
7 Easy Ways to Make Egg Yolks and Honey for Cats

In addition to filling, egg yolks are very good for health, especially if you add honey, it will certainly be more healthy. Not only humans, eggs mixed with honey are also good for cat health. You can give egg yolks and honey to cats as the main food.


Egg Yolk For Cat And Honey For Cat


So that the cat does not get bored of eating dry food and wet food only or it can also be used as additional nutritious snacks outside the main meal hours. By giving your cat egg yolks you can keep him happy, full and growing healthy.

But how do you give and make egg yolks and honey for cats so that their furry friend will eat them easily ? For those of us who have just started raising cats, of course this will make us confused.

In addition, if a furry friend is a picky cat type, it will be difficult for him to eat the egg yolks that we give him. To find out how to make egg yolks plus honey for cats, Good Readers can see Angora's explanation below until the end.


10 Benefits Of Honey Mixed Eggs For Cats

Before getting into how to make and give egg yolks and honey to cats, it doesn't hurt you to know a little about the benefits of egg yolks mixed with honey for cats. You can see the benefits below :

  • Anti-bacteria

  • Good for cat hair

  • Increases cat's appetite

  • Increase cat stamina

  • Treating the flu

  • Strengthen the cat's immune system

  • Strengthens cat's bones and teeth

  • Speeds up the healing process in sick cats

  • Reduce fever

  • Healthy digestive tract


Those are some of the benefits that our cat may get when he has consumed egg yolk mixed with honey.


7 Easy Ways To Make And Give Egg Yolks And Honey To Cats

Sometimes giving your cat egg yolks and honey is very difficult. Especially if the cat that we want to give is the type of cat who likes to be picky about food. We need a certain way to get the cat to eat it.

Actually there are many ways that we can do to make egg yolks and honey for cats so that cats want to eat them. For those of you who don't know how, you can use some of the methods below to make and make it easier to give egg yolks and honey to cats :

1. Mixing Egg Yolk And Honey In Wet Food

The first way to make egg yolks and honey is to mix them directly into wet food. You can use raw egg yolks and boiled egg yolks to mix directly into wet food. Then add half a tablespoon of honey to the wet food.

Make sure the ratio of wet food and honey is 5:1 so that the wet food doesn't change in taste and the cat is still happy to eat it. Because if the smell of the food doesn't change, the cat still thinks that it's only eating wet food when in fact we have mixed the food with eggs and a little honey.


2. Mixing Raw Honey And Egg Yolk

The next way to make egg yolks and honey can be easily eaten by cats is to mix them directly. For this method you need to use raw egg yolks. Use only free-range chicken eggs because free-range chicken eggs are free from salmonella bacteria unlike ordinary chicken eggs.

Take an egg yolk and mix it with half a tablespoon of honey. After that, give it to the cat using a feeding bowl. Usually after smelling the egg yolk and honey, the cat will lick this food until it runs out. But if the cat doesn't want to eat it, we can spoon it directly into the cat's mouth.

Or to be safer we can use a syringe to put this food into the cat's mouth easily.


3. Mixing Half-Cooked Egg Yolk And Honey

This method is almost the same as the method above, only the difference is the eggs used. The eggs used must be boiled half-cooked before mixing them with honey. Boil half-boiled egg yolks and then immediately mix with half a tablespoon of honey.

Then just give it to the cat. Cats will immediately eat a mixture of half-boiled egg yolks and honey with gusto.


4. Mixing Egg Yolk And Honey With Fish

In addition to mixing with wet food, you can also mix it with boiled fish. For the egg mixture, you are free to use raw or half-boiled eggs. Mix the eggs with honey then mix with the fish evenly.

The ratio of fish and a mixture of eggs plus honey is 3: 1 so that the smell of fish is stronger so that it will be easier for cats to eat it.


5. Mix It With Meat, Claws Or With Chicken Heads

Not only with fish, if you happen to have meat, claws or chicken heads at home, you can mix it with eggs and honey. How to make it is quite easy and similar to how to mix egg yolks plus honey with fish that we discussed earlier


6. Mix It With Boiled Tempeh

Tempeh is very good for the cat's digestion. Tempe can also fatten the cat's body. To give egg yolks and honey to cats, you can use a mixture of tempeh. Before mixing it, first cut the tempeh into small pieces with the right size according to the cat's mouth.

Then boil the tempeh, after the tempeh is cooked put the tempeh in a bowl and pour the honey and egg yolk mixture on it. Then you can serve it directly to the cat or mix it well before giving it to the cat.


7. Mixing It With Milk

Not just with food, with milk, egg yolks and honey you can mix. Because as we know that this one drink is very liked by cats. Mix raw egg yolk and half a tablespoon of honey into a glass of milk.

Then stir well and then separate some of the milk mixed with honey into the cat's drinking bowl because the cat may only drink a little. The rest you can drink or give to someone else. For the milk that is used, you should use special cat milk.

If there is no cat milk at home, then as an alternative we can use lactose-free human milk such as bear brand milk and the like. You can also use goat's milk. But not too much because goat's milk still contains a little lactose.

When mixing egg yolks and honey with milk, you can also add VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) and fish oil to add to its properties.


Things You Must Pay Attention To Before Mixing Eggs And Honey With Other Foods

Before giving a cat eggs and honey there are some important things that we must pay attention to. This is so that the provision of honey and eggs will provide health benefits instead of causing disease.

What are the important things ? Here are some of them :

  • Honey must be real honey, not a mixture or fake

  • The eggs given must be eggs that are free of salmonella bacteria even though they are given raw


It's okay to use ordinary chicken and duck eggs, it's just that there will be a risk of the cat being infected with salmonella bacteria if given raw. Giving by way of boiled cooked more Anggora recommends for this type of egg.

Do not add additional seasoning to eggs, fish, meat or tempeh. Spices that are delicious to humans can be toxic when they enter the cat's body For cats who are sick and don't want to eat, you should give them using a syringe to make it easier for the cat to eat it.

Wow, there are many ways to make and give egg yolks and honey to cats easily. With this article, I hope it can help those of you who are confused about how to give a cat egg yolks and honey.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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