Persian cats eat? To find out what foods are permissible and harmless for Persian cats to eat, Good Readers can read article below.


7 Foods That Persian Cats Can Eat

Giving a Persian cat just any food can cause hair loss problems as well as various digestive problems as well as other health problems. That is why it is important for us to know what foods can be given to our beloved Persian cat.

You can see what foods Persian cats can eat below :

1. Eggs

The first type of food we can give to Persian cats as food is eggs. It is recommended to give eggs in a cooked state. If you want to give your cat raw eggs, you should use free-range chicken eggs. Because these eggs are free of Salmonella.

Most Persian cats are very fond of egg yolks. Many of these cats only eat egg yolks while not eating the whites. This is actually very good for cats because feeding cats egg whites is not recommended. This is because in the white egg itself contains chemical compounds that have the ability to bind to B vitamins which are very much needed by the cat's body.

If a Persian cat eats too many egg whites, it can make the cat lack of Vitamin B nutrients. Besides being allowed to eat cats, it turns out that egg yolks also have other good benefits for cats. Some of the benefits include increasing stamina, increasing appetite, fattening Persian cats and others.


2. Beef

The second food that Persian cats can eat is beef. This food is a good food for Persian cats who are carnivores because this food comes from animals. Besides this food is good for cats to eat, this food is also very liked by Persian cats.

When you offer beef to a cat, a cat who smells beef will immediately devour the beef in front of him. Beef generally contains the following nutritional content :

  • Fat

  • Water

  • Potassium

  • Niacin

  • Iron

  • Copper

  • Ash

  • Calcium

  • Energy

  • Protein

  • Zinc

  • Retinol

  • Thiami

  • Beta carotene

  • Riboflavin

  • Sodium

  • Phosphor


Although this food can be eaten by Persian cats, this food should not be given to cats in a raw state. This is because in raw meat there may still be bad bacteria or parasites that are still alive and can make the cat fall sick if the cat is infected.

Give the beef cooked and unseasoned to the cat so that the pet Persian cat can enjoy the food voraciously without worrying that it will experience health problems.

Oh ya, just give enough beef to the cat, don't give too much. Afraid that our Persian cats will become overweight ( obesity ).


3. Rice

The next food that can be given to Persian cats is rice. Rice, which is the staple food of asian country, is a food that is rich in carbohydrates. Giving rice to Persian cats is not prohibited and is not dangerous.

With the condition that the rice to be given must be mixed first with other foods that contain the nutrients needed by Persian cats. For example, mixing it with fish, beef, chicken, wet food and the like.

Mixing rice with other foods aims to make rice a healthy food because according to veterinarians, cats eating rice alone are not healthy. This can make cats experience various health problems such as easy hair loss, lethargic cats, malnutrition and so on.


4. Chicken Meat

Not only beef, chicken meat can also be given to Persian cats to eat. Similar to beef, this one food is also very liked by cats and this food is also good for the cat's body because it contains animal protein.

Besides being rich in protein, chicken meat is also rich in various multivitamins and nutrients such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D and iron, calcium and magnesium. Chicken meat that contains protein, nutrients and multivitamins can certainly make Persian cats who eat it grow healthily.

If you want to give chicken meat to a cat, give it cooked and give it enough to prevent the cat from becoming obese.


5. Cat Food Or Snack

In addition to the 4 foods previously mentioned, cat food or snacks are also allowed and highly recommended to be given to our fur friends. We can easily get this food by buying it at the nearest pet shop or online store.

Cat food or snack is a type of food that is specially made as cat food. Generally these two foods contain protein, various nutrients and multivitamins that are needed by the cat's body. In addition, this type of food also has other benefits, namely :

  • Make the cat's body healthy

  • Control hairball

  • Maintain digestive health

  • Maintain cat's eye health

  • Strengthens cat's bones and teeth

  • Makes cat's fur beautiful and doesn't look dull

  • Strengthens hair and prevents hair loss

  • Reduces the bad smell that comes from cat litter

In the market, this cat food is sold in various sizes of repacks. Generally sold with repack sizes of 1 Kg, 2 Kg, 3 Kg. Meanwhile, sack sizes are usually available in 5 or 10 Kg sizes.

For the price itself, cat food is usually sold starting at  4 dollars for the 1 Kg repack size and cat snacks are sold at varying prices starting at 1 dollars.


6. Vegetables

You can also give the Persian cat vegetables. Even though cats are carnivores, cats can eat vegetables on condition that these vegetables must be mixed with cat food before giving them to cats.

The purpose of mixing vegetables with cat food such as wet food or dry food is so that the nutritional needs needed by cats are met. Mixing also aims to make cats want to eat vegetables after being mixed with cat food.

The way to mix it is quite easy, just puree the vegetables with a blender then mix them into wet food, dry food, fish and chicken or beef. Generally, vegetables that cat lovers usually give to cats are carrots, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, kale, asparagus and broccoli.


7. Fish

The last food that can be given to Persian cats is fish. Fish is a food that is rich in protein content as well as omega 3. Besides being rich in protein, this food is one of the cat's favorite foods. There is no type of cat that will refuse if given a fish.

The protein content in fish is very good for body growth, good for fur and also good for the body and cat health because the protein contained is animal protein. While the omega-3 in it is very good for maintaining heart and kidney health. In addition, fish also contains taurine which is good for cat's eyes. If you intend to give your cat fish, you should give it cooked fish.

This is to eliminate harmful bacteria and parasites in it so that when your cat eats fish you don't have to worry anymore that your cat will be infected with these harmful microorganisms.


That's an explanation of what foods can be eaten by Persian cats. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand better about good food for your Persian cat, add to your knowledge and can be useful for you.

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