
6 Ways To Tame Feral Kitten

For those of you who decide you want to start raising kittens and decide to adopt one or more kittens to keep at home. 


How To Tame Feral Kitten


Usually the first thing we will do is ask for kittens from friends, cat lovers in social media groups, neighbors who happen to have cats or pick up stray cats that are accidentally found on the streets while passing.

After successfully adopting a cat you will begin to pay attention to care issues, how to properly feed a cat, bathe it and so on. But the problem is that over time the cat still doesn't want to be tame to us. Taming a kitten is not easy when we don't know how.

Moreover, if the kitten we have just decided to raise is a stray kitten, small but fierce, or afraid of humans. Of course, the process of taming a kitten will increase in difficulty if it turns out that the kitten that we are going to raise has one or a combination of several of the traits listed above.

But don't worry, even though taming a cat is a bit difficult, you can try the method that Angora has written below to make it easier for you to tame your cat or kitten. Any way, see the explanation until the end, yes.


8 Reasons Why Cats Are Difficult To Tame

When we want to make our cats tame to us, we must first know what are the main reasons why kittens are difficult to tame. Some of the causes according to Angora that make cats hate us and become increasingly difficult to tame are as follows :

1. We Speak To Him In High Tones

As we know that cats are animals with very sharp hearing. In fact, cats' hearing is 2 times better than dogs, which have 5 times better hearing than humans. That's why cats never like and hate people who are angry and high-pitched people talk to or are close to.

This is supported by research by Galvan and Vonk from the University of Oakland in the City of Rochester. Their research proves that people with high-pitched, wrinkled and rough faces will be shunned by cats. So it's best when you want to make your cat tame, speak in a tone that is not too high.


2. Don't Often Angry At Cats

From what has been explained above that cats really hate angry people. This is tantamount to humans who will be lazy to be close and tend to stay away from people who like to be angry, especially when their anger is unclear.

People who have an irritable nature will find it very difficult to tame and be close to cats. Because not only hate the owner of this trait, cats also perceive this type of person as a nuisance or existence that threatens to cause them to tend to stay away from him.


3. Don't Put On A Frowning Face

It may sound a bit silly that a cat can tell its owner's emotions just by looking at his face. But research proves the truth of this. Maybe some of you have cried and then the cat approached you as if to comfort you.

He will sit next to you or on your lap so you can stroke him or hug him so you don't think about your sadness anymore. This happens not only to you but all cat lovers have experienced this. This is one sign that proves that cats can recognize human emotions through their facial expressions.

If you approach a cat with a sullen face, of course the cat you will approach will actually run away from you.


4. Rarely Feeding Kittens

How can a cat be tame to you if you even feed it rarely. This will make you in his eyes just an ordinary human and will not be considered a master at all.


5. Calling His Name Less Often

As with rarely petting a cat, rarely calling his name will make the cat feel foreign to us. As a result, cats are difficult to tame.


6. Less Often Playing With Cats

Another reason why kittens are difficult to tame is because we rarely play with them. Let alone consider us as owners, even consider as friends he will be reluctant because of our lack of playing with him.7. Rarely Pets Kittens

Although it looks trivial but rarely petting a cat can have an impact on the kitten's memory itself. Although the cat's brain is not as good as humans, the cat's brain is still able to remember anyone who is considered a friend and good to him.

Because you rarely pet a cat, your kitten's memory is only marked as a foreign human who can even be considered an enemy when near him. This is one of the reasons why kittens are not afraid and behave normally towards their owners.

Instead he will meow angrily, struggle and even claw at strangers who approach him or even try to stroke or hold him.


8. We Are Not The One Who Feeds Him

One of the reasons why kittens are difficult for us to tame is that we don't often feed them, instead other people often feed them. As a result, cats will actually be more docile to the people who feed them compared to us who are the original owners.


How To Tame Feral Kitten

After you know what causes cats to be difficult to tame, now is the time for you to tame your naughty, grumpy, wild, timid little kitten. You can try 6 easy ways to tame the following cat:

1. Give Name

The first way to tame your kitten is to give it a name. Because with the name we can easily train and call it. And over time the cat will get used to this name.

When we often call a cat repeatedly, even though our call is not answered by him, gradually this name will be recorded in the cat's memory. Keep calling the cat by his name even if he doesn't reply to you. Also do the action of calling names every day, especially when we want to feed the cat.

Call his name and then feed him. Do it patiently and regularly, see the results in 2 weeks or a month later.. The cat that used to be indifferent to you, now when you call his name he will rush the road or even run towards you.

In addition to taming kittens, giving a name is a sign of affection between the owner and his pet


2. Have A Relationship With A Kitten

After giving the cat a name, the next step is to establish a relationship with the kitten. The relationship here is in the form of interactions with cats such as feeding, giving water, bathing them, playing with them or even sitting and sleeping with them.

For those of you who are busy at work, you can take your night to rest by interacting with cats. The interaction is enough to give him a snack, invite him to sit and sleep with you.


3. Eat And Drink Enough

By eating and drinking enough the cat will make the cat healthy, happy and happy. This is one of the requirements for those of you who want to train or tame the cat. Cats whose needs to eat and drink don't need to be thought about anymore will make them not focus on the problem of their stomach needs anymore.

This allows the cat to freely play to and fro, explore the house and most importantly interact with you. Fill the cat's entrails and interact with it a lot so that you can easily tame it. Oh yeah, if you want to give your cat a drink, don't give it water that's not cooked yet.

Because raw water can cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea. In addition, boiled water is considered more healthy if given as a cat drink


4. Give Snacks Using Your Hands

It's no longer common for cat lovers to give their cats snacks between main meals. Snacks in the form of wet food, dry food, sausages or homemade paint food they usually make for snacks.

The purpose of giving snacks varies, some are aimed at making cats fat naturally, some are meant to be closer to cats and some are just hobbies. Whatever the goal, as long as it's good for you and the cat, it's okay to keep doing it every day.

Oh yes, you can also do this method to tame the kittens that you keep. I also value this method as the most effective way to tame kittens and adult cats.


5. Bathing The Cat

Cats are indeed one of the few animals that really hate water. He will struggle and then run away when he knows he will be bathed. Even though cats hate water, we inevitably have to force them to bathe.

We are forced to do it to remove disturbing microorganisms as well as the cause of health problems from the fur. Even though cats don't like being bathed, as soon as they bathe they will feel lighter and more comfortable.

This will certainly make the cat happy and like us more and make it easier for us to tame it.


6. Pay Attention To Cat Health

The last thing you need to pay attention to is the cat's health. Because if the cat that you want to tame suddenly falls ill because you are ignorant of its health condition then all the efforts you have made so far will be in vain.

When you feel that something is wrong with your cat, such as the cat being quiet, sleeping often and not wanting to eat, you should immediately take it to the vet. Because these characteristics are signs that your cat is experiencing health problems.


Can The Above Method Make Cats Tame To Us ?

Of course the 6 ways above will definitely work. But of course the above method will not be able to instantly make your cat tame in just a day. It takes a minimum of 2 weeks, 4 weeks and even a maximum of a month for the above method to work.

In addition to being patient, we also have to do the above method regularly to see the results. Based on the experience of the Angora it takes at least 1 to 2 months for the kitten to become docile and obedient to us.

Wow. it turns out that there are also many things we need to do so that we can easily tame cats. Maybe that's all I can say, I hope this article is useful and adds insight for you. Don't forget to share it with your relatives, cat lovers and social media.

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