
4 Reasons Why Cat Afraid Of Cucumber

Talking about cats, there are certainly many things that we can talk about as cat lovers. Starting from his cute and adorable behavior, his unique reactions, things he likes and hates and what he fears. Now talking about something that cats are afraid of, one of the fruits that cats are afraid of is cucumbers.


Cat Afraid Of Cucumber


This fruit, which is very loved by humans and is often used as fresh vegetables, is also a complement to vegetables because it tastes refreshing and delicious. We can see this fear when we intentionally or unintentionally bring the cucumber in front of the cat.

The cat will jump in surprise, meow angrily or even run as fast as lightning away from the cucumber. But apparently not all cats have a fear of cucumbers. Some of them have no fear at all when dealing with cucumbers and there are even some cats who even use cats as toys.

There are several reasons or reasons why some cats hate and are afraid of cucumbers. What are the causes ? Check out Angora's review below to the end.


Why Are Cats Afraid of Cucumbers ?

For those of you who are curious about why cats are afraid of cucumbers, you will certainly wonder why. To answer your curiosity, here are some reasons why cats are afraid of cucumbers.

1. The Shape Is Weird And Green

Have you ever been wiping your head with a towel or lifting an object and the towel and object covered your face and then you walked past your cat. How was the reaction? Some of them must be surprised and scared at the same time.

Another response that a cat may make when it sees you is to run as fast as lightning when you approach it. This happens because the cat recognizes you as a strange, strange creature that makes its wild instincts tell you that you are a threat.

Likewise with cucumbers, cats will think this fruit is a strange green shaped creature that could threaten it. That's why most cats are wary and scared if there are cucumbers near them.


2. Cats Think Cucumbers Are Snakes

The next reason why cats are afraid of cucumbers is because it looks like a snake, to be precise, a green gadung snake. As we know that snakes are natural enemies of cats, that's why if there is an object that looks very similar to a snake nearby, this one animal will be alert and run away in fear.


3. Cats Are Just Shocked

Some cats may be afraid of cucumbers because they think cucumbers are strange creatures or snakes. But others may not be afraid. The cat was only surprised by the presence of a cucumber that suddenly appeared around it.

You can see this for yourself in some cat and cucumber videos. In this whole video, it looks like a man holding a cucumber then suddenly pops the cucumber from behind the cat.

The presence of cucumber suddenly beside him is what makes the cat startled and react to jump and run away from the cucumber as if the cat is afraid of this green fruit. But actually the cat was just surprised because suddenly a cucumber appeared nearby.


4. Cats Feel That Cucumbers Are Intruders

Cats are very territorial animals, especially when they are eating. When the cat eats, then we put the cucumber near it. The cat will think that the cucumber is trying to steal its food. As a result, the cat will assume that the cucumber is threatening it.

When a cat feels threatened it will become very anxious and also frightened. In response to his feelings, the cat's body will respond by running as fast as lightning, jumping high and then running away or raising its fur and threatening back with its hiss or meowing sound.


Can We Scare Cats With Cucumbers ?

Some of the articles that Anggora has read on news sites, health sites such as alodoc or cat lover sites, it is said that we should not scare cats with cucumbers. The reason is that it makes sense that scaring cats can make cats feel anxious and stressed.

When cats experience stress, cats can experience a lack of appetite, hair loss due to cats often licking fur due to stress, often sleeping and being quiet. Another reason is that when a cat is scared, a cat can get injured when he bumps into something while running.

Anggora agrees with this but the explanation above is too much. Scare the cat occasionally with a cucumber is fine even if the goal is entertainment. As long as this action is only done at least once a week or once a month.

This will not even stress the cat and interfere with the cat's health. The proof is that my own cat so far is healthy and not experiencing stress. He just gets stressed and throws a tantrum if his master forgets to feed him, hehehe.

Even some of my cats are immune after several times being scared by cucumbers. But remember, scaring the cat won't stress the cat if we don't keep scaring the cat with cucumber every day and often do it every day.

If you do this continuously, you can be sure that your cat will experience stress, acute fear and various other health problems.

Maybe that's all I can say about 4 reasons cats are afraid of cucumbers and can we scare cats with cucumbers. If you find this article useful, please share it with relatives, other cat lovers or your social media accounts.

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