
How Many Hours Once A Baby Cat Drinks Milk ? Here's the explanation !

Kittens are just like humans, they can lose their mother. Whether it's because the mother was stolen by someone, the mother died of illness or poison, died after giving birth to her child or maybe the cat ran away from home and didn't come back.


How Many Hours Once A Baby Cat Drinks Milk


When this happens, it is our duty as good owners as well as human beings who have a conscience to take care of a baby cat that has lost or is left behind by its mother. One way to care for babies is to meet their nutritional needs by giving milk.

But giving this milk should not be given carelessly. Because one-one can harm the baby cat. Instead of being healthy, the baby cat actually experienced health problems and his life could be at stake. There are many important things that we must consider before giving milk to baby cats.

What are the important things? Good Readers can see Angora's explanation below until the end to find out.


Important Things Before Giving Milk To Baby Cats

As I explained above that there are some important things that we must pay attention to before we give milk to baby cats. Some of these things are important to note so that the kittens we care for can grow well and healthy.

Here are some important things that we must pay attention to when we want to give milk to our pet cat babies.

1. Every How Many Hours Baby Cats Drink Milk ?

Based on Angora's own experience, giving cat milk is given every 1 to 2 hours. And the size of the milk can be given just enough. To find out whether enough milk is given to the cat, you can do it by looking at the size of the cat's stomach.

If the baby cat's stomach feels a bit full, then the milk can be stopped and can be given again when the baby cat meows as if it is thirsty. Usually a baby cat will meow thirst between 1 to 3 hours later.

If you feel that the method above is a bit difficult because you have to use feeling in determining the size of cat milk to be given. Then you can see the size of baby cat's milk based on age and body weight below to make it easier for you :

  • Baby cats are 0 to 1 week old and weigh about 50-150 grams, so the size of the milk dose that must be given is about 2-5 ml every 2 hours.

  • Baby cats are 1 to 2 weeks old and weigh about 150-250 grams, so the size of the milk dose that must be given is about 5-10 ml every 2 hours.

  • Baby cats are 2 to 3 weeks old and weigh about 250-350 grams, so the size of the milk dose that must be given is about 10-13 ml every 3 hours.

  • Kittens are 3 to 4 weeks old and weigh around 350-450 grams, so the amount of milk that must be given is about 13-17 ml every 4 hours.

  • Baby cats are 4 to 5 weeks old and weigh about 450-550 grams, so the size of the milk dose that must be given is about 17-21 ml every 5 hours.

  • Baby cats are 5 to 8 weeks old and weigh around 550-850 grams, so you can give milk as an additional nutritional supplement.

2. What Milk Is OK For Cats ?

The answer to this question is actually quite simple: cat milk. As the name implies, cat milk is a product specially formulated for cats. Many petshops or online shops sell this product.

Starting from high-priced cat milk but with the best quality such as Royal Cannin Baby Cat Milk and good quality cat milk at affordable prices such as Growssy milk, these cat milk products are widely sold in the market.

But that doesn't mean baby cats can't be given human milk. You can give milk such as Bearbrand milk to your baby or kitten if there is no one selling cat milk or the situation is urgent.

Human milk that can be given to cats is non-lactose milk or very low levels of lactose so that it is safe for consumption by babies or kittens and does not cause digestive disorders in kittens.


3. How To Give Milk To A Baby Cat ?

To give milk to baby cats, cat lovers generally use a special cat pacifier. There are also those who use a syringe with a small tip that is widely sold at the nearest pharmacy. Fill a special cat syringe or nipple with baby cat milk.

Then feed it directly into the baby cat's mouth. Give slowly and not too much to prevent the cat from choking and the milk enters the cat's lungs and causes respiratory problems in the cat.

If you use a pacifier, all you have to do is put the pacifier in the cat's mouth and let the baby cat drink its milk little by little. But if you use a syringe you must pay attention to the position of the syringe when giving a baby cat milk.

The position of the syringe must be inserted from the side of the mouth and the position of the tip of the syringe is right in the middle of the inside of the mouth. This is so that when the cat struggles, the milk does not enter the nose which can make the cat have pneumonia and also to make it easier to give milk to the baby cat.


4. How Do You Measure Milk For Kittens ?

The dose for cat milk itself varies, this variation is determined based on the cat's own weight. This has actually been explained above, but so that you remember it even more, Angora rewrites it below :

  • Cats weighing about 50-150 grams, the size of the dose of milk that must be given is about 2-5 ml.

  • Cats weighing about 150-250 grams, the size of the dose of milk that must be given is about 5-10 ml.

  • Cats weighing about 250-350 grams, the size of the dose of milk that must be given is about 10-13 ml.

  • Cats weighing about 350-450 grams, the size of the dose of milk that must be given is around 13-17 ml.

  • Cats weighing about 450-550 grams, the size of the dose of milk that must be given is around 17-21 ml.

  • Cats weighing about 550-850 grams are used as nutritional supplements.


5. Do Baby Cats Need Anything Other Than Milk ?

Newborn kittens up to one month old usually do not need any other food other than milk as the main food. But for kittens over 1 month old we need to introduce other foods when the cat starts weaning (switching from milk to other foods).

During the weaning period, give soft and easy to eat food such as wet food or you  can also give boiled fish that has been cleaned of thorns and has been thoroughly cooked for cats.


That's a discussion of what needs to be considered before giving milk to a baby cat and every how many hours the milk is given to a baby cat. With this article, hopefully you can give milk to baby cats properly and baby cats can grow well and healthy.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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