
16 Reasons Why Cats Vomit Their Food

When our beloved anabul vomits, it will certainly make us worried. Now when this happens most of us will think that cats vomiting their own food is the result of the cat suffering from certain diseases or because the food is not suitable.


Cat Vomit Food


But this is completely untrue, many things may be the cause of why cats experience this. Even the cause may not be because the cat is sick or because the type of food is not suitable for cats.

Although this may not be because the cat is sick, but still as good owners we must be vigilant and as much as possible find out the main cause so that we can solve the problem of the cat throwing up its own food as soon as possible.

Good Readers, of course, want to know what causes a cat to vomit up the food he just ate. Check out Angora's explanation below to the end to find out the cause.


13 Reasons Why Cats Vomit Their Food

As explained above, the cat does not vomit completely because the cat is sick or because the food is not suitable, but there are other factors that cause this to happen. This factor could be due to the act of our own cat.

For more details, below, Anggora summarizes all of the factors that cause cats to vomit, starting from health problems, food or the act of the cat itself. Some of the causes include :

1. Just Eat Grass

The first possibility is that the cat has just eaten grass. We need to know that cats don't actually just eat grass. Cats eat grass for a specific purpose, namely cleaning their stomachs and various other reasons. So how do we know that the cat has just eaten grass ?

There are 2 ways to find out based on Angora's experience, namely :

  • See if the cat outside ate grass before

  • See if the cat vomit has grass. Usually there will be grass visible even if it's a small amount


2. Inappropriate Food

Cats can also have problems with their food. When a cat gets food that is not suitable for his stomach and also has an allergy problem to certain types of food, the cat may vomit up the food he just swallowed.


3. Parasites

The second reason is due to the presence of harmful parasites in the intestines. This parasite usually enters through the intestines through previously contaminated food and drink. Generally, the parasites that often attack cats and cause vomiting are worms.

Cats with intestinal worms are generally thin and have a big belly. Not only that, cats will also have a high appetite and seem never to feel full even though they have eaten large amounts.


4. Eat In A Hurry

When the cat eats in a hurry it can also cause the cat to vomit. Usually cats do this because there are other cats who want to interfere with their food or the cat may feel very, very hungry.

Apart from being very hungry and there are other nuisance cats, the presence of humans which he considers a threat to approach him also makes most cats eat in a hurry and even don't want to eat even though there is food they like, such as fish nearby.


5. Poisoned Cat

Many things can cause a cat to be poisoned. Poisoning can be caused by :

  • There is a dead kitten in the womb

  • Cat accidentally swallowed a chemical

  • The cat eats rotten or expired food

  • Cats accidentally eat insects or other animals that have been exposed to poison

  • Cats accidentally eat grass or plants that have been poisoned

  • Cats are given food that is poisoned by other people

  • And others


When a cat is poisoned, the cat usually vomits its food, foams at the mouth, becomes weak and even staggers. The worst thing is that the cat will suddenly die if he experiences a severe type of poisoning.


6. Diet

A cat's diet can also cause a cat to regurgitate its food. Cat food snack products generally have a high protein content. Usually this protein comes from a lot of animal protein that is found in the animal body.

Not only does it contain high protein, this cat food also has quite complete nutrition. If the cat can't digest this food properly, of course it will cause problems for the cat.

Not only because of food, but changes in the type of food and eating patterns that occur suddenly can also be one of the causes of cat vomiting. Changing food suddenly can also make cats experience digestive problems such as diarrhea and constipation.


7. Milk

Milk is a type of drink that is very healthy for us humans. But that's not the case with cats. Cats are lactose intolerant which makes them unable to drink human milk. That's why we can't carelessly give milk to our beloved cat because it can cause digestive problems for him.

Digestive problems can include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and other problems. So, if you want to give your cat milk, you should give milk products that are safe for cats to drink. Dairy products that are safe for cats to consume are cat milk and lactose-free milk such as bear milk.


8. Cats Eat Certain Things

The eighth reason why cats vomit their food is because the cat accidentally eats a foreign object. Examples of foreign objects that we often find in cat food are hair loss and small pieces of plastic packaging.

Don't be a cat, we as humans, if there are hairs or pieces of plastic that are accidentally swallowed when we eat, the body will automatically respond by spitting up the food.


9. Hairball Problem

Cats within a certain period of time will regurgitate their stomach contents to remove the hairballs in their bodies. This is normal for cats and certainly not dangerous. The main purpose of cats vomiting hairballs is so that these fur balls do not interfere with the cat's digestion.

Because if the cat does not remove this fur ball from the body, the cat will experience diarrhea, difficulty defecating (constipation) and the digestive tract will be blocked. In severe cases, to overcome hairball in cats, cats must be operated on.


10. Gastrointestinal Infection

Gastrointestinal tract infections can occur if there are bad or bad bacteria infecting the intestines. Intestines that were normal will be greatly affected. As a result, the cat may experience diarrhea, as well as vomiting.


11. Vomiting Bile

Vomiting bile often occurs in the morning or at night because at this time the cat's stomach is empty. When the stomach is empty then bile enters it will make the cat vomit. Cats that vomit bile usually have a yellow, frothy appearance.

If your cat is vomiting yellow and foamy, there is a good chance that your cat is vomiting bile. This is nothing to worry about if it only happens once and not continuously. If vomiting occurs continuously, you should immediately consult the nearest veterinarian.


12. Intestinal Obstruction

Not only bile, intestinal obstruction is also one of the causes of cats throwing up their food. Intestinal obstruction can generally be caused by a cat swallowing foreign objects and can also be caused by more severe things such as hernias or tumors


13. Inflammation Of The Intestines

Vomiting in cats can also be caused by inflammation of the intestines. Inflammation of the intestines can make cats experience chronic vomiting.


14. Acute Kidney And Liver Failure

The malfunctioning of the kidneys and liver, which are useful for cleaning toxins in the body, can be one of the causes of cat vomiting. However, this is not considered directly related to liver and kidney failure.


15. Cat Choking On Bones Or Thorns

Giving a cat bones or thorns can harm the cat. Giving bones and thorns can make a cat vomit. It can also create other problems such as gingivitis, inflammation of the mouth or sore throat.


16. Gastrointestinal

Gastrointestinal can make cats have problems with their digestive tract. This condition can make the cat vomit. Not only that, this condition can also be associated with cancer.


How To Overcome Cats Vomiting ?

For a cat who only vomits once a week, the cat's vomiting is not considered to be related to health problems. This vomiting can only be caused by the cat just eating grass, the cat eating too fast or the cat removing the hairball in his body.

But if this vomiting occurs continuously every day then the best solution for cats who experience frequent vomiting is to take the cat to the vet.

These are some of the reasons why cats throw up their food and how to deal with them. Hopefully this article will help you to act appropriately when your cat vomits the food he just ate.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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