
8 Ways to Take Care of Newborn Kittens So They Don't Die

Baby cats are just like human babies. A baby cat's body is very sensitive so it needs proper care so that the baby can grow well and healthy. It's not like there is a mother cat who will take good care of her baby, why should we bother paying attention to its care.


How To Care Newborn Kitten


The reason is simple because they are not humans but only pets. They are unable to think and just rely on their natural instincts to care for their babies. As a result, there were several babies who were not properly cared for, which eventually fell ill and the poor babies died.

This is where our function as good owners and conscientious human beings is to ensure that all kittens receive good care so that they can grow properly. This also applies to kittens whose mothers live with them.

Then how do you take care of newborn kittens so they don't die? Good Readers can see how by reading Anggora's article below until the end.


How To Care Newborn Kitten So It Doesn't Die ?

Caring for a newborn kitten will be easier if the mother cat is still around. This is inversely proportional to if we take care of a kitten whose mother has died and is still breastfeeding.

Because kittens that are still breastfeeding and living with their mother will only have a survival rate of only about 40 percent, the remaining 60 percent are kittens will definitely lose their lives.

Even though caring for a baby cat whose mother is still alive is easier, there is still a possibility that a kitten being cared for is at risk of death. Therefore it is important for us to know how to properly care for a baby or kitten.

To care for kittens, there are 4 important things that we must pay attention to so that our pet cat babies can grow up healthy, not fall sick and die. What are these 4 things ? You can see it below :

1. Make Sure The Kitten Is Full

In order for the kitten to grow up healthy and not die, we must make sure the kitten has received enough milk so that he feels full. To find out if the kitten has had enough milk, you can look at its stomach.

If the belly is distended and the cat looks calm and doesn't meow, then that's a sign that it's drinking enough milk. But if the kitten meows frequently and his stomach looks thin and not distended (no contents appear) then this means that the kitten or baby cat is still hungry.

So that the kitten who is not drinking enough milk feels full and doesn't make a fuss anymore, separate the other siblings from the mother cat for a while. Let the kitten suckle alone so that he is full of drinking his mother's milk.


2. Provide A Warm Place For The Cat

The next important thing that we must pay attention to is to provide a warm and clean place for the mother cat and her kittens to live. You can use a cardboard box inside which is lined with a soft cloth. You can also use lots of patchwork as the base.

The point is the place must be soft and warm at night and also not in direct contact with the floor which at night the floor of the house can feel very cold.


3. Don't Touch Children Or Baby Cats

Mother cats tend to recognize their kittens by their body odor. Touching the kittens too often will cause the kitten's body odor to change and the mother cat won't recognize it or even think it's her kitten.

As a result, the mother cat will ignore and not take care of these kittens so that they will fall ill and die. If you want to handle the cat, wear gloves or a cloth so that your hands don't come into direct contact with the kitten's body.


4. Clean Where They Are

Cats will generally decide to move their kittens when they feel the place where they were previously and the kittens are already smelly. When cats move their children, it is not uncommon for their children to experience neck injuries, neck pain and the like.

This is what makes most kittens sick and refuse to breastfeed and eventually die. In order to avoid this, when you feel that the cat's place has a smell, it doesn't hurt to clean it immediately before the mother cat decides to move.

When moving kittens make sure you wear gloves so that your smell doesn't stick to the kittens and make sure to also move the kittens or kittens to a safe place and away from the reach of other animals, especially the reach of male cats.


5. Clean The Kitten

A mother cat may lick her own kittens when she feels her kitten is dirty. But not infrequently mother cats have trouble cleaning their children. Use a slightly damp towel then clean the kitten's body from the dirt that is attached.

When holding a kitten, don't forget to wear gloves so that your smell doesn't stick to the kitten. The smell of humans attached to a kitten will make him think the child is not his child and reluctant to take care of him.


6. Watch Kitten Body Development

Pay close attention to the kitten's body, whether any of the kittens or baby cats that are still breastfeeding are smaller than other cats. If yes, then the baby is lacking milk and lack of nutritional intake.

To overcome this, you can give special cat milk as an alternative to additional milk to help development and help meet their nutritional needs.


7. Help Cats Move Their Kittens

There are times when the mother cat will still move her kittens even though we have cleaned the place where she nursed her kittens. It is possible that a cat moves her kittens because she feels uncomfortable and unsafe if she keeps her kittens there.

Don't forbid him to move, just let him move because even if you forbid him to move, he will still insist on moving. Also help her to move her child or baby to a new place. By not forbidding him and helping him move the kittens, you can prevent the kitten from getting neck injuries.


8. Take Your Baby Cat To The Vet

When you feel that something is wrong with your kitten's condition, for example, the kitten doesn't want to breastfeed, the kitten's body looks weak, the kitten is just sleeping and its body is very small and skinny.

You should immediately take it to the nearest vet for proper treatment. Taking the kitten to the nearest vet will minimize the risk of the kitten dying.

That's how to take care of newborn kittens so they don't die. With this article, I hope it can help you in caring for your newborn kitten and minimize the risk of its death.

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