
8 Reasons Cats Release Smelly Mucus From Its Mouth

As we know that cats are animals who like to keep their bodies clean. In a cat's lifetime, cats spend a lot of time sleeping and licking their bodies. Especially if the cat feels his body is dirty, the cat can even lick his body for more than an hour.


Cat With Smelly Mucus


That's why when a cat emits an unpleasant odor from its body or there is smelly mucus in its mouth, there must be something wrong with the cat. Cases of cats passing smelly mucus from the mouth is a common condition in cats.

Whether it's a domestic cat or a stray cat, whether it's a race cat or a village cat, all types of cats can certainly experience it. Usually this occurs due to certain health problems in cats that cause cats to produce saliva that is similar to mucus from their mouths.

Then what are the causes why cats excrete very smelly mucus from their mouths ? Good Readers can listen to Angora's explanation below until the end to find out the source of the cause.


8 Reasons Cats Release Smelly Mucus From Its Mouth

The mucus that comes out of the cat's mouth if we observe carefully is similar to cat saliva. It's just that this mucus is thicker and smells very foul when compared to healthy cat saliva. Generally this condition is triggered by certain health problems that occur in cats.

The following are some of the triggers that cause smelly mucus discharge from the cat's mouth :

1. Thrush

The first cause that makes cats ooze smelly mucus from their mouths is thrush. Thrush is rare in cats. But it is still possible for cats to experience it. To find out whether a cat has thrush or not, you can look at certain characteristics.

Certain characteristics that exist in cats with thrush include :

  • Saliva thickens

  • Loss of appetite

  • Just want to drink

  • Bad breath cat

  • Gums are a bit red

  • Tangled hair and skinny body

  • Frequently scratching the mouth or the inside of the mouth

  • Becomes grinding his teeth often


2. Cat's Mouth Upper Palate Problem

Another cause is a problem with the cat's upper palate. This is often caused by certain objects stuck in the roof of the cat's mouth. These objects can be thorns, bones (chicken and fish bones).

When your cat's mouth is oozing mucus and is very smelly, before going to the vet, try first to examine the inside of the cat's mouth. See if there are thorns or bones stuck in the cat's mouth.

If there is a thorn or bone stuck in it, try to grab the stuck thorn and try to pull it in the right direction so as not to further injure the inside of the cat's mouth. Once the thorns or bones are removed, monitor the cat's condition for a few days.

Within a few days, the cat will no longer have mucus from its mouth and the bad smell will disappear. As long as you monitor the cat's condition, give it easy-to-eat cat food such as wet food so that the cat has no trouble chewing it in the mouth.

Also clean the mucus from his mouth so as not to disturb the cat's comfort. But if after we check the cat's palate and don't find any bones and thorns stuck in it. The possible cause is not this but the next cause which is below.


3. Stomatitis

When a cat has a very smelly mucus from its mouth, it is possible that the cat is experiencing stomatitis. The saliva that was originally not so smelly gradually turned into mucus and emitted a very foul smell.


4. Toothache

Just like stomatitis, toothache in cats can also be the cause of cats secreting very smelly mucus from their mouths. Cavities and gingivitis can make your cat feel uncomfortable and produce thick saliva from his mouth.


5. Gum Pain ( Gingivitis )

As mentioned above that sore gums are also one of the reasons why the cat's mouth is salivating with very smelly mucus. Generally, cats with gum disease are cats that are often given food other than dry food (bolt, felibite, maxi) or wet food.

The food that is usually given is the type of food that is cooked at home or raw. For example, giving fish and bones (sea and river fish), chicken bones or beef bones, large shrimp heads, crabs and the like.

This hard and sharp food will injure the gums of the teeth so that the gums become inflamed. Cats with gingivitis are mostly domestic cats. This is because most domestic cat owners keep cats and don't really care about the health of their cats.

In addition to food, dental disease can also be a major trigger for gingivitis in cats.


6. Sore Throat

Just like gum disease, sore throat is also often triggered by giving food to cats. This occurs due to an infection caused by a thorn or a stuck worker. And also because these two things injure the wall in the throat.

To make sure your cat has strep throat, you can check it yourself by opening the cat's mouth. Then see if the cat is poisoned, there is canker sores, gingivitis, toothache or the presence of sharp and hard objects such as thorns and bones stuck in the inside of the mouth.

If there are no problems in the cat's mouth, it can be confirmed that the cat has strep throat. And the only way to deal with it can be done by taking the cat to the vet for immediate treatment.


7. Metabolic Disease

Metabolic disease is one of the causes of bad breath and cat saliva. This disease occurs due to serious problems in the internal organs of the cat's body. This disorder generally occurs in cats who are very old.

In addition to serious problems that occur in the organs in the body, metabolic diseases can also occur due to diabetes and liver disease. If your cat has a bad odor and saliva over a long period of time, it may be due to a metabolic disease.

We recommend that you immediately do an early examination to the veterinarian so that appropriate treatment can be given immediately.


8. Poisoned Cat

Poisoning can also be the reason why the cat suddenly has a liquid and smelly mouth. The liquid that comes out can be in the form of foam or mucus. Cats who experience mild poisoning generally only secrete a liquid like foam in their mouth.

Meanwhile, in cases of severe poisoning, cats will secrete a lot of fluid from their mouth and this liquid is also foamy and slightly thick like mucus. Not only that, the cat will also experience convulsions, difficulty standing, won't eat and others.

The worst thing is that a cat who is poisoned will experience seizures that often even die instantly in the place where he is having a seizure.


How To Deal With Cats With This Condition ?

Find out in advance what is the main reason why cats develop this condition. After knowing what the cause is then we can move to the next stage. That is to provide appropriate treatment. For example, if the cat emits smelly mucus because of thrush, treat the thrush.

Surely the smelly mucus will not come out of the cat's mouth after the thrush heals. Do the same for the other causes. If you can't handle it on your own, ask a veterinarian for help. The vet will be happy to help you heal your beloved cat.

It turns out that there are many reasons why cats secrete smelly mucus from their mouths. With this article, hopefully it can help those of you who are confused about the condition of your cat whose mouth is filled with smelly mucus and allow you to take appropriate action on the cat's current condition.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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