
7 Causes Cats Get Toxoplasma

For pregnant women, keeping a cat is not dangerous as long as the cat is of clear origin and free of toxoplasma when tested for toxo at the veterinarian.


Where Do Cats Get Toxoplasmosis


But even though we have made sure the cat is healthy and free of toxoplasmosis, it is not uncommon, without our knowledge, our beloved pet cat suddenly becomes infected with the T. gondi parasite. This is not uncommon for some domestic cats.

Many things can be the cause why this can happen. Generally, most of these causes are from external factors. Because as the name implies, parasites are external living things that survive by riding on other living things.

It's just that this relationship is not a symbiotic mutualism. The relationship is actually detrimental to the host because the parasite absorbs nutrients from the host without giving the host any benefit. In fact, not infrequently these parasites actually cause disease in the host they live on.

So what are the reasons why cats can suddenly contract toxoplasmosis ? Check out Angora's explanation below until the end, good reader to find out.


7. Causes Cats Get Toxoplasma

As Angora explained above that generally the cause of cats being infected with Toxoplasma is from external factors. Some of the external factors that cause the infection of cats by Toxoplasma include :

1. Cats Eat Animals Infected With Toxoplasma

Eating animals infected with Toxoplasma is one of the reasons cats can become infected with Toxoplasma. Usually eating animals such as birds, mice and similar rodents is the main cause. Because these animals eat from the food debris they find on the ground.

The possibility of the food in it a lot of parasites that live. Eating these animals does not only cause toxoplasmosis. It can also cause food poisoning, intestinal worms and the dangerous life of botfly fly larvae in the cat's skin.


2. Cats Step On Other Animals

The Toxoplasma gondi parasite can also be spread through the feces of infected animals. When a cat roams outside the house, it is very likely that the cat accidentally stepped on the animal's feces and then the cat will be infected too.

This infection doesn't just happen because cats step on dirt. This occurs due to the feces being swallowed by the cat unconsciously when he is cleaning his fur from dirt by licking it.


3. Cats Touch Or Interact With Other Animals

Apart from trampled dirt. Touching or interacting with other animals can also make cats infected with Toxoplasma. Animals such as dogs and stray cats that come into contact with cats when they are playing or mating can be the cause.

Apart from stray dogs and cats, animals such as rats, birds and other rodents can transmit this parasite. Not only that, infected domestic cats can also cause transmission to other cats in the same house through touch alone.

Touching, sleeping together, mating and licking each other are generally ways toxoplasma spread from one cat to another in the same area.


4. Cats Drink From The Same Water

Spread through drinking water may be rare but does not rule out the possibility of it happening. Another animal that has eaten an animal infected with toxo or has just cleaned its body of animal waste infected with toxo by licking it and then drinking.

When he drinks, the parasites that were in his mouth and tongue may then stay in the water while they are drinking. Generally, this spread occurs between cats, dogs or cats and dogs if they are allowed to drink in the same place.


5. Cats Lick Other Animals

Licking other animals that have been infected can also cause cats to contract Toxoplasma. Therefore, it is important for us to keep an eye on the cat so that when he is outside the house he does not carelessly play with other wild animals around the house.

Not only outside the house, we must also monitor and keep away from our cats or dogs who are still infected with toxoplasma.


6. Cats Eat Food From The Trash

The name of food that is in the trash is certainly not good for the health of those who eat it. Be it humans or animals. Because this food itself must have become a nesting place for bacteria, countless parasites.

Including one of them is Toxoplasma. Whether it's food from the outside or inside the house, both will still threaten the cat's health if they eat it without our knowledge.

That is why the trash can in the house must be tightly closed so that the cat does not carelessly tear it apart and the cat should not be allowed to roam far from our house.


7. Cats Eat Raw Meat

As we know raw meat contains parasites. This parasite only disappears when the meat is cooked. When a cat eats raw meat it will not only be exposed to Toxoplasma but also intestinal worms and salmonella infections.


How To Know That A Cat Is Infected With Toxoplasma ?

It is difficult for us ordinary people to distinguish between cats that are not infected or infected with Toxoplasma. Because the characteristics of cats infected with toxoplasmosis themselves are almost similar to cats that experience other diseases.

Examples of its characteristics include :

  • Lost appetite

  • Diarrhea

  • Fever

  • Sleep often

  • Looks weak

  • And others


The only way to accurately tell if a cat really has toxoplasmosis is to go to the vet for a check-up. Inspection is usually done by checking from our pet cat. The cost of a toxo check usually ranges from 30-40 dollars for one cat. But these fees may differ depending on which area we live in.


Then How To Keep Cats Not Infected With Toxoplasma ?

It's actually quite easy for us to prevent cats from being infected with toxoplasma. The following ways you can do to prevent your cat from contracting toxo :

1. Don't Let The Cat Out Of The House

The first way you can do is lock the cat in the house or in a cage. This method aims to prevent the cat from having physical contact with other animals, eating any food or stepping on the feces of other animals when outside the house.

This method is one effective way to prevent cats from contracting Toxoplasma.


2. Pay Attention To Cat Food

We recommend that you give the cat dry food or instant wet food only. This food is considered safe for consumption by cats and is good for their health, besides that this food will also have no toxic parasites.

If you insist on giving the cat meat, fish, chicken and similar foods. So make sure to cook it first until it's cooked. Cook in a state without adding any spices or herbs to make it safe for consumption and not toxic to cats.


3. Keep The Environment Where Cats Live

Do a daily routine cleaning of the cage or room where the cat lives. Also make sure to clean the litter box every day from dirt and clean the box every week.


4. Bathe The Cat

Bathe the cat a maximum of once every 2 weeks or once a week. Then dry the body with a hair dryer or towel so that the hair does not get moldy. Bathing your cat will help keep his body clean of dirt, bacteria, fleas, germs and parasites.


5. Separate Sick Cats

When one of your cats is exposed to toxoplasmosis, this cat must be separated from other cats until he is completely cured of his toxoplasmosis. We have to do this so that healthy cats don't get infected too.


6. Don't Let Cats Eat Small Animals In The House

Small animals such as mice are one of the hosts for the Toxoplasma parasite. Even though we have kept the house as clean as possible, we will still find mice in the house. It's not just us, but cats can find it and eat it.

If this happens, you should immediately take the mouse that the cat wants to eat. Then throw it in a place that can not be reached by our cat.


7. Don't Let Cats Eat Food From The Trash In The House

Sometimes leftover food from the trash can attracts our cat's attention. Therefore, to prevent cats from eating from the trash, we should choose a trash can that is difficult for cats to tear apart.

Or maybe we can collect garbage or food scraps that can attract cats' attention in plastic and then throw it directly into the roadside trash can when we go to work or shopping.

Well, that's probably Angora's explanation of some of the causes that make cats infected with Toxoplasma and how to prevent them. With this article, hopefully it can help you find out what the causes are and do prevention easily.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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