
11 Ways To Treat Sick Cats Without Going To Vet

Some of you may currently have a sick cat but you want to treat it yourself. The reason you treat it yourself is not because you don't want to take it to the vet but for some reason.


Treat A Sick Cat Without Going To Vet


For example, you live in a village where there is no veterinarian, the money is not enough for treatment because it must be used for other needs, or maybe to just give first aid to the cat before taking it to the vet or maybe you feel that the cat's illness is mild so it doesn't need to be.

Take him to the vet. Whatever the reason, at least the goal we want to do is for the cat to get well soon. But as a cat lover, Anggora suggests that the cat should be immediately taken to the vet if he is sick while the following methods are only done as an alternative.


11 Ways To Treat A Sick Cat Without Going To Vet

To treat a sick cat without having to go to the doctor, you can do it in several ways. Some of the ways you can try are as follows :

1. Give Coconut Water

Coconut water is believed to have many benefits that are good for the human body and even for animals such as cats. In addition to providing many benefits. Coconut water is also believed to be able to treat certain diseases in cats.

Such as poisoning, cats don't want to eat, cats often vomit, cats have fever, panleukopenia and others. To treat this disease, generally there is no need to go to a doctor and cat lovers are advised to use young and fresh coconut.

Young and fresh coconuts are more nutritious than old coconuts. Not only that, easy coconut contains more nutrients and coconut water than old coconut. Apart from being used as medicine, coconut water can also be used as a supplement and energy booster for cats who are sick and don't want to eat.

Coconut water is usually given once every hour to cats as a medicine or as an energy booster for cats.


2. Give VCO Oil

In addition to coconut water, young coconut oil, known as VCO, can actually be used to treat certain diseases in cats. Generally, VCO oil is often used by cat lovers as a medicine against fungus in cats. 

VCO oil also has many other benefits for cats such as being able to thicken cat hair, treating bruises and claw marks, preventing and eliminating fungus and fighting diarrhea caused by digestive disorders (not parasites such as worms).

This is because VCO oil is rich in vitamin E and various acids which are very good for the health of the cat's body and skin.


3. Give Brown Rice Porridge

When your cat doesn't want to eat, you can give it brown rice porridge as one of your efforts to treat it. The method is quite easy, that is, just buy instant brown rice porridge at the nearest shop or minimarket then boil it with warm water and then give it to a sick cat.

Brown rice porridge is also very good when given to cats who are not sick. The content of brown rice is very good for helping the cat's growth process.


4. Give Special Food For Sick Cats

You also don't have to go to the doctor to treat a sick cat. You can use cat food that is specially formulated for sick cats. This type of food is very good to give to sick cats because it contains various vitamins and nutrients that sick cats need.

It's just that this type of food is more expensive than the cat food that we usually buy at a price of 25-50 thousand. For example, royal cannin weighing only 200 grams is sold at a price of 50 thousand. Meanwhile, the 100 gram happy cat recovery is sold for 20 thousand. Can you imagine if we buy with a size of 1 kg only then the cost incurred is 10 times as much.

It's expensive, but this is equivalent to the quality that our cats get after eating them. And this is very helpful for the healing process of a sick cat.


5. Drink Water

When your cat has a fever or fever, you don't need to go to the doctor. Just give cat flu medicine that you can buy at a pet shop and give him enough water as an effort to treat it. Because you need to know that a cat has a fever, one of which is because the cat is dehydrated due to rarely drinking.

Water is also very good given to cats who suffer from constipation, diarrhea and loose stools. This will help make it easier for a constipated cat to defecate as well as help clear the digestive tract.

Giving water to cats is also considered good for the health of the body and maintaining the health condition of the cat's body. It's just that we can't just give cats drinking water just because they're just animals.

Make sure to give the cat drinking water that has been cooked thoroughly so that the cat avoids diseases such as loose stools and diarrhea due to certain parasites such as intestinal worms and other digestive problems.


