
14 Reasons Cats Run Away From Home

Most of us probably keep a cat at home and there are times when our cat even runs away from the house. Then why did the cat run away from the house ? The answer is that there are many possible reasons for the cat to run away from the house


Why Would A Cat Run Away From Home


For example, the cat may go of its own accord, get lost while playing outside the house or the biggest possibility is that the cat is stolen by someone else to resell to other cat lovers at an expensive price.

Cases of theft may only occur in purebred or mixed-breed cats that have pure breed genes that are stronger than native breeds. But for domestic cats, cases of theft are very minimal, but this is not impossible.

Now to better answer your curiosity about the reasons why cats run away from home and how to prevent cats from running away from home. So in this article, Anggora will discuss this. Check out Angora's explanation below until the end so that your curiosity is answered.


14 Reasons Why Cats Run  Away From Home

Well, as explained above, there are many possible reasons why cats run away from home. So what are the main reasons why the cats that we have kept for a long time run away from the house? Here are some of them :

1. Get Kicked Out By Another Cat

The first reason why a cat runs away from home is because he was chased away by another cat. The form of expulsion is not like when we evict other people. Cats repel other cats are usually done by one or several groups of cats in our homes.

Cats that will be expelled by other cats will usually always be intimidated and invited to fight by cats who want to get rid of them. Not only that, if in one house there is also a cat who does not like the cat that is about to be expelled, he will also help other cats to drive the cat out of the house.

This will continue to happen when the cat that will be expelled is still in the same house and will stop when the cat that is being expelled leaves the house.


2. Cats Can't Go Home

Sometimes a cat does not intentionally want to run away from the house but he can't go back into the house. This happened because the cat in the house was completely hostile to him, even he couldn't even get close to the house.

It is for this reason that the cat chooses not to return home and decides to go wandering and live as a stray cat. Until the cat can find another new master who will take good care of him.


3. Cats Stolen By Others

For breed cat owners, the possibility of a cat is not running or running away from home, but because it was stolen by an irresponsible person. Even when we lock the cat's cage or lock the cat in the house, thieves can easily rob it.

Or maybe when the cat is playing near the fence, passers-by steal it by chance. So for those of you who have expensive cat breeds, you should watch your cat carefully. If necessary when you leave the house, you take them out with you when no one else is home.

There are usually only 2 motives for purebred cat thieves, namely wanting to make a profit by reselling it or maybe the thief just wants to own and maintain a cute and cute expensive cat.


4. Cats Thrown Away Neighbors

Not everyone likes cats and coexists with them. One person who may hate cats may be your own neighbour. Actions such as flushing a cat with plain water may be natural and harmless to the cat.

But when they hate cats, they will complain to you, douse your cat with hot water, put it in a sack and then throw it in a certain place or even worst they can poison your cat to death with rat poison.


5. Lost Cats

Cats don't always run away from home because of their own desires. It could be that your cat is busy playing outside the house, playing too far so he doesn't remember the way home as a result he gets lost alone out there.

So when your kitten or cat runs away for about two hours and doesn't come back, you should immediately look for it because it may still be not far from home and easier for us to find.


6. Cat Gets Hit And Dies

A cat that runs away from home and gets hit and then dies usually never comes back home again. Once, one of my domestic cats had been missing for a few days and we had looked everywhere for it but to no avail.

Then we gave up on losing it, the next day my mother heard a story from a neighbor that a few days ago there was a cat that died when it hit the road. His features are exactly like our cat.

The neighbor said that the cat was hit to death and then so as not to disturb the passing motorists, they took the initiative to take the body and bury it. That's when I found out that the cat didn't come back because he was gone.


7. Adopted By Someone Else

Irresponsible people may take your cat to be kept by him. Even though you have indicated that the cat already has it by putting it on a cat necklace. This kind of person will ignore it and will still take the cat that he feels is abandoned even though the cat is wearing a necklace.

This act includes theft but the person who did it insisted that he picked up the cat from the street. Actually he realized he had stolen but he insisted on not admitting it. Maybe this could be the reason why your cat seems to run away from home and never comes back.


