
4 Reasons Why New Adopt Cats Keep Meowing

Some of us may want to keep a cat because we feel that this one animal is cute, fun and can bring its own happiness to its owner. When we want to keep a cat, of course we will determine what kind of cat we will keep.


New Cat Keeps Meowing


Then after we have determined the type of cat breed that we want to keep at home, then we look for cat lovers or animal shops that provide the type of cat race that is similar to our wishes. Then the next step we will do is adopt the cat.

The adoption process from cat lovers or animal shops will usually spend a lot of money. But if we don't want to spend capital, then we can look for cat lovers who donate their cats. After the cat is initially adopted there will be some problems that occur in the cat that has just been adopted.

One of these problems is that the cat that we have just adopted when it arrives at the cat's house will meow continuously and also look confused. Seeing this, of course, as owners, we will ask ourselves why is the cat acting strangely like this ?

So, to answer your curiosity about this, Good Reader can read to Angora's writing below.


Why New Adopt Cats Keep Meowing

When a newly adopted cat arrives home, it will often meow constantly. This meow is clearly very disturbing and at the same time makes us not stop wondering in our hearts why do cats keep meowing ?

Based on Angora's own experience, there are several things that are the main reasons why adopted cats meow constantly. Some of the causes include :

1. The Cat Doesn't Recognize The Place ( Feels Strange )

The first reason is that the cat does not recognize its new place of residence. This is reasonable considering that cats in pet stores are usually only left confined in their cages and always see other animals and many people passing by around them.

When the cat is in a new place, the cat will feel the place is foreign. The strange feeling was because the atmosphere was very different from when cat was at the pet shop. In addition, the condition of the place is much different from the condition of the room in a pet shop.

This strange feeling makes the cat meow constantly and not infrequently after the adopted cat who has just arrived at the house is removed from the cage, the cat will run and walk back and forth throughout the entire area of ​​the house.

Oh yes, this also applies to cats that are adopted from other cat lovers or adopted from the streets. A different atmosphere and an unfamiliar feeling of a new place is one of the triggers for newly adopted cats to often meow when they just get home.


2. Cats Experience Stress When On The Way To Home

Many cats do not like traveling by car or other vehicles because cats feel scared when they are in it. Cats who feel scared usually often meow in the vehicle. Even though the cat is only around 10-15 minutes in the car, this fear is enough to cause the cat to experience stress.

When the cat is stressed, the cat that has been removed from the vehicle and has arrived at its new home will still continue to meow. For this one problem, usually when you take good care of the cat, in a few days the cat's stress will disappear.

With the loss of cat stress, the pet cat that you just adopted will also stop meowing frequently.


3. Cats Think You Are a Bad Person

Cats are animals that are able to distinguish who owns it and who doesn't. One that is commonly used by cats to distinguish their owners from other people is body odor. When we have just adopted a cat of course we will become the new owner of the cat but for your cat you are still not considered as the new master.

Cats still feel that you are an evil stranger who wants to separate them from their owners. This is the reason why cats keep meowing when they have just been adopted. The cat's constant meowing is a sign that the cat is looking for its old owner and feels that he is in an unfamiliar place.


4. Travel Drunk Cat

Not only humans can get drunk on the road, cats can also experience it. Cats who feel an uncomfortable feeling in their stomach, such as nausea, will often meow. Not only in the vehicle, even when he arrived at his new home even though the cat will continue to meow if he still feels uncomfortable.

But don't worry if the cat feels better then the cat will stop meowing constantly. If you don't want your cat to experience motion sickness, then you can use anti-sickness cat medicine such as Catystress or similar drugs. Give four or six drops to your cat who is drunk.

For the price of this drug itself is sold at a fairly affordable price, namely at a price of 3 dollar for a size of 30 milliliters. You can buy the medicine easily at the pet shop or buy it online.


How to Overcome This ?

After looking at some of the main causes listed above, we can understand why cats behave this way. Not only that, we can solve this problem by looking at what the main cause is. For example, if the cat feels strange in the house, the way to deal with it is enough to give the cat time to adapt itself.

If the main cause is because the cat is drunk or stressed, then to overcome this we can give the cat a hangover or stress medicine. Then if the cat thinks we are strangers or bad people, then we can make the cat recognize us as its owner by taking good care of the cat and loving him with all our heart.

Now by doing the above methods the cat will stop meowing constantly in just a few days or weeks. When adopting a cat, remember that whatever happens to your cat, you have to take good care of it. Don't just run out sweet and throw it away.

Maybe that's all the discussion about the cause of newly adopted cats meowing constantly. Hopefully this article will help you understand what makes cats meow and how to deal with them.

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