
6 Reasons Why Persian Cats Rarely Meow

Persian cat is one type of cat breed that is very popular because of its cuteness and charm. Its popularity among cat breeds makes this cat the number one cat among other cats to make as pets at home.


Why Persian Cats Not Meowing


Discussing a little about the Persian cat, this cat is a type of cat that has long soft fur, short nose, round head, short legs and smaller ears compared to several other types of cat breeds. Persian cat itself is a cat breed originating from Iran and Turkey.

Then because many people like this cat, this cat is brought by foreign residents around the world to be made as pets at home or bred as pets ( for sale ). Besides being famous for their cuteness and charm, Persian cats are also known as cats that are easy to adapt to humans.

For those of us who keep Persian cats, we certainly know the nature of this cat. This cat is very easy to adapt to the people around him it's just that Persian cats rarely meow. Why do Persian cats rarely meow? Of course we are curious why our Persian fur friends are like that.

Now to find out why Persian cats rarely meow, Good Readers can read article below.


6 Reason Why Persian Cats Rarely Meow

As explained above, the Persian cat is a popular breed cat that is very easy to adapt to the humans around it, it's just that this breed of cat is very quiet and rarely meows. There are several reasons why Persian cats rarely make meow sounds. Some of the causes include :

1. Persian Cats Are Silent Cats

Persian cat is a cat that are very quiet type of cat. Persian cats will only make their voices at certain times, such as when they are hunting small animals, hungry, lustful or seeking the attention of their owners or people nearby.

Persian cats have a quiet nature similar to some other cat breeds. Cat breeds that are as quiet as Persian cats include the Bengal cat, Scottis Fold, Raggdoll, Cornish Rex.


2. Persian Cats Are Very Relaxed Cat Types

Apart from being known for their quiet nature, Persian cats are also known for their relaxed attitude. This cat prefers to relax and dissolve in his pleasures rather than spending his time meowing. This is one of the reasons why Persian cats rarely meow.

When the Persian cat doesn't need anything and doesn't want to attract anyone's attention, this cat will prefer to stay still and relax or sleep in a favorite place that is comfortable for him.


3. Persian Cats Are Calm Cats And Love Peace

The third reason is because Persian cats are calm cats and love calm. That's why this cat prefers to be silent rather than meowing frequently. This cat is also very fond of places that have low noise. In that place usually Persian cats can play but Persian cats generally use this place more for sleeping.


4. Persian Cats Only Meow When He Wants To Meow

The fourth reason is that Persian cats only meow at certain times and when they want to. When a Persian cat is hungry, in heat, wants to mate, seeks the owner's attention or is looking at an attractive small animal, then this cat will meow.

If it weren't for the above or because the Persian cat wanted to meow, the Persian cat wouldn't meow. It's as if the Persian cat feels that there's no point in meowing if there's nothing important and the sound is too precious to waste.


5. Inherited Traits

Cats who are afraid and don't like water are one of the traits that have been passed down from generation to generation from cat ancestors to cats that exist today. Likewise, the nature of Persian cats that rarely meow.

Maybe you're wondering how the cat's ancestors passed this down? Information about how cats live and certain traits will usually be passed on by cats through their genetics. With this information, cats are able to understand how they live, what animals can be hunted and eaten, how to mate, take care of children, avoid predators and other things without anyone needing to teach them.

Meanwhile, for certain traits that exist in genetic inheritance, cats will have characteristics that are almost similar to their predecessors. Such as being quiet, lazy, happy to sleep and so on will be owned by cats who receive the genetic inheritance.


6. Due To Illness

The sixth reason is that Persian cats rarely meow because they are sick. Diseases such as Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Hyperthyroidism, Laryngeal Paralysis, Tumors or Polyps can cause a cat to have difficulty speaking, feel uncomfortable, hoarse, lose voice etc.

If the Persian cat doesn't make any meowing sounds at all or doesn't meow even when the cat is hungry then you should suspect that this could be the result of a cat getting sick. You should also be aware if your cat experiences hoarseness, loss of voice or changes in voice.

If you feel that something is wrong with your cat, you should immediately check the cat to the vet so that the disease can be detected early and the disease can be treated immediately.


Is Persian Cats Meowing Rarely, Dangerous For Cats ?

Cats meow the same way humans talk. If a person rarely talks, it does not mean he is sick or this attitude will harm him. The same is true for Persian cats. Persian cats are known for their quiet nature.

So, when a Persian cat rarely meows then this is a natural thing and is not a sign that the cat is sick but on the condition that the Persian cat still often meows when he is hungry, in heat or when he wants to meow.

Also pay attention to whether during the Persian cat meow there is no change in voice or loss of the cat's voice. If the cat is still meowing at certain times and there is no sign of change or loss of voice, you can be sure the cat is still in good health.

But if you are still in doubt, you can try taking your pet fur friend to the nearest vet.


If The Cat Turns Out To Be Sick, What Should We Do ?

In point number 6, because Persian cats rarely meow, it is explained about several diseases that can make cats lose their voices. Well these diseases are types of diseases that we cannot treat independently at home.

The best solution for cats who never meow due to illness is to go to the nearest vet. Although spending a little money, this method guarantees the health of the cat and the cat has a higher hope of recovering than trying to self-medicate at home.

Maybe that's all the discussion about the reasons why Persian cats rarely meow. With this article, I hope you can understand why Persian cats meow very rarely.

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