
10 Characteristics Of Sick Angora Cats You Must Know

The Angora cat is a cat breed originating from Turkey. This cat is synonymous with white fur and a bushy tail like a feather duster. This type of cat is one of the most popular breeds of cats in Australia. As with other cats, Angora cats need good and proper care.


Characteristics Of Sick Angora Cats


This treatment is needed so that the cat can grow well, be healthy and have thick fur that also looks beautiful. Even though the Angora cat has been well cared for, sometimes the cat can still get sick.

Many things can cause a cat to get sick, including infection, viruses, bacteria or parasitic attacks, poisoning, cat fever, injury, exposed to bones and so on.

When a cat is sick it will be very difficult for us to know whether the cat is sick or not if there are no physical characteristics that appear on the cat's body. In addition to the absence of physical characteristics, knowing a sick cat is also difficult because this one animal is able to hide its illness and pain well.

Then how do we know that our Angora cat is sick, ? The trick is to look at certain characteristics that are shown by our beloved cat. What are the characteristics can you see in Angora's article below.


10 Characteristics Of Sick Angora Cats

When the Angora cat was sick. Generally, most of these cat breeds will show signs or can be said to have certain characteristics. Now by looking at certain signs or characteristics, we can find out whether our beloved Angora cat is sick or not.

These signs or characteristics include :

1. Changes In Cat Behavior

The first characteristic that is usually shown by a sick Angora cat is a change in behavior. Cats that were once very active ( like to play, wander around, run to and fro ) are now quieter. Not only being quiet, cats are also sleeping more often than before.

Even Angora cats who are sick generally spend almost all of their time sleeping.


2. Angora Cat Looks Weak

The next characteristic of a sick Angora cat is that the Angora cat looks weak. Angora cats who are sick will look weak. Cats are weak because they feel uncomfortable with their sick body condition. In addition, cats also feel weak due to lack of energy because they do not want to eat due to loss of appetite.


3. Cat's Eyes Look Empty

The next is the Angora cat's eyes look empty. Try to pay attention to the eyes of your pet Angora cat. If his eyes look empty and feel like the eyes of a cat that has no zest for life, then you can be sure the cat is sick.

In the condition of a cat who is seriously ill, the cat's eyes not only look empty but also glazed and sometimes covered by a white membrane ( tertia membrane ).


4. Angora Cat Loses Its Appetite For Food

Angora cats who are sick will also lose their appetite. This is natural considering the pain the cat feels. One example of a disease that makes cats lose their appetite is a sore mouth or sore throat. Although most Angora cats who are sick will usually lose their appetite.

For certain diseases the cat will even be more eager to eat. One type of disease that makes Angora cats more eager to eat is intestinal worms. Even though the cat has an appetite, the cat's body will not get fatter, on the contrary, the cat's body will be thinner and the stomach is getting bigger.


5. Angora Cats Drink More Often

Angora cats that lose their appetite will drink water more often. This is what cats do to make sure their bodies stay energized as well so their stomachs don't feel empty. If this is allowed to continue then the cat's body will be thinner.

Over time, the cat will have difficulty walking, then the worst thing is that the cat dies due to not meeting the nutritional needs of the body as well as the disease that is getting worse.


6. Signs Of Physical Disease

The sixth characteristic is a sign of physical illness that appears on the cat's body. Almost all diseases will usually cause signs or physical characteristics that appear on the cat's body. One example is scabies, which makes the cat's skin moldy and crusty.

Distemper disease which makes the cat feel as if her legs are weak and staggers, intestinal worms that make the cat's stomach bulge but thin, canker sores, inflammation of the mouth and throat that makes the cat always salivate which looks like foam.

In addition to what Angora mentioned just now, there are many other diseases that have signs or characteristics that appear when Angora's cat is sick.


7. Cats Prefer To Be Alone

Most sick cats, including Angora cats themselves, generally prefer to be alone. A possible cause is that the cat feels that the touch or the presence of other people or animals around her makes her feel uncomfortable when she is sick.


8. Cats Always Want To Sleep In Wet Or Warm Places

Some Angora cats who are sick will usually prefer or prefer to sleep in wet places such as bathroom floors, wet soil and other wet places. Sick cats will also prefer to sleep in warm places. So, if your cat repeatedly sleeps in a wet place, it is likely that the cat is sick.

The same thing applies to cats that sleep in warm places with the condition that cats that sleep in warm places don't want to eat all day and look weak and sleep more often.


9. Cat's Body Is Getting Thinner And Thinner

The ninth characteristic is that the cat's body will be thinner. Thin cats are the result of the cat's body not getting enough nutrition. Lack of nutrition generally occurs because sick cats always don't want to eat because their appetite is lost.


10. Cat's Body Looks Unkempt

The last characteristic of a sick Angora cat is that the cat's body looks unkempt. Cats are animals that love body hygiene but when the cat is sick, the cat will ignore the cleanliness of his own body and prefer to sleep more.

This makes the cat's fur that was once beautiful, bright, clean and odorless, now it's falling out, dull, dirty and smelly. As time goes on and the cat's disease gets worse, the cat's body will also get more and more unkempt, making the cat more ugly and disgusting.


If The Cat Is Sick What Should We Do ?

Depends on what disease the cat suffers from. If the cat's disease is a mild type of disease such as intestinal worms, mild flu and the like, self-medication at home can be done to treat cats. However, if the disease is classified as severe such as panleukopenia, skin tumors, sore throat or other severe diseases, the best action that can be taken is to take the cat for treatment to the nearest vet.

That's a discussion of some of the characteristics of a sick Angora cat and what actions should be taken when a cat is sick. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfactory answer.

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