
6 Ways Cats Recognize Their Owners

Talking about cats, of course, there will be a lot of interesting things that we can discuss. One of the interesting things that we can discuss is can a cat recognize its owner or master ? Surely many of us will answer Yes, they can recognize it.


Do Cat Recognize Their Owners


This answer is based on what we have seen and also based on personal experience. We've seen that people who keep cats can easily call their pet cats and maybe the people who can call them pet cats are ourselves.

It is true that cats can recognize their masters but how do cats recognize their owner or masters ? Do they recognize us with faces like what we do as humans ? Oh of course not. So how do cats actually recognize their owners ?

So, for Good Readers who are curious and want to find out soon, please see Angora's article below.


How Do Cats Actually Recognize Their Master Or Owner ?

Cats have their own way of recognizing their owners. It's not like humans recognize a person by face and name alone. Cats themselves can not distinguish a person from another person from his face. Cats don't have this ability and even cats don't care if they don't have this ability.

Cats also don't care what their owner's face looks like. Whether ugly or beautiful ( handsome or beautiful ) they don't care, they will still think of them as owners and love them. If a cat can't judge who its owner or master is by its face, then how does a cat recognize its owner ?

Here are some ways cats can recognize who their real owner is :

1. Cats Recognize Their Owners Through Voices

The first way for our beloved fur pal to recognize us as their owner is to listen to the sound. We need to know that cats have very, very sharp and good hearing. Cat's hearing is even better than dog's hearing.

Because of this, cats can easily distinguish the types of voices of people around them. The ability to distinguish sounds is also supported by a good memory of the cat. Even though our voice is similar to the cat's owner and no matter how we try our best to imitate the owner's voice, the cat will still be able to easily distinguish whether we are the owner or not by using sound.

If you intend to deceive the cat by imitating its owner's voice, you should think again because the cat will easily know that you are not the owner through your voice.


2. Cats Listen to Voice Intonation

The cat's ability to recognize its owner through sound is also supported by the cat's ability to recognize the intonation of the owner's voice. Although cats look like innocent animals that are easily tricked, they are not.

No matter how well we imitate the owner's voice, cats can still distinguish the sound through the type of voice and intonation of the owner's voice. Cats understand that when their owner calls their name, usually each owner will make a sound with a different intonation.


3. Cats Recognize Owners Through Gestures

In addition to the type of voice and voice intonation, cats can also recognize their master through gestures aka someone's body movements. Cats that are usually freed in and out of the house generally have this ability.

This is because this cat is used to being outdoors and already knows how cruel the world can be. Cats will be very wary, especially of people wandering around them. When someone approaches him with a voice and gesture that he doesn't recognize, the cat will immediately move away.

The cat will initially suspect by looking at the person, when he feels that he does not recognize the voice, gesture and smell of the person, the cat will immediately run and hide away from the person.


4. Cats Recognize Owners Through Traits

The fourth way a cat recognizes its owner is by looking at its nature. Cats can recognize a person's character. Cats will tend to stay away from people who behave badly and look mean. On the other hand, cats will be comfortable with their owners and people who are kind and friendly to them.

This has been proven by research. When you are more dominantly shunned by cats then this means they do not consider you as their owner. Even you are labeled as a bad person, evil and annoying in their eyes.


5. Recognizing The Owner Through His Body Smell

The next way for cats to recognize their owners is to use smells. Pet cats will remember their master's body odor well. When the smell is different, the cat will quickly assume that the person nearby is not its master.

One example is when someone who is the owner uses a lot of perfume, the cat will feel foreign to the owner's smell. Cats will also hate their owners because the smell of perfume is very piercing their noses.


6. Cats Have Memories Of Their Masters

Even though cats can't think and remember well like humans. But cats can still remember certain information. Information such as voice, gesture, nature, smell of the owner is stored in his brain. Without a memory of this information it is impossible for a cat to recognize its owner.


Can A Cat Forget Its Owner Who Has Cared For It For A Long Time ?

The answer is yes. There is a case where a cat has been missing from its owner's house for a week and after being found it does not recognize its owner at all. This may be due to the cat's loss of memory of its owner as well as trauma to humans.

When the cat is found, the cat that was lost will feel scared when the owner tries to catch it to bring it home and often the cat will threaten and even scratch the owner. But you don't have to worry about this because over time the cat will recognize its owner again.


Maybe that's all the discussion about how cats recognize their master or owner. With this article, I hope you can understand this. And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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