6. Give Cats Vitamins And Antibiotics

In order to increase the cat's recovery percentage, you can provide additional vitamins and antibiotics. Giving vitamins and antibiotics is useful to strengthen the body's resistance to fight bacteria, viruses and germs that cause disease in cats.

This will certainly help and make it easier for drugs to destroy the source of the disease with the help of multivitamins and antibiotics given to cats. Give vitamins and antibiotics regularly to a sick cat so that he can recover quickly.

Giving multivitamins and antibiotics to cats does not have to be given to cats who are sick. Precisely giving to healthy cats is also highly recommended even by veterinarians. Multivitamins and antibiotics will strengthen the immune system of a healthy cat so that it will not be susceptible to various diseases.


7. Giving Honey

Honey is also useful for treating fever, flu and preventing cancer and heart disease. Because honey has a variety of content that is good for the body and is able to treat fever and flu in cats. Give honey to cats who have a fever and flu to taste.

Before giving the cat honey, first mix the honey with a little water. This is so that the honey is not too thick and easy to give to the cat using a syringe (injection without a special cat needle). You can also give your sick cat honey directly.

The trick is to bring honey to the cat's nose, when the cat likes the honey he will lick it himself until it runs out. But if he doesn't like it, we are forced to give it forcibly using a syringe. Also make sure that the honey you want to give is real honey or pure honey.

Because it's useless to give a fake honey cat aka KW, instead of a cat recovering and healthy from his illness, but a cat can become sick and the condition of the disease he suffers from is getting worse.


8. Give The Cat an Egg Yolk

If your cat is thin, has thin fur, likes to be limp and lazy, don't take him straight to the doctor. You can first treat it without going to a doctor through alternative medicine by giving egg yolks to overcome these problems.

Egg yolks have many good benefits for cats such as fattening drugs for thin cats, drugs to thicken cat hair, increase stamina and increase endurance and many other benefits. To give egg yolks to cats you can give them cooked or raw.

It's just me, I much prefer to give the cat cooked eggs if he is still in good health. Meanwhile, when the cat is sick, it is better to give it raw to make it easier to give it by using a syringe. When giving a cat raw egg yolk, it is best to mix it with honey.

So that the fishy smell that cats don't like disappears, makes it easier for cats to eat it and lastly increases the nutritional content and properties obtained from a mixture of honey and egg yolks.


9. Give The Bear Milk

When the cat is mildly poisoned, vomiting, weak and doesn't want to eat, we can treat it without having to go to the doctor by giving bear milk. The nutritional content contained in bear milk is considered to be able to overcome the health problems above.

Bear milk can also be given as an additional energy supplement for cats who are sick. Bear milk is also safe to give to cats who suffer from digestive problems such as diarrhea and do not cause digestive disorders for cats because of the low lactose content in milk.


10. Provide A Warm Bed

The 10th way you can treat your cat without having to go to the doctor is to provide a warm bed for a sick cat. This method is considered effective for cats who are experiencing colds or flu. You can put a dry cloth or towel on each side of the cat's bed and also use it as a bed for the cat to sleep.

Then place the cat near a fifteen-watt light so that the cat's bed is warmer.


11. Drying Cats In the Hot Sun

The last way to treat a cat without having to go to the doctor is to dry the cat in the hot sun. You can do this for cats who are sick with flu, colds and fever. Drying a cat can also treat cats who are sick from viruses and bacteria, it's just that this must be accompanied by taking medicines, vitamins and antibiotics.

Dry the cat in the morning around 10 to 12 noon. This time is a good time to sunbathe for both humans and cats because the sun at this time is very healthy. When you dry your cat, dry it for about 5 to 10 minutes every day in the morning, don't dry it for too long because it can cause dehydration.

After drying the cat, give the cat coconut water, bear milk or water because the cat must be thirsty after basking in the sun.

That's an explanation of 11 ways to treat a sick cat without going to the doctor. With this article, hopefully it can help you in treating your cat independently without the help of a doctor, adding to your insight and can be useful for you.

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