
9 Ways To Make A Domestic Cat Fat Fast Naturally

Who doesn't want their cat to be fat and healthy? Many of the cat owners who certainly want their favorite cat to be fat and big. This is no exception for domestic cat owners, they really want their cats to be fat like the cat breeds they often see on television screens or in cyberspace.


How To Make A Domestic Cat Fat Fast Naturally


This desire is natural and reasonable. The reason is simple, they and myself feel that although the domestic cat is just an ordinary cat that does not have pure race blood or only has a little race blood like ordinary domestic cats or mixeddom villages.

These cats will still look even more cute, cute and adorable when their bodies are big and fat. Besides that, the reason cat lovers want their domestic cats to be fat can also be because they want cats that have just recovered from diseases such as intestinal worms, diarrhea, shortness of breath and the like to return to fat.

The disease that Angora mentioned above can cause a cat to become thin when the cat suffers from this disease. Especially intestinal worms, this disease can make the cat even thinner even though the cat often eats.

Whatever our goal as long as the method is right and healthy then this is not a problem. For those of you who are curious about how to fatten a domestic cat quickly. Check out the Angora version below to the end.


9 Ways To Make A Domestic Cat Fat Fast

Now for those of you who want to try how to fatten a native cat quickly and naturally, you can try the following 9 ways :

1. Know What Foods Cats Really Like

The first step you can try to make your favorite domestic cat fat is to know in advance what food cats really like. After knowing what food he likes then choose one of his favorite foods. Choose his favorite foods that are healthy or at least not bad for his health.

Examples of healthy foods that are favorites for domestic cats include chicken, egg yolks, fish, beef and the like. Giving your cat his favorite food will increase his appetite so he will eat well and not get bored when we continue to serve the same food throughout the day.


2. Nutritious Food

Not only filling, the food given to cats must be nutritious. Therefore it is important for us to make sure the food that will be given to cats is not only fattening but also nutritious and healthy.

Quoted from that cats are carnivorous animals which require animal protein from animal flesh to keep their bodies healthy. When a cat eats its prey, it is able to absorb and use 40% of carbohydrates to the maximum as energy from the body of the animal it preys on.


3. Create Food Variations

After knowing what the cat's favorite food is and being sure that the food is healthy. The next step is to apply a variety of foods. The variety of food is quite easy, you just need to replace the cat's food every day with other types of food.

For example, today the domestic cat eats tuna mixed with rice, the next day the cat eats chicken head mixed with tempeh, then the next day again the cat eats pindang fish mixed with carrots and so on. So in this way the cat will not lose his appetite and even increase his appetite.

Cats will also eat voraciously every day so that their body can slowly gain weight naturally.


4. Increase The Portion Of Food For Cats

Humans who eat a lot will certainly get fat more easily, this also applies to cats. If your cat eats 2 times a day then increase the feeding time to 3 times a day. If your cat eats 3 times a day then increase the portion of the meal to be more.

You can add a little more to your cat's servings each day. Increase the portion of the cat's food gradually every day. If you feel this method is not healthy, consult your veterinarian about the right portion of food so that your cat will gain weight naturally.

Don't worry, the vet will help you in managing the portion of your domestic cat's food, as long as you pay the consultation fee, hehehe.


5. Give The Cat A Little Food Every Time It's Hungry

Some cats eat only a small amount, when they feel full they then leave leaving the remaining food. Don't jump to the conclusion that the cat is sick. This is normal for cats because their stomachs are only the size of a ping pong ball.

What is not natural is if the cat eats a little and it shows the characteristics of a cat that is suffering from a certain disease. To make this cat fat, give him a little food every time he asks for food. Even if the cat asks to eat every hour, you should give it a treat or treat.

This is one of the effective ways when we want to fatten our beloved domestic cat.


6. Give the Cat A Snack

Sometimes the cat will feel hungry even though it is not time to eat. Give additional food to the cat in the form of special cat snacks, wet food, dry food or other food as cat snacks.


7. Reheat Cat Food

Try heating cat food first before giving it to the cat. For example, if you want to give a cold grilled fish to a cat, try heating it again by burning it for a while until the smell of grilled fish comes back. In this way, the cat will usually be more eager to eat when it smells the aroma of the grilled fish.

Once when I was about to mix the freshly grilled fish on the rice, I put the fish first into the rice. Because I was going to the bathroom, I put the fish in the cupboard for fear of being eaten by the cat. As a result, when I came out of the bathroom I saw my cat eating rice that had a fishy aroma voraciously.

From this I concluded that the smell of freshly heated food can make a cat eat voraciously even if it turns out that all he eats is rice that is exposed to the aroma of the food.


8. Do Not Disturb The Cat While Eating

Like humans, cats don't like to be disturbed while eating. Disturbing the cat while eating can make the cat lose its appetite. So when the cat eats let him enjoy his food in peace


9. Give Appetite Drugs

Maybe your cat has a low appetite so your cat is difficult to fat. Even though you have made various efforts to increase his appetite, but if it fails then you can try this method as a last resort. You can buy appetite-enhancing drugs for cats at a pet shop in your city.

When you visit a pet shop, ask for recommendations for the best and safe appetite-enhancing drugs to give to cats. And ask the shop owner how to use the right medicine.


Does The Above Method Work ?

Yes, the above method has certainly worked to make a fat cat. But if the above method after you do it regularly and the cat doesn't get fat too then you have to be careful. It is possible that the cat suffers from intestinal worms that keep it thin even though it is fed a lot.

When you are sure your cat has worms, try giving him deworming medicine while repeating the above method. Rest assured that within 2 weeks and above, you will see major changes in body mass and your domestic cat will become fatter.

That's a quick and easy way to naturally fatten a domestic cat. With this article, hopefully it can help in fattening your domestic cat in a healthy manner and add to your insight and can be useful for you.

Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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