
Is It True That Cat Hair Can Cause Infertility ? Here Is The Answer !

The relationship between cats and infertility is often linked in society. Myths such as keeping a cat can make a woman unable to have children, cat hair can make a woman sterile, cat litter can make a woman sterile and many other such myths.


Cat Hair Can Cause Infertility


Is it true that the myth circulating in the community? Can cats really make women barren? Is it true that as long as a woman keeps a cat, she will not be able to get pregnant as long as she keeps a cat ?

Now to answer all the questions above and answer your curiosity, then you can find out the real answer by read Angora's article below to the end.


Is It True That Cat Hair Can Cause Infertility ?

"Actually, as women, we don't need to be afraid of having a cat. Because having a cat will not cause a woman to suffer from infertility. All the views that exist in society are myths. Keeping a cat, cat hair has nothing to do with the cause of infertility.

As long as we take good care of cats and clean their bodies often and we are also diligent in maintaining body cleanliness and endurance" quoted from the words of Vet Reisa Broto Asmoro "Therefore, for you girls who want to keep cats, now you don't need to be afraid anymore with myths cat hair causes infertility.


Can Cat Litter Cause Infertility ?

As with cat hair, cat litter will not affect a woman's fertility and cause infertility for those who keep cats but cat litter can cause women who are pregnant to get sick, miscarry and have birth defects.

This only happens when it turns out that the cat is infected with toxoplasma and not all cats have this disease. Cats usually get infected through what they eat. It may be difficult for us to check whether a cat has toxoplasma or not.


Can Cat Hair Cause Toxoplasmosis ?

Yes, cat dander can cause toxoplasmosis in humans. It's just that the fur must come from a cat infected with the parasite t. gondi. If the cat is not infected with this parasite, then the cat's fur will not be the cause of toxoplasmosis and it is safe for us to touch its fur.


Said Toxoplasmosis Can Cause Infertility, Really ?

What is circulating in the community or what other people say that toxoplasma is the cause of women unable to get pregnant is a hoax. As Anggora explained above that toxoplasma in cat feces is not the cause of women being unable to get pregnant or being infertile.

Toxoplasma can only cause pregnant women to become sick due to a weak immune system, causing miscarriages, and birth defects.


How To Know If A Cat Has Toxoplasma ?

The only way to find out is to take your pet cat to the vet. Usually the cost required for inspection ranges from 20 dollars to 30 dollars per one cat. For the results of the examination itself can be said to be quite accurate and reliable.

Perform routine toxo checks every 6 months to prevent spreading of toxo to us and also as an effort to keep cats healthy.


How To Prevent Toxoplasmosis For Women Who Keep Cats ?

After knowing that cats and cat hair do not cause infertility, but you who are cat lovers are afraid of being infected with toxoplasmosis, whether you are not pregnant or pregnant or.

Some of the tips below may be able to prevent you from contracting toxoplasmosis and at the same time eliminate the worry in your heart.

1. Keep Cats Inside The House

Keep the cat in the house, do not let the cat play outside the house area. Just let him play in the house or in the yard. We do this to avoid the cat interacting with another cats or other animals that have been infected with the parasite T. gondi.

If you are going out of the house for a long period of time, it is best to keep the cat in a house or cage.


2. Don't Touch Cat Poop

When raising a cat, you should provide a litter box. This is so that the cat always defecates and urinates in the litter box that has been provided and makes it easier for you to clean cat litter. When cleaning cat litter, you should avoid physical contact with pup.

You can wear gloves and the like when cleaning cat litter. After cleaning the cat litter, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly with soap. For those of you who are pregnant you can also do the same thing as described above.

But it's best when you're pregnant don't touch cat litter, ask your husband, family members or other people to clean it for you.


3. Use Instant Cat Food

Instant cat food such as dry food or wet foot usually has the benefit of being able to reduce the smell of cat pup while reducing and killing the viruses in cat pup.


4. Bathe The Cat

Bathing a cat is one way that can make us avoid the spreading of toxoplasma. Bathe your pet cat at least once a month and a maximum of 2 times a week so that the body or cat's fur is clean from dirt, bacteria, viruses and viruses.

A clean-bodied cat will also minimize our risk of contracting or contracting Toxoplasma.


5. Give Vaccines

Vaccinate your cat at the nearest vet to avoid infection with the Toxoplasma gondii virus. In addition to the toxoplasma vaccine, you can also give your cat a rabies vaccine, parvovirus vaccine and others to make it stronger and immune to various deadly diseases.


How To Treat People Affected By Toxoplasmosis ?

Actually toxoplasmosis can heal by itself in adults who have a strong immune and immune system. But different cases with people who have low immunity and pregnant women. To treat it need special care and certain drugs.

That's why when you or your family members who have low immunity are infected with toxoplasma, immediately take them to see a doctor. This also applies to you or your family members who have strong immunity but are infected with toxoplasma.

We done this to prevent the patient's condition from deteriorating, speed up recovery and increase the percentage of the patient's recovery.

Maybe that's all I can say about the answer to whether cat hair is dangerous for women and whether it can cause infertility for women. If you find this article useful, please share it with relatives, other cat lovers or your social media accounts.

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