
How Many Times Cat Eat In A Day ? Here Is The Answer !

To grow and develop, cats also need food like humans. Food is needed as a source of energy in carrying out daily activities and also a source of nutrition for the cat's body. Without food the cat will not be able to survive and will die.


How Many Times Cat Eat In A Day


Then how many times a day should the cat be fed ? Of course, those of you who have just kept a cat will want to know the answer. You don't want the cat you've just raised to be thin and fall sick from feeding the cat the wrong way.

To find out the answer, please read Angora's explanation below.


How Many Times Cat Eat In A Day ?

Although the growth of cats is 15 times faster than humans, but for the size of the stomach, the cat's stomach is smaller than humans. The portion of food and the number of times cat food is given can be seen based on the age of the cat itself.

6 Weeks Old

At this age the kitten is still breastfeeding and in the process of weaning, which is the transition from a food source of breast milk to a food source other than breast milk. Sometimes cats of this age will start eating too when we serve food to cats who are older than them.

Just like a child smells a cake, kittens will run when they smell the delicious food that catches their attention. Give food for kittens in the form of cat food that is easy to chew such as wet food and the like to kittens whose teeth are still not strong.

Give it every time they come because they smell the food and give just enough according to the size of the kitten's stomach. If you give food to kittens other than instant food such as wet food or dry food, make sure that the cat food you will give is cooked food so as not to cause digestive disorders in cats due to parasites.

You can give food as big as 1/3 of the cat's stomach. Why too little ? This is because maybe the kitten's stomach is still slow in digesting food and besides, a cat at this age is still breastfeeding its mother.


Age Above 6 Weeks

Cats over the age of 6 weeks you can give cat food 3 times a day. Give in the morning, afternoon and evening. Adjust the portion of cat food to the size of the body, the size of the stomach and the cat's body weight.

So that feeding cats can be healthier and not make cats experience problems with obesity, shortness of breath due to overeating and being less active or lazy.


What To Pay Attention To When Feeding Cats

What needs to be considered if according to Angora itself is punctuality. Give food on time or according to schedule, don't forget it or delay it too long. Because just as humans can get sick when eating irregularly, cats can certainly experience the same thing too.

Then make sure to also give the cat food that has been cooked. If you're the type of person who doesn't want to bother making cat food and at the same time wants nutritious cat food.

You can buy instant dry food at a pet shop in your city. The price of instant dry food itself varies, starting from 3 dollars or above for a size of 1 Kg. Oh yes, when giving the cat food, don't forget to also provide a bowl containing the cat's drink beside it.

Change the cat's drink at least once a day and give the cat boiled water. This aims to prevent the presence of larvae, changes in taste, dirty water that can cause digestive problems for cats such as diarrhea, intestinal worms and similar disorders.

In addition, make sure that you do not give the cat food carelessly, for example giving a chocolate to cat. Chocolate itself can cause poisoning in cats because of its caffeine content and methylxanthones compounds.


How About Giving Food 2 Times A Day ?

For those of you who have many cats or have minimal funds but have a cat that you want to take care of, then you can give your cat food 2 times a day, in the morning and at night. During the day just give them a mixture of rice with the side dish you eat.

Suppose your side dish today is tuna, then just mix the rice with the tuna and give it to your cat. For those who have many cats, they can give boiled tuna water then mixed with rice and a little tuna meat evenly.

For owners of purebred cats, this method may not be recommended because the food is not very nutritious for cats. But compared to cats not eating lunch because our condition is low on budget or because we have many cats, this method should be considered.

For morning and evening meals, keep using dry food or wet food ( choose the one that you think is more economical in terms of economy ). The use of one of these 2 types of cat food aims to keep the cat's nutritional needs met and the cat can grow up healthy and active.

Maybe that's all the discussion of how many times a cat should eat in a day. After reading this article, you will know that how many times it is good to feed a day, what to pay attention to when feeding a cat and whether it is safe to feed a cat 2 times a day.

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