
8 Reasons Why Cats Are Afraid To See Us

Have you ever faced a cat and then when the cat saw you, the cat ran away in fear. This incident is often experienced by ordinary people and cat lovers. And this behavior doesn't just happen to stray cats, it can also happen to domestic cats. For ordinary people this may just be a common thing.


Why Is My Cat Scared Of Me

But for those who are the owners of the cat itself, this is a bit sad for the owner. This also makes the owner wonder why the cat is afraid to see its own master. Actually there are many reasons that make cats afraid to see us.

The reason is not just fear, but there are other reasons why cats are alert and spontaneously run away from us when we approach them. Why are cats afraid to look at us and why are cats afraid when they see us ? To find out what caused it, Good Readers can read Angora's article below until the end.


8 Reasons Why Cats Are Afraid To See Us

As Anggora explained above that the cat that runs when we approach him is not simply because he is afraid to see us but there are other reasons why he behaves like that. Some of the causes include :

1. Alert

Cats are animals that are very aware of their surroundings. This trait is a natural trait that is common in most cats and is ingrained. And this trait will be very visible in stray cats and local cats that are allowed to roam freely outside the house.

That is one of the reasons why when a cat sees us who is the owner instead of getting closer, the cat looks alert and runs away when we approach him without calling his name. Well when we call his name then he realizes.

The cat who had intended to stay away even returned and ran over to greet his beloved master.


2. Cats Don't Recognize Us

The second reason is that cats don't recognize us. Even though we feel that we know the cat and the cat recognizes us because we often give him food and drink, the cat will still be afraid to see us if he feels he doesn't know us.

The reason cats feel wary of humans is because cats themselves know that not all humans around them are good people. In addition, cats are also animals that are rather difficult to recognize humans just through their faces.

Cats need to hear our voices to make it easier for them to recognize us. That's why many pet cats when they are outside the house only turn their heads when we approach them and then when we call their name they will come to us.


3. Mistaking That We Are The Ones Who Often Scold Or Annoy Him

Even though cats are bad at recognizing someone's face, cats are able to classify people into good or bad groups. The research of Galvan and Vonk of the University of Oakland in the City of Rochester proves this.

Cats will be very happy to be around people who are kind and friendly to cats, otherwise cats will stay away from bad people, like to scold, abuse and annoy them. The reason a cat is afraid when he sees us may be because he feels we are similar to the person who often bothers him.


4. Our Sudden Presence Around Him

Another reason why cats are afraid to see us is because we are suddenly around them. Well, our presence suddenly nearby makes cats think we are a threat aka predators who are ready to eat them. So if your cat runs away in fright when you suddenly approach him, it means he's mistaking you for a threat.


5. Surprised

A cat who runs away when he sees us is not just because he is afraid, it could be because he is surprised. The cat is surprised maybe because we suddenly appear nearby when he is focusing on seeing his prey or watching other things.


6. We Carry The Things We Fear

There are other reasons why cats are afraid to see us. One of the reasons is that we carry things that they fear. These objects can be dolls, broom sticks, animal statues and the like which our pet cats are very afraid of.

For Angora's own pet cat, they are very afraid of broom sticks. So every time I carry a broom, the cats in my house run away and get scared when they see me. But after I no longer held the broom stick, the cats that were scared and drifted away now behaved normally and some of them even indulged and played near me.


7. Our Voices Are Too Loud

Most cats really hate people with loud and harsh voices. Just like people who often get angry and abuse them, cats are also very afraid of people like this. They consider loud human voices as a warning or a form of expulsion.

Cats also think that people with loud voices, harsh and unfriendly tones are part of the threat as well as natural enemies of cats, especially feral cats. That's why if you don't want cats to be afraid of you then try to speak as gently as possible when you are around these animals.


8. Cats Think We Are Terrible Creatures

When you're wearing a helmet or lifting a mattress, your cat looks at you with fear. Then when you approach him, he even spontaneously runs away and peeks at you from a distance.

If so, then this means that your cat is afraid of you because it doesn't look like you are human because your face is covered by a helmet or mattress. Cats think you are not human, instead see you as a terrible creature.


Then Is There A Way To Make Cats Not Afraid Of Us ?

From the explanation above, we can conclude several things and find ways so that cats are no longer afraid to see us. Some of the ways include :

  • Approach the cat while calling its name

  • Don't suddenly appear near the cat

  • Don't surprise the cat

  • Don't bring things that your cat is afraid of

  • When near a cat, talk and call the cat in a soft voice

  • Take off the helmet or put the things you are holding before approaching the cat


By applying the method above, it is guaranteed that your cat who was afraid to see you will now look at you with his usual gaze and even the cat will approach you when he sees you.

Maybe that's all for a discussion of some of the signs that cats are afraid of us and how to deal with them. Hopefully, this article will let you know why cats are afraid of you and what actions you can take to overcome this.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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