
10 Causes Why Angora Cats Losing Hair

In addition to the Persian cat, the Angora cat is one of the cat breeds originating from Turkey. This cat is famous for its long fur, large body, white fur, feather duster tail and others. Caring for an Angora cat is the same as caring for other cat breeds, which is both difficult and easy.


Angora Cats Losing Hair


For the owners of this one cat, of course, they already understand about Angora cat care and the problems they face when caring for them. One of the problems often encountered by Angora cat owners is the problem of hair loss in their favorite fur friend.

This hair loss makes us as owners feeling sorry for cats and makes our Angora cats lose their beauty and charm. For those of you who are experiencing hair loss problems in Angora cats that are cared for, of course, you will be very curious about what is the main cause of this hair loss.

So, to find out the reason, Good Readers can read carefully to Angora's writing below.


10 Reasons Why Angora Cats Lose Hair

Why does the Angora cat hair fall out? Many things could be the cause. This can be caused by food, disease and the like. For more details, you can see the following explanation :

1. Wrong Feeding

Giving wrong food can also cause Angora cat hair to fall out. Even if you give special cat food, this food can cause hair loss for Angora cats. Quoted from the experience of one cat lover that his cat's hair lost after he changed the main cat food to a special cat food that was more expensive.

The cat that he kept really liked the food and the cat was getting fatter. But the side effect is that his cat's hair is falling out. After he changed his cat food to the original food, the cat's fur is now slowly returning to its original state. From this we can conclude that cat food has an effect on hair loss.

This is not because the special cat food is not good even though the price is expensive, this is because there is a cat's incompatibility with the food. Because other cats when consuming similar brands do not experience hair loss problems.

In addition to special cat food, other foods can also cause hair loss. These foods are generally salty foods or foods that come from the ocean ( sea food ). These foods include :

  • Mackarel tuna

  • Salted fish

  • Shrimp

  • Crab

  • Rice


Some of the foods above can cause hair loss if given too often and given in close time. Salted fish can cause cat hair to fall out due to the salt content. While other foods can cause allergies and itching that causes cat hair to lose due to cats often licking, biting and scratching their skin.

Not only will it make the cat's hair fall out, it can also cause irritation and injury to the cat's skin. For rice itself, this food is actually not dangerous. It's just that if you give the Angora cat just rice without a mixture of other foods, it can result in the Angora cat suffering from malnutrition.

This will not only have an impact on the hair loss of the Angora cat itself, it will also have an impact on the growth and health of the cat itself.


2. Parasites

The next cause of hair loss in Angora cats is parasites. Parasites such as fleas and mites often attack the cat's skin. This attack occurs in all cat breeds without exception. When the Angora cat has severe flea and mite problems, the cat will experience itching on his skin.

The cat will lick the part that feels itchy continuously until the itching subsides. Furthermore, if the problem of fleas and mites is not immediately resolved, it can make the Angora cat go bald in certain areas of the body because the cat continues to lick its itchy skin.


3. Caused By Allergies

Just like humans, cats can also experience allergies. This allergy can be triggered by food, use of certain drugs, insect bites and others. Allergies can make the cat's body experience problems such as itching on the skin.

As a result, Angora cats who feel there is a problem with their skin will continue to lick the skin area so that the cat will experience hair loss and even go bald.


4. Due To A Fungal Infection

Apart from being caused by parasites and allergies, fungal infections can also be the main cause of Angora cat hair loss. If a fungal infection occurs in your cat, immediately consult a veterinarian for the right treatment solution.


5. Pain in Certain Areas

When there are sores that cause pain in certain areas of the cat's body it can also cause hair loss. The hair loss is triggered by the cat's continuous body licking activity on the affected area of ​​the body. One example of this is a cat with Arthritis.

Cats sufferers will usually continue to lick certain areas of skin that he feels there is a certain pain under the surface of the skin. Cats usually lick the area because they feel the nagging pain.


6. Endocrine Problems

Endocrine problems are also one of the causes of Angora cat hair loss. Endocrine is a gland that functions to produce and release hormones. Problems such as hyperthyroidism affect a cat's coat. This leads to overproduction of hormones and can be a cause of hair loss.

In addition to hyperthyroidism, an imbalance of hormones and steroids that are too high in a cat's body can also damage the cat's hair follicles and die. The damage can prevent the cat's hair from growing again, as happens in cats with Cushing's disease.

In addition, excess cortisol can also trigger alopecia in cats. Alopecia is baldness or hair loss due to auto immunity.


7. Drug Side Effects

Loss in Angora cats can also be caused by side effects of prednisone drugs. Drug side effects can also be the cause of the cat's earlobe. This drug is often used to treat autoimmune, allergic inflammation, joint and skin problems.

Stopping taking the drug will usually eliminate the side effects caused by the drug on the cat's body.


8. Angora Cats Are Stressed

Stress can cause deviant behavior such as Psychogenic Alopecia in Angora cats. This can make the cat lick and scratch certain areas of the body repeatedly which results in hair loss. Cats with psychogenic alopecia will usually scratch and lick certain areas of the body, such as the abdomen, sides and legs.


9. Cancer

The ninth cause of Angora cat hair loss is cancer. Cancer can occur in cats but fortunately cancer is rare in cats. Cancer can cause Paraneoplastic Alopecia, where the cat's skin is itchy, moist and the hair falls out.

In addition to cancer, neoplasia can also cause hair loss problems in Angora cats. Neoplasia is the abnormal growth of new cells which can become cancer over time.


10. Rare Cause

The latter is the result of rare causes. It rarely happens, but once it happens, it can cause the Angora cat's fur to fall out.


How To Overcome Angora Cat Hair Loss ?

You can treat hair loss in your Angora cat by finding out in advance what is the main cause of the loss. Then it's just a matter of finding the right solution to eliminate the cause. For example, if the Angora cat is experiencing hair loss due to the large number of fleas, the way to deal with it is to simply kill the fleas by bathing the cat with a special anti-flea shampoo product.

Well, if the cause is due to a food incompatibility or because of giving the wrong food, the way to overcome it is to simply replace the food or pay attention to what food is allowed to be given to the cat.

And so on. When you feel that you can't find a way to deal with the hair loss problem in your Angora cat, it never hurts to take your cat to the vet and consult with him.


Is There A Way To Prevent Angora Cat Hair From Falling Out ?

The easiest way to prevent Angora cat hair from falling out is to take good care of the cat. Pay attention to what food is good for cats, bathe the cat regularly, always monitor the cat's behavior and treat the cat as soon as possible when the cat is sick.

Those are some of the reasons why Angora cats experience hair loss and how to prevent and overcome them. With this article, hopefully it can help you in overcoming your Angora cat fur problem.

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