
3 Ways To Remove Thorns And Bones From Cat's Throat

Even though we have taken good care of the cat, there are still problems that we want to happen to our beloved fur friend. One such problem is that cats choke on bones or spines.


How To Remove Thorns And Bones From Cat's Throat


Even though we have avoided the possibility of avoiding and not giving bones or thorns to pet cats, for some reason we can still get and eat thorns or fish bones, chickens and cows.

Maybe it's because the cat is scavenging piles of garbage around the house and neighbor's house or someone else deliberately gave the cat bones and fish. The result is that cats easily get fish and spines to eat.

When a cat chokes beacuse a bone and thorns, the main thing that crosses our minds is how to remove it as so as possible so it wont hurt the cat and the cat can see normally as usual.

For those of you who want to know how to remove a cat's throat thorn, good readers can listen to Angora's explanation below until the end to find out.


Characteristics Of A Cat Choking Because Thorns Or Bones

Before we conclude that a cat is really choking or is being strangled by a thorn or bone then we need to look at the characteristics or signs that exist in a pet cat. Cats with bones or with thorns usually show certain characteristics or signs.

The general characteristics of a cat with bones or exposed to thorns include :

  • Cough cat

  • Most want to vomit

  • Gum color is a bit blue or purple

  • Often claws as if to get something out

  • Cats salivate a lot from their mouths

  • Hard to breath

  • The cat looks uncomfortable with his condition

  • Cats are quiet and sleep more often

  • Eat and just want to drink

  • Only want to eat when given wet food like whiskas and the like


When you have at least 5 characteristics above your cat, it can ensure that your cat has problems with his mouth or mouth. If this trait occurs before you or your relatives give bones or thorns.

So Anggora believes the main cause is the thorn stuck or stuck in the cat's throat that makes the cat feel sick and feels uncomfortable with his current condition.

However, if this does not happen, it is not because you have previously given bones and thorns, then this could be because the cat is suffering from certain diseases that cause health problems.

Diseases such as thrush, gingivitis, toothache in cats will also cause characteristics that are almost similar to what Angora wrote above. So before concluding a cat or a bone, we should look at the characteristics in cats and events before illness.


Causes Why Cats Choke On Thorns Or Bones

Based on the experience of the Angora itself, there are several things that cause our cats to choke because they eat fish bones or spines. The cause can come from the cat itself as well as other factors.

What are the causes of a cat with bones or thorns, you can see the causes below :

  • We or other people give cats bones or fish spines as food because they think cats can easily eat them

  • Cats are not used to eating bones and thorns, generally this often occurs in domestic cats, feral cats rarely experience this but it is still possible to experience it.

  • Cats are in a hurry to eat the bones and thorns that we give or find.

  • Cats are disturbed by other cats so that cats are surprised or can't focus on chewing their food

  • The size of the bone or thorn that we give is too big so that the cat fails to chew it and instead gets stuck in his teeth, mouth and throat

  • Cats or kittens eat bones for the first time so they are inexperienced to eat them

  • Bones and spines are too hard or flexible so that the cat has difficulty chewing the whole part so that other large parts are accidentally swallowed by the cat.

How To Prevent Cats From Getting Thorns Or Bones

It is very difficult to prevent cats from getting thorns or bones. Some of the ways that I think are the most effective are :

  • Don't give the cat any bones or thorns at all

  • Storing thorns and bones from food scraps in a tightly closed plastic bag so that the smell doesn't come out to lure the cat and place it in a hidden or hard-to-reach place for the cat

  • Telling family members not to give the cat bones or thorns

  • Do not let the cat out of the house area such as to the neighbor's house or free the cat to wander outside the house

  • Don't throw thorns and fish in the area around the house


How To Remove Thorns And Bones From A Cat's Throat

For those of you who want to try to give your cat who is choking on thorns or bones first aid, then you can try the following ways.

1. Overcoming Cats Affected By Thorns And Bones That Are Not Too Deep

If the position of the bone is not too far away it is very easy for us to try to pull and remove it from the cat's mouth or throat. This can be done in the following way :

  • Ask for help from relatives or others to hold the cat

  • Look at the position of the bones or spines in the cat's mouth or throat

  • If it's close try using tweezers to pull the thorn out, pull it quickly because there is a possibility the cat is very rebellious and make sure not to hurt the cat

  • After successfully removed, throw the thorns and bones into a place that is difficult for the cat to reach so that the cat does not eat the thorns again.


2. Overcoming Cats Affected By Small Thorns And Bones

Well, if the thorns and bones that are stuck are small in size. You can use the following method :

First Way

  • Hold the cat facing you

  • Gently hit the cat's shoulder blade until it coughs and spits up any thorns or stuck bones.

  • If that doesn't work, try pressing one of the cat's chests while giving a few slow thumps over and over

  • While doing so, hold both sides of the cat well

  • If it works then you can throw away the thorns and breathe a sigh of relief

  • If it doesn't work then you can try the second method.


Second Way

  • Take the fish that has been boiled cooked (can also use rice)

  • Separate the fish meat from the spines and then round it

  • The size of the circle is half the size of a cat's throat hole

  • Force the cat to swallow it

  • After the cat swallows the fish then give half a tablespoon of lime juice

  • Give every hour or two rice or fish along with the lime juice

  • After a day, pay attention to whether the cat's condition begins to improve with a sign that the cat is starting to eat and there is no more clawing movement.

  • If the cat does not seem to be improving, you should immediately take the cat to the nearest vet


3. Overcoming Cats Affected By Thorns And Big Bones

You can use the method below as a first aid measure, if this method does not work then you should immediately take the cat to the vet to immediately get the best treatment. The method is similar to the method above, namely :

  • Hold the cat well on both sides and in a position facing you

  • Gently hit the cat's shoulder blade until the cat looks like it's coughing and wants to throw up something

  • Keep hitting it slowly until the thorns or bones are vomited

  • If it still doesn't work, try pressing one of the cat's chests while giving a few slow beats repeatedly

  • If bones and thorns are vomited, remove the thorns and keep them away from the cat

  • If it doesn't work, you should immediately take the cat to the nearest vet


If All Of The Above Methods Don't Work, What Should I Do?

Some of the ways above are likely to work because they are based on experience, but not all of them always work. If the above method doesn't work, usually taking the cat to the vet is the best solution and Angora highly recommends it.

Because sometimes the thorn that is stuck is too big and gets stuck quite deep in the throat. In addition, this could be the result of other diseases such as strep throat, tumors and so on.

Maybe that's all the discussion about why cats get bones and thorns and how to remove bones or thorns from a cat's throat. With this article, hopefully it can help you overcome the problem of a cat having bones or getting thorns in his throat.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

Attention: This information Anggora has gathered from various sources and his own personal experience. Kenanganangora is not responsible for the risk of injury, death, direct or indirect damage or loss, material and immaterial caused by the information we provide. For further information and action, you should consult the nearest veterinarian.

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