
9 Ways How To Overcome Cats Won't Eat And Have Diarrhea

Cats are just like any other animal. They will not always be cheerful, active and healthy. There will be times when our pet cat gets sick.


How To Overcome Cats Won't Eat And Have Diarrhea


One of the diseases that can be suffered by cats is diarrhea. As long as the cat has diarrhea but wants to eat, of course we feel that the cat's disease is not too severe and all this time we can find out for ourselves what causes our cat to have diarrhea.

After knowing what the cause is, of course we can easily find a solution so that the cat recovers from diarrhea. But when our cat who has diarrhea does not want to eat, the time for us to find out the cause will be limited because the cat's life can be at stake.

To make it easier for you to find out what causes a cat to have diarrhea and how to deal with a cat that doesn't want to eat because of diarrhea. In this article, Angora will discuss about this. Watch until the end, good reader.


Causes Diarrhea On Cat

Based on my own experience, some of the causes that might make a cat experience diarrhea are as follows :

  • Worms

  • Parasite

  • Infection

  • Food

  • Drug side effects

  • Milk

  • Raw Water

  • Raw Food

How To Overcome Cats That Don't Want To Eat And Diarrhea ?

Diarrhea may sound trivial to us, especially for those who have just had cats. In fact, even though it looks trivial, this disease can take a cat's life if it is not immediately treated.

For those of you who want your cat to get well soon and want your cat to eat again, there are several ways you might try to get rid of or treat diarrhea in cats. Some of these ways include :

1. Don't Give To Cats Human Milk

Giving human milk to cats is one of the reasons cats experience diarrhea. This is because of the high lactose content in human milk, which can cause cats to vomit and have loose stools. After reading this, break the habit of giving your cat or kitten human milk.

If it turns out that the cause is giving human milk to cats, then when we stop giving human milk to cats. In a few days usually the cat's pup will return to normal and the cat will return to eating.


2. Treat Cats With Deworming Drugs

If you believe that the cause is not milk but worms, then the quickest solution to this is to give the cat deworming medicine to treat the diarrhea problem. After a few days of drug administration, usually there will be white worms out with cat feces.

Don't worry, this is normal and it's a sign that the cat's condition will begin to improve. If the worms are out, pay attention to the condition of the cat's pup. Usually within a week after giving the drug, the cat's poop or feces will gradually return to normal.


3. Avoid Giving Cats Raw Water

Raw water contains many parasites that are harmful to cats. If the cat drinks raw water, this parasite will attack or infect the cat's digestive tract. As a result, the cat becomes constipated, diarrhea, frequent urination or difficulty urinating and similar diseases.

To treat this the only way is to give certain drugs to kill parasites and bacteria that cause digestive tract disorders in cats.


4. Avoid Giving Cats Raw Food

As with raw water, raw food will also cause problems in the cat's digestive tract. To avoid this, you should give your cat dry food or wet food when you don't have time to cook cooked food to give to your cat.


5. Try Replacing Cat Food With Another Brand

Cat food is also one of the reasons why cats have diarrhea. Foods that are not suitable for the cat's digestion often make the cat diarrhea. To fix this, you only need to replace your dry paint food brand with another dry paint food brand.

Not only cat food that is not suitable, but the transition of food from one brand to another can trigger diarrhea in cats. It's just that this diarrhea only lasts for a week and does not make the cat's appetite disappear.


6. Try Replacing Cat Food With Wet Food

When the cat doesn't want to eat, try giving wet food to a sick cat. Some cats will usually want to go back to eating after the food is changed to wet food or wet food. If this method works, don't stop just to replace the cat's food but still give worm medicine and do the next steps below.


7. Stop Treatment With Certain Drugs

Side effects of certain drugs can also cause side effects such as diarrhea in cats. To stop this side effect, stopping the consumption of the drug by cats is the right thing to do.

Consult this with your veterinarian whether this will have a negative impact on the cat's health condition and ask the doctor to prescribe a safer drug if it turns out that this side effect is harmful to our cat's health.


8. Give The Cat Coconut Water Or Honey

Cats suffering from diarrhea can also be a result of mild cat poisoning. Give coconut water or honey as a natural antidote for cats with mild poisoning. In addition, coconut water and honey can also be a source of energy and supplements for sick cats who don't want to eat.


9. Take the Cat to the Vet

When you have applied the 8 methods above and it turns out that the cat still has diarrhea and doesn't want to eat, the last thing you can do is take the cat to the vet. Moreover, if the cat has bloody diarrhea, the diarrhea is black and the cat is severely poisoned, then taking the cat to the vet is the right choice.

That's a discussion about the causes and how to deal with cats who don't want to eat and have diarrhea. With this article, hopefully it can help you in treating your cat who is having diarrhea or loose stools.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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