
3 Causes Of Cats Affected By Skin Tumors

In Australia, cats are the most widely used pets as pets besides dogs and birds. Whether it's a domestic cat or a purebred cat, both of them are pretty much used as pets.


Cat Skin Tumor


The reason many people in Australia make cats as pets is none other than because cats are very cute, the animals are friendly and easy to care for and the maintenance costs are quite low. Especially domestic cat breeds.

But just like other pets, cats can also get sick even if we take very good care of them. One of the diseases that may attack this tiny four-legged animal is a skin tumor.

So that cats do not develop skin tumors, we must know what causes the cat to suffer from this disease so that later we can prevent our beloved cat from being infected. In addition, so that cat disease does not get worse, we must know what actions we must take.

So what are the causes of skin tumors in cats ? Read Anggora's explanation below until the end to find out the answer.


3 Causes Of Cats Affected By Skin Tumors

Some of the common causes that affect the skin so that it can cause tumors on the cat's skin are as follows :

1. Cleanliness

Cleanliness is one of the things that can affect the skin, both for human skin and for pets. Lack of owner awareness to maintain cleanliness can be the cause of skin tumors in cats.

Whether it's the cleanliness of the cage or the cleanliness of the place where the cat is or lives, we need to pay attention to it. We must keep the surrounding environment and also the cage (if any) clean to maintain the health of the cat's skin and fur.

That's why we are required to regularly clean the environment or cat cage. For cat cages we need to clean at least once a week or when we feel the cat cage is dirty or very dirty.

Because we live with cats, the cleanliness of the environment where the cat lives like in the house, maybe we are used to keeping it clean by sweeping or mopping the floor every day.

In addition to keeping the environment and cat cage clean, we are also obliged to clean the cat's body by bathing it. A minimum of bathing a cat is once a month and a maximum of 2 times a week. Do not bathe the cat too much for example bathing every 3 days.

This instead of being healthy will actually cause hair loss problems, cats can have fever, stress on cats and others. When bathing a cat, we also have to bathe it at a time that is not too hot or cold, which is between 11 am to 1 pm.

Do not bathe the cat at night, because it is feared that the cat can get hypothermia.


2. Outdoor Environment

In addition to the cleanliness of the cage and shelter, the outdoor environment can also cause health problems such as skin tumors in cats. The outdoor environment or a bad outdoor environment can affect a cat's health.

Like some waste or air pollution that can have a very bad impact on domestic cats, especially purebred cats. Air pollution such as factory smoke, motor vehicle smoke pollution, cigarette smoke, the smell of factory waste that is too rotten that pollutes the surrounding area, overflowing factories that pollute water and the like.

The impact of this pollution can interfere with the health of cats as well as our health. Some of the available information explains that the treatment of tumors and cancer is slow. However, there are several other methods that have been developed that allow the healing process to be carried out quickly.

Such as treatment with radiation and chemotherapy which can now be done by veterinarians who have qualified medical equipment facilities. Therefore, if you find your cat has cancer and tumors, take it to the nearest vet.


3. Excessive Licking His Body

Cats bathe or clean themselves by licking their fur and skin. This is a common and natural habit for cats to do to rid themselves of germs, bacteria and parasites that may be attached to their bodies. You need to know that in the cat's tongue there is a kind of enzyme that is able to fight bacteria.

In addition, the cat's tongue is specially created with a rough shape like a brush that is able to get rid of dirt and disturbing microorganisms on its body. But this tongue will be like a double-edged sword. If the cat is stressed and then there is an injured cat's body part, the cat will continue to lick it.

When the cat continues to lick its body then this will cause serious problems for the cat's body. As the wound gets worse, the hair around it falls out, irritates the skin and even the worst thing is that it can be the cause of tumors on the cat's skin.


How To Prevent Skin Tumors in Cats ?

There are several ways you can do to keep your cat healthy and free from tumors. To prevent skin tumors in cats, you can try the following ways :

1. Keep Clean

One way you can do to prevent skin tumors in cats is to maintain cleanliness. Starting with keeping the cat clean by regularly bathing it with a special cat shampoo. Cleaning the cage regularly, cleaning the house, regularly changing the sand and removing the dirt in the litter box.

This simple action is proven to be able to maintain the health of the cat, improve its health and the health of the cat owner itself.


2. Using Fish Oil

Fish oil can prevent various diseases in cats such as preventing cancer, preventing hair loss and helping kidney healing. Not only that, fish oil is also considered very good for the health of cat hair and skin.

Fish oil also has benefits for preventing and minimizing cancer cells in cat skin. To give fish oil to your cat, you can use certain methods that you think are easy to do.


3. Provides Multi Vitamins

The last thing we can do to prevent skin tumors in cats is to give various supplements and multivitamins. The provision of various multivitamins and supplements aims to increase the cat's immune system and maximize the cat's nutritional needs.

Giving multivitamins should be done within reasonable limits and must be careful. Because if we are wrong it can cause poisoning in cats. If you are a layman and have doubts about what dosage and vitamins are good for your cat, then consult a veterinarian about this.

Your veterinarian will be happy to advise on the best vitamins and advise you on the correct dosage and use of vitamins.


How To Treat Tumors On The Cat's Skin ?

Up to now, alternative or traditional medicine is considered unable to treat this disease. So the best way to treat a tumor on a cat's skin is to take it straight to the vet as soon as possible for treatment. Treatment using radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be done to treat this disease.

In addition to the two methods above there is also an immunotherapy method. This method is considered to provide a high hope of healing compared to radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

This method has recently become the center of attention of researchers and is being developed to treat cancer.


Can Cat Skin Tumors Be Cured ?

With good care and the right tools, there is a high chance that skin tumors in cats can be completely removed. However, the cost required is not cheap considering the medical methods used in the healing are radiation and chemotherapy methods.


Are Cat Skin Tumors Contagious ?

In general, cancer (malignant tumor) is not contagious. But you should avoid direct exposure to the cat sufferer to avoid things that we do not want. Keep the cat in the cage before taking the cat to the vet.

When giving your cat food and water in a cage, you should wear gloves and wash your hands after changing the food and drink of a sick cat. That's an explanation of the 3 causes of cats getting skin tumors.

With this article, hopefully it can help those of you who are curious about the causes of skin tumors in cats, help prevent tumors in cats in the future and how to treat cats with skin tumors. And hopefully add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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