
What Happens If A Cat Eats A Lizard? Here Is The Answer !

Cats are pets who like to hunt small animals around them. Whether it's lizards, lizards, crickets, cockroaches, mice and similar animals, they will not be separated from the ambush of these cute animals.


Cat Eat Lizard


Because when a cat sees a small animal to prey on, it will immediately run after it. He will chase it until he gets it. When the cat catches it, the cat will use it as a toy. In fact, often these poor animals will be made into snacks to just delay hunger before the owner gives the main meal.

One of the animals that are often hunted by cats is the lizard. This one reptile we often find perched on walls inside or outside the house. When a cat catches a lizard and eats it, the question is what will happen if the cat eats a lizard ?

Let's find out the answer by listening to Angora's writing below until the end.


What Happens If A Cat Eats a Lizard ?

When we catch a cat eating a lizard, some of us may let the cat eat it until it runs out and some throw the rest of the lizard's body away from the cat. Then in your heart you ask "what happens when a cat eats a lizard" ?

Some things that might happen to a cat after eating a lizard based on my experience are as follows :

1. Cats Are Okay

After finishing eating lizards, many cats are okay or stay healthy. This is due to the cat's immune system that eats a strong lizard or it could be that the lizard that is eaten by a cat is a harmless type of lizard.

The meaning of a harmless type of lizard here is a lizard that is not infected with harmful parasites, bacteria or viruses. So that when the cat eats it, there is no negative effect on the cat's body. Even though the cat looks fine after eating the lizard, a few days after the cat eats the lizard, you should still monitor the cat's condition to better ensure its health.


 2. Stomach Ache

The second thing that happens when a cat eats a lizard is that the cat has stomach pain and diarrhea. This is caused by E. Coli bacteria carried by lizards on their bodies. Usually, lizards do not produce these bacteria.

But he can become a carrier of this bacteria when he touches the feces of other animals with his body. That is why when a cat eats a lizard that has been contaminated with E. Coli bacteria, it can experience stomach pain and digestive disorders such as diarrhea.

Not only E. Coli, lizards also contain salmonella bacteria. These bacteria can cause gastroenteritis in cats that eat them. Common symptoms of this disorder are :

  • Diarrhea

  • Fever

  • Blood in feces

  • Nauseous

  • Vomit

  • Chills


3. Worm Cats

It is no stranger to us that cats who eat raw food will get intestinal worms. This is because in the body of an animal that is eaten raw, there are parasites that can cause worms if not eaten cooked.

When a cat that eats a lizard suffers from intestinal worms, the common characteristics seen in the cat's body are that it is physically thinner but its stomach is getting distended, its appetite is strong and it is never full when fed.

Another feature is that there are worms that come out along with cat litter. Worms that come out and accumulate together with cat litter usually have a white color. There are many types of worms that may attack cats while they are dewormed. How many of them are :

  • Tapeworm
  • Roundworm
  • Hookworm
  • Whip worm


4. Poisoned Cat

The fourth thing that happened to the cat was that the cat was poisoned. This can occur due to the presence of certain bacteria or parasites in the lizard's body. Cat poisoning can also be caused by the lizard itself.

Lizards that have eaten or drank lizard poison or other types of poison intentionally or unintentionally can have a poisoning effect for cats that only bite their bodies or eat small parts of their bodies. Is there a special poison for lizards ?

Of course there are and these special lizard poison products are sold on the market and online stores. We may not know because we have never thought about poisoning lizards because we feel that this one animal is not dangerous or very disturbing, like rats or similar pests.

The general characteristics of a cat exposed to poison are as follows :

  • Cats have diarrhea and often vomit

  • Weak cat

  • Out of breath

  • No appetite

  • Convulsions

  • Drink water often

  • Black urine

  • Foamy mouth or a lot of saliva coming out of the mouth like foam


5. Cats Infected With Certain Diseases

Cats that eat lizards that are infected with certain bacteria or parasites can cause the cat to be infected with certain diseases. The following are some of the characteristics of cats who have certain infectious diseases :

  • The cat's body looks weak

  • Loss of appetite.

  • Having a stomach ache

  • Itching of part or all of the cat's body

  • Throws up

  • Changes in behavior from active to quiet

  • Sleep more often

How To Deal With A Sick Cat From Eating Lizards ?

The easiest and most effective way to treat a cat who experiences pain after eating a lizard is to take him to the vet as soon as possible. This course of action will cost you a small amount of money.

But this is actually better than our cat getting sick and then dying because we try to treat it ourselves even though we don't know what the exact cause of the cat is sick. Sometimes a cat is sick not because he just ate a lizard.

Cats can get sick from being hit by a motor vehicle, accident, suffering from panleukopenia, calici, colds, intestinal worms and so on. For cases of cat poisoning, you can give coconut water as first aid before taking the cat to the vet.

Maybe that's the only explanation for what happens when a cat eats a lizard. With this article, hopefully it can help you get the answer you want, add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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