
5 Ways To Make Cat Recognize You As Their Owner

Surely many of us are jealous of other cat lovers. This envy arises because their cat looks very familiar with his master and is very familiar with his master. While our cats are the opposite, cats ignore us and don't even turn their heads when we call their names.


How To Make Cat Recognize You As Their Owner


Even though we have taken care of cats as best we can by give them food and drinking needs and even bathing them when their bodies are dirty. But still the cat does not recognize us as its owner or master.

Not only that, the cat even sees relatives or even other family members as owners. Cats also look more spoiled and familiar with them. This makes us feel that the cat doesn't think of us even though we are the real owner

For Good Readers who feel they are experiencing this, Good Readers need not worry because on this occasion Anggora will provide tips or ways to make the cat recognize you as its owner.


How To Make Your Cat Recognize You As Its Owner

For those of you cat owners who feel that the pet cat doesn't recognize or think you are the owner, you can try the following ways. Some of the ways include :

1. Self-feeding And Drinking

Indeed, you are the one who provides or pays for the cat's food, drink and various other cat treatments. But it wasn't you who did all that to your pet cat so that the cat didn't know you at all. If someone else often feeds and drinks the cat, of course, the cat will assume that person is the master.

Meanwhile, it only thinks of you as a stranger or someone he doesn't know. That's why to make your cat recognize you as its master, try to be the person who is always there for him to give him food and drink when the cat feels hungry and thirsty.

By doing this routine every day, the cat will gradually recognize you as its owner and feel comfortable around you. The cat will also become very familiar and spoiled with you.


2. Often Spend Time Interacting With Pet Cats

The second way is to take the time to interact with the cat. It's not just the need to eat and drink that can make a cat recognize its owner, frequent interactions with cats can also make cats get to know someone better.

If you want your cat to be more pampered and close to you and also to think of you as his master, then start by playing often, petting often, often holding or holding the cat and several other interactions.

A little info, even though the one who often interacts with the cat is not the owner, the cat will still recognize the person. He will recognize the person as friendly, kind and not a threat.


3. Often Give Snacks To Your Favorite Fur Friends

The third way is to give snacks often. This method is perfect for those of you who don't have time to feed and interact with your cat because you don't have free time because you are busy working. In the middle of a break after work, try to give the cat a snack.

Give the cat a snack while calling his name. Do this every day on your cat. Guaranteed when you just got home. Your favorite cat will come to you and be pampered so that he is given a snack. Oh yes, when you give snacks to your cat, make sure the snacks are not only filling, they are also healthy snacks. Also make sure you don't give snacks too much so that the cat is not affected by obesity ( overweighnt ).


4. Bathing The Cat

Although cats are animals that are identical with their hatred of water, actually cats are not that hateful of water. Cats just don't like water because it can make their bodies cold, their fur feels uncomfortable and makes them forced to lick their bodies.

When the cat is bathed at first the cat looks rebellious but after the body is clean from dirt and from fleas, the cat looks more cheerful and feels comfortable with the condition of his body after being bathed.

This will certainly make the cat recognize you more and think you are the real owner. Bathe the cat a maximum of 2 times a month. After bathing the cat, make sure to dry the fur so that the cat doesn't get sick.


5. Often Calls His Name And Talks To Him

Cats are animals that are able to distinguish the sounds of people around them. By just listening to someone's voice, a cat can tell whether that person is someone they know or not, a good person or a bad person, a child or an adult and so on.

This is the reason why you often have to call your cat's name and talk to him. Call her name or talk to her while you are feeding cat, bathing cat, playing or sleeping with cat. Even if the cat is nonchalant, keep talking to him.

Over time the cat will remember that the sound he heard from your mouth was the voice of the person who cared for him and was his owner. When the cat has already remembered and is used to your voice, when you call your cat it will respond more often by running towards you ( this does not apply if the cat is in heat because cats in heat tend to focus more on mating ).


I've Done All The Ways Above But It Still Doesn't Work, What Should I Do ?

The above method generally always works. The method above has often been applied by cat lovers and Angora himself. The result is that the cat recognizes us as its owner. Maybe the only problem is time.

The methods above must be applied continuously over a long period of time to be successful. And when doing this, must be accompanied by a sense of patience and compassion. Trust me, within 1 to 2 months, the cat will recognize you as its owner using the method above.


That's a discussion about how to get a cat to recognize you as its owner. With this article, hopefully it can help you make the cat recognize you as its master.

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