
7 Foods That Cats Shouldn't Eat

Cats are one of the animals that are generally used as pets. Caring for a cat is easy and fun. Because in this day and age there are a lot of special cat products that are sold in petshops or online stores. Although currently there are a lot of cat products on the market, one of which is cat food.


Foods That Cats Shouldn't Eat


But generally not infrequently some of us still give our fur friends other foods such as human food. Examples are chicken meat, beef fish, milk and the like. This type of food can indeed be given to cats and even has a good health impact on their bodies. But not all human food is good for cats.

That's why we shouldn't just give food to our pet cats. Then what foods should not be eaten by cats. So, to find out, Good Readers, you can read article below until the end.


Cats Can't Eat Anything ?

Although cats can eat human food, cats are not omnivores. Cats are meat-eating animals aka carnivorous animals, so cats only get food with the best nutrition for their bodies from meat. Not only that, the structure of the digestive organs of the human body is certainly very different from the digestive organs of cats.

Therefore, as good owners, we should not give any type of food to pet cats to maintain their health. Then what are the foods that cats should not eat, here are some of them :

1. Chocolate

The first type of food that cats should not eat is chocolate. Chocolate made from cocoa beans is very toxic to cats. This is because chocolate itself contains caffeine as well as theobromine. If you accidentally give your cat chocolate or he accidentally swallows it without your knowledge then the cat can experience some serious health problems such as :

  • Diarrhea

  • Frequent Vomiting

  • Fever

  • Heart Beating Fast

  • Convulsions


For convulsion, its usually occur in some cats who eat too much chocolate. A cat experiencing convulsions is a sign that the cat is experiencing severe poisoning and can lead to the cat's death.


2. Onion And Garlic

Onion and garlic, which are the basic ingredients we usually use for cooking, are apparently not allowed to be given to cats. The reason is that both contain Allium. This Allium content can be a trigger for anemia or lack of blood for cats.

Because Allium can damage red blood cells in cats. Giving in raw and cooked conditions will not eliminate the harmful effects of Allium content on cats. Not only that, they can also make cats who eat them experience digestive disorders such as nausea, stomach pain, vomiting their food and experiencing diarrhea. This is one reason why food given to cats should not be spiced or seasoned.


3. Tuna

Tuna can be given occasionally and is not harmful to cats, but it's a different story if it is given continuously every day or used as the main food. This can put your cat at risk of mercury poisoning. If you want to give tuna to your cat, it's best if the tuna are ripe and make sure to give them only tuna every once in a while.


4. Bread And Yeast

For bread, it might not be a problem if it is only given occasionally as a snack and not used as the cat's main feed. Bread itself is only food that contains carbohydrates and does not contain other nutrients that cats need.

This makes bread a food that is not fit for consumption and is used as the main feed. Meanwhile, yeast is dangerous for cats because it can rise after being digested and block the intestines. Moreover, after fermentation, yeast can produce alcohol that is toxic to the cat's body.

Especially for cats who are pregnant, giving yeast can cause the baby in the cat's womb to be born with defects or the baby cat to miscarry in the womb.


5. Milk And Other Products Made From Processed Milk

Cats generally have an intolerance to the lactose content in milk. Cats who drink human milk containing lactose will eventually experience problems in their digestive tract. This disorder is usually in the form of vomiting and diarrhea.

This does not only apply to cat milk, all products and preparations that contain lactose, such as cheese and the like. Then what about the baby cat who lost its mother ? Baby cats still need milk so that they can survive, if they can't get milk then what should we give them.

Although milk should not be given to cats, it is limited to milk that contains lactose. You can give the kitten lactose-free milk. But it's better for you to give special cat milk to better ensure its health and nutrition.

As additional information, you can buy cat milk at a pet shop, with prices starting from 5 thousand and hundreds of thousands.


6. Dog Food

Maybe some of us have cats and dogs at the same time. Taking care of cats and dogs at the same time can make some of our cats often taste dog food. This is not so dangerous if the cat only eats dog food occasionally.

But if the cat continues to eat dog food, it is feared that the cat will experience malnutrition. This happens because dog food does not contain the nutrients needed for cats and can only fill the cat's stomach.

Other problems can also occur in cats who often consume cat food. Some of the problems that occur in cats include :

  • Skin diseases, night blindness, dull hair

  • Muscle degeneration

  • Heart disease, unhealthy hair and skin, reduced vision function

  • Liver and kidney disorders


7. Raw Meat, Fish And Eggs

Avoid giving raw meat, fish and eggs to cats as food. Because this raw food may contain Salmonella bacteria or E. coli bacteria. These two bacteria can be the cause of cat vomiting, diarrhea and weakness.

Meat, raw fish can also be a nest of dangerous parasites. One type of parasite that is present in raw food is worms. Many cases where cats are given fish and meat experience worms. So, only give meat, fish and eggs in a fully cooked state to cats in order to maintain cat health.

Oh yes, also make sure that the food that is cooked specifically for cats is cooked in a state without being seasoned.


8. Raisins

Now the last thing that should not be given to cats as food is raisins. Some cats love raisins but raisins are very toxic to cats. Raisins can make cats experience kidney failure.


This is a discussion about what cats should not eat. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand the types of food that should not be given to cats and are dangerous for cats.

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