
5 Ways To Massage A Sore Cat's Paw

Of course as cat lovers we want our beloved cat to be happy and healthy always. But what we think is not always what we expect. There are times when we will find our cat's legs look sore and limp Maybe when our cat's feet hurt or look limp, some of us may think, can a sore cat's leg be massaged ?


Massage Cat Paws


Actually it is possible but there are some things that we must pay attention to before doing massage to the cat. Then what is a good way to massage a sore cat's leg and what should be paid attention to before starting to massage a cat ?

Read Angora's explanation carefully in the article below. Listen to the end.


7 Things To Pay Attention To Before Massaging Cat Paws

Before starting the massage, you should pay attention to the following things so that later on the cat whose feet are sick can recover quickly and his condition does not get worse. These 7 things include :


1. Check The Cat's Feet First

The first step before starting to massage the cat's paw is to first check or examine the cat's paw. Because sometimes a cat's leg that is sick or limping can be due to a sharp object that sticks to it and hurts the cat's leg.

In addition, it can also be caused by an injury to the cat's paws, fingers or between the cat's fingers. If it has been checked and it turns out there is a sharp object, it is best to remove it from the cat's paw and if there is a wound, treat it immediately. Do not massage the cat's injured paw.


2. Minor Injury Cat

Make sure the cat you are going to massage is a cat whose leg is slightly injured and this injury is the result of a fall or injury while playing. You can also hurt your feet due to accidentally stepping on your feet.

The point is that the leg you can massage is the cat's leg with a minor injury. If the condition of the injury is severe, you should not massage it.


3. Don't Massage The Cat's Paw That's Been Hit

There are times when you may notice your cat's paws are limping as he enters the house. Do not rush to massage his feet. Make sure first what is the main reason why his feet are like that. It could be that the cat has just been hit by a car or motorcycle.

In the case of a cat that has just been run over, massaging the cat's paw will only add to the pain. Not only that, massaging his feet can cause the condition of the inner bones to get worse due to the shifting of broken bones and injuring the inside of the foot.

Nerve injury and even worse swelling can occur as a result if we keep forcing the cat's paw massage because we feel this can relieve and heal the paw.


4. Avoid Massaging Cat's Feet With Severe Injury

If the cat's paw that you are going to massage is severe enough to cause the foot to swell, you should not massage it. Because the wrong massage can make his feet swell even more. Unless you are an expert and are used to dealing with this, then it's okay to massage his feet.


5. Don't Massage A Cat's Paw That Is Hit Or Stoned

We will meet people who are irresponsible and enjoy committing acts of violence to animals anywhere, even if they are our own neighbors. When your pet cat has just been thrown or hit by an irresponsible person, do not massage the cat's paw.

Because after being hit by a blunt object hard, the cat's feet will swell and fracture the bones. Massaging the cat's paws in this condition will only make the cat feel pain and suffer more.


6. Stop The Massage If The Cat Feels Uncomfortable And Struggles

When you massage a cat's paw and your cat struggles violently and meows as if she is uncomfortable being massaged, it's best to stop the massage. Because when you hold the cat's paw firmly while massaging it and then it struggles.

This can actually cause the cat's foot to get injured and the cat's leg condition to hurt even more. On the other hand, when the cat feels comfortable when massaged and even falls asleep, then you can continue until you feel that the cat's paw massage for today is enough.


7. Make Sure The Sore Leg Is Not Due To Disease Or Injury

Massaging feet that are sore due to illness or injury will not give good results for cats. There are cats in fact even more suffering from feeling pain. Some types of disease can cause a cat's legs to weaken and his walk to stagger.


5 Ways to Massage Painful Cat Paws Properly

Massaging cat paws is actually quite easy and similar to how to massage human feet. Here is how you can massage a cat

1. Cat Foot and Instep Massage

Do a light massage on the cat's lower paws and the back of the cat's paws. Massage slowly and slowly. You can choose to start massaging from the soles of the cat's paws or the back of the cat's paws. Just do it for 5 minutes.


2. Massage The Whole Cat's Paws From The Lower Paws To The Upper Thighs

Massage all parts of the cat's paws slowly and do a light massage. When you massage the cat's paw, pay attention to the cat's reaction. When the cat is angry and feels uncomfortable, you should stop the massage.

But if the cat feels undisturbed, comfortable even to sleep then the massage can be continued for up to 5 minutes.


3. Pull And Push The Cat's Paw

Pull the cat's leg until it is straight then push it until the leg is fully bent. This movement can relax the cat's feet and relax the nerves in the cat's feet.


4. Push The Cat's Paws Up And Down

The next movement is to push the cat's paws up and down. The function of this movement is the same as the function of the cat's paw pull and push. It's just that the difference is the part of the body that is held is the cat's paw.


5. Cat Finger Massage

How to massage the cat's fingers is quite easy, just massage the fingers gently. The part I like about this one is that when we massage her fingers, her tiny nails will come out automatically.

When massaging your cat's fingers, you can also take advantage of this opportunity to trim the cat's nails with a special cat nail clipper to make it easier to cut and make the cutting safe.


Benefits Of Massaging Cat's Feet

For the benefits of massaging cat's feet, I think the benefits are not much different from the benefits of massaging human feet. What are the benefits? See the benefits below :

1. Streamlining Blood Circulation

Just like humans, massaging a cat's paw can also help improve blood circulation in a cat's paw. Massage on the cat's paw will increase blood flow and make the cat's paw healthier.


2. Speeds Up Healing Minor Injury

The healing process of a cat's foot that has a minor injury can be accelerated by massage. But don't try to massage in serious injuries, because it can be dangerous and make the cat's feet worse.


3. Good For Cat Nerves And Muscles

Cat paw massage is very good for the cat's muscles and nerves. This massage is able to relax the nerves and relax the cat's leg muscles that are tired and tense.


4. Provides A Sense Of Comfort

Usually a cat whose feet are massaged when he feels the massage makes his feet condition better then he will feel very comfortable. Even the cat can fall asleep because the massage is too good.

Maybe that's all the discussion about how to massage a sore cat's paw properly, what to pay attention to before doing a massage and what are the benefits of massaging a cat's paw.

With this article, I hope you can take the right and best action for your cat whose feet are sore, add to your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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