8. The Cat Was Carried By A Passing Child

Apart from being adopted by someone else. Your cat may seem to run or run away from the house because it was brought by a small child who was passing by. Small children usually like to hold a cat which feels beautiful and cute.

Just playing is not a problem but often they hold and then take the cat away to play with them. After they get bored then they leave the cat anywhere. A cat that is left in a random place is likely to get lost so he can't return to his owner's house even if he wants to.

That's why when our beloved cat plays outside, it is necessary for us to keep an eye on him.


9. New House

The house can be one of the reasons cats run away from a new home. This is because the cat feels that it is not in its real home or that it feels that it has been kidnapped. It can also be caused by a cat stressing out while in the car and then being released when he gets to his new home.

To overcome this, we need to keep the cat calm and not let him out of the house until he is used to his new home.


10. Cat Stress

Stress in cats can trigger abnormal behavior in cats such as frequent licking of fur, constantly sleeping, littering and littering and running away from home.


11. Cats Find Another Better Place

There are cases where a cat who runs away from home and never comes back is because he has found a new place and master. This once happened to one of the cats that my sister picked up.

We who lost the cat looked for a cat here and there and then he was found in someone else's house in good health and well-maintained.


12. Cat Is In Heat

Male cats that are in heat tend to be lazy to be in the house. A lustful cat will be more aggressive, like to fight and likes to chase females. This cat often runs away from home and doesn't even come home until daily, weekly and monthly.


13. Cats Are Uncomfortable At Home

Cats can also run because they feel uncomfortable in the house. This could be because other cats chased him away, there were other family members who often beat and scolded him and there were children or babies who made loud noises.


14. Cats Are Sick Or Want To Die

Cats are the type of animal that will stay away from their owner when he feels his illness is very severe and he is about to die. Many cat owners have experienced incidents where their sick or dying cat disappeared. when the cat was found, it turned out that the cat had lost his life.


How To Prevent Cats From Running Away From Home ?

Of course, you don't want the cat you keep to suddenly run away from the house just like that. Now to prevent the cat from running away from the house, you can try the following 4 steps to prevent it from running away from the house and you don't lose it.

1. Keeping Cats Indoors Or Cages

This one way you can do to prevent your cat from running away from the house and prevent the cat from being stolen or taken forcibly by small children or by irresponsible people. This method is the most effective method according to Angora.

Although this method is fairly effective, it still has its drawbacks. The downside is that when the house is quiet, thieves can still forcibly dismantle the room and cage to steal your cat. When you keep a cat in a cage or certain room, pay attention to its cleanliness.

The place where the cat is located must be clean and comfortable for the cat so that the cat remains in a healthy condition, avoids disease and prevents cat stress problems.


2. Sterilize Cats

A cat who is in lust will change from a house cat to a cat who likes to wander. If it's only half an hour or an hour or two it's still okay. But this lustful cat can wander around for half a day, a week and even not coming home for a month.

The solution to this is only one way: neutering the cat. Because cats that have been sterilized will usually be more quiet, calm, friendly and don't like to wander. Sterilization costs are quite affordable, usually only between 300 thousand to 1 million for one cat.


3. Confine the Cat When Moving House

Lock your cat in a cage or room when you've just moved into a new home. Do this action up to a week or even a month. This cat confinement aims to prevent cats from running away when they first move house.

In addition, it is also intended that the cat is able to adapt to a new home. During the confinement period, take the cat out for at least an hour a day in the house so that the cat quickly adapts to the new home environment.

When removing the cat, make sure you are nearby to watch him so he doesn't run away from the house when he is removed from the cage or room.


4. Train the Cat Back Home

Training a cat is one way to get a cat who has run away from home to come back home when he is hungry. The method is quite simple, just by taking the cat around the house and then returning home. This method is similar to how to walk the dog in the afternoon.

Do this every day in your spare time. When taking the cat around make sure that the area is safe ( free from passing vehicles ).

Those are 14 reasons why cats run away from home and how we can prevent them. With this article, I hope it can help, add to your insight and can be very useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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