
6 Reasons Why Cats Sleep in a Circle

Cats are also living creatures that need sleep to rest their bodies. Cats usually spend 12 to 16 hours sleeping. When the cat sleeps, there is something unique about this one animal. The unique thing is the cat's sleeping position.


Why Do Cats Sleep In A Circle


When the cat sleeps, it is not uncommon for the cat to sleep in a circle position. We often see this sleeping position in stray cats on the streets. This unique sleeping position is also not uncommon for pet cats at home.

Seeing the unique sleeping position of cats because they sleep in a circle, many of us are certainly curious about why cats sleep in a circle and will this position have an impact on the health of the cat itself ?

For those of you who are curious to know the answer, then you can read below until the end to find out the answer.


6 Reason Why Do Cats Sleep In Circles Position ?

Cats can sleep in several positions but often cats sleep in a coiled position. Both stray cats and local cats often sleep in this pose. Do cats just sleep in a circle or is there another reason why cats sleep in a circle ?

Cats don't just sleep in a circle because they want to and there's also a reason why cats sleep in a circle. The reasons is :

1. To Protect His Vital Parts

When the cat sleeps in a circle, the cat is protecting the vital organs in its body. These organs include the stomach, chest, genitals and others. This position is the most suitable position according to the cat to protect the vital parts of his body from the enemy.

For stray cats this position is the best position to ensure the safety of their lives. Not only increasing his safety from enemy attacks, it also ensures his safety from humans who often kick and hit his body when cat is sleep.


2. Keeping His Body Warm

The second reason why cats sleep in a circle is to keep their bodies warm. This is usually done by cats when the air temperature around them is very cold. By sleeping in this position the cat can keep his body warm while he is sleeping.


3. Cats Feel Cold

In addition to keeping the body warm, the cat sleeps in a circle because the cat feels cold. Domestic cats who usually feel that they are cold will sleep in a circle or sleep together with other cats in the same house.

As for stray cats, usually these cats will look for a shady, warm place that is not exposed to rain or snow and then sleep there in a circle. Places that are often used as stray cats to sleep are terraces, under cars, bus stops and similar places.


4. Cat Habits

Habits are one of the reasons why cats sleep in a circle. Even if there is no danger around or the air temperature is not too cold, cats often sleep in this position. This is because cats are used to sleeping in this position as a result this has become a cat's daily habit and cannot be removed from the cat and has become part of the cat's innate personal behavior itself.


5. Cats Feel Comfortable With This Position

The next reason is that the cat is comfortable with this position. That's why cats often prefer to sleep in this position compared to sleeping in an L-shaped position which is also often done by cats.


6. DNA Factor

The last reason why cats like to sleep in a circle position is because of the DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic Acid ) factor. Animal DNA will usually affect how the animal lives its life. Because in the DNA stored information knowledge about how animals survive, get food and other rules of life.

And this information will continue to be passed on to the next generation. This information is also in the cat's DNA. That's why a cat can know how to clean its body, hide its feces, take care of its kittens and other things even though no one is teaching it.


Does Sleeping With This Position Affect Cat Health?

Sleeping in a circular position usually has no effect or impact on the cat's health. If someone says that his cat is short of breath because he often sleeps in this position then this is not true.

The cat's shortness of breath may be because he has previously been infected with certain diseases or viruses such as the Panleukopenia virus and then he sleeps in this position because this position can make it easy to fall asleep.

But the cat owner who is still a layman thinks that the cat is short of breath because he often sleeps in this position. So, once again, Angora said that sleeping in this position is safe for cats and will not interfere with the cat's health at all.


Can Circular Sleeping Harm Cats ?

Sleeping in a circle not only does not interfere with the cat's health, it will also not harm the cat itself. In fact, sleeping in this position is even considered the safest sleeping position because this position can protect the cat's vital parts while they are sleeping.

So cats will not worry too much anymore if they are asleep. In addition, for some cats, sleeping in a circle is the most comfortable sleeping position. This position can also keep the cat warm in cold weather.

Thus the discussion about why cats sleep in a circle. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand the reason why cats sleep in a circle and is this sleeping position safe for your cat.

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