
7 Ways to Prevent Cats from Getting Pregnant

Maybe you are a catlovers who keep a female cat. And feel the hassle when later your cat will get pregnant and have many children. Therefore we try our best so that our beloved pet cat does not get pregnant.


How To Prevent Cats Pregnant


So that the cat does not get pregnant there are actually many things that can be done. Starting with the paid way to the unpaid way. We can choose which steps we think suit the condition of the wallet or to our liking. So what are the steps we can take to prevent our female cats from getting pregnant ?

To find out what the steps are, see the explanation in this article.


7 Ways To Prevent Your Cat From Getting Pregnant

To prevent our cat from getting pregnant, you can follow these 7 steps or methods. It's a good idea to read the steps below slowly so you don't miss anything and increase the percentage that your cat won't get pregnant. Here are 7 ways to prevent your cat from getting pregnant according to Angora's version.

1. Make Sure The Cat Is In Heat Or In The Mating Season

The very first thing we have to do is to make sure the female cat is in heat ( mating period ) or not. It's useless if we apply ways to prevent the cat from getting pregnant while the cat is not in the mating season. Then when the cat is in heat we do not apply this method.

Simply put, we apply the method to make cat not pregnant at the wrong time  and cat will get pregnant. So before applying this method, make sure first ensure whether the female cat is in heat or in the mating period.

To be sure, you can see if there are any of the following signs in cats :

  • Very spoiled to the owner compared to usual

  • Grumpy to the surrounding cats

  • Meow loudly and often

  • The meow has a rhythmic tone

  • Often thrusts his ass to the stud

  • Often rolls in front of the male to get his attention

  • Pee carelessly


2. Sterilize Cats

For those of you who have excess funds, don't want to bother and are adventurous, you can do this method. It's enough to sterilize your cat once, then you won't have to worry about your beloved cat getting pregnant again. Now to sterilize a cat, you only need to take him to the nearest vet.

Furthermore, your cat will be handled by a veterinarian who is an expert in the field in the process of cat spaying. Then how much does it cost to sterilize a female cat? The cost is quite affordable according to Angora, which is around 40 dollar for local cats and up to 40 dollar for purebred cats.

This price is fairly cheap or affordable when compared to the benefits, namely the cat will not be able to breed or get pregnant again during its life until she died.


3. Make The Cage Temperature Warmer

Put the cat in the cage and then increase the temperature in the cage to make it warmer. This is to keep the cat calm and so that he can get through the heat or mating season without making any noise. You can do this to prevent your cat from getting pregnant when you don't want your cat to be neutered or you're still trying to raise funds to be able to sterilize the cat.


4. Isolate The Cat In The Cage Or Room

If you have a male and female cat in the same house, and both have not been neutered. Then the way you can do is separate the cat and lock one or both of them in a cage.

Next set the cage to be slightly warm so that the cat is not noisy and is able to pass the breeding season in peace.


5. Use A Certain Scent

Give your cat a scent that your cat likes to calm her down, for example the smell of catnip. You can also use artificial scents such as the scent of Feliway. These scents are very liked by cats and of course can calm the cat.

The scent of Feliway will work by emitting an odor effect similar to the facial pheromones produced by the cat's body. This scent is a scent that cats usually use to mark their area and is useful for attracting females.


6. Use Desire Reducing Drugs

Another way to prevent the cat from getting pregnant is to give the cat certain drugs that have the function of reducing the cat's lust. Libido-lowering drugs work by suppressing or eliminating cat lust. Give it to your male and female cats so they no longer want to mate.

You can buy this libido-lowering drug at a pet shop or online store. Usually this libido-lowering drug is sold at a price range of 5 dollar for a 5 ml drug. The dose of medication for cats is adjusted according to the cat's body weight and is only given once a month.


7. Give A Sedative To The Cat

The latter method is somewhat less human and I rarely use it. Namely giving the cat an anesthetic ( sedative ). Giving a cat a sedative just because it wants to mate or avoiding a pregnant cat in my opinion is inhumane.

But if you think this is the only way, then you can buy sedatives at the nearest pet shop in your city. Before buying, ask the seller whether sedatives are safe or do not have harmful side effects when given to cats.

That's the discussion about how to prevent a female cat or pet from getting pregnant. Hopefully this article is useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, other cat lovers or to your social media accounts.

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