4 Things About Cat Saliva According To Islam
As good Muslims, of course, we cannot close our eyes to the things that surround us. When we have doubts about something, of course, we as devout Muslims will as soon as possible find out about Islamic law or views on something that we doubt.
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Photo Of Cats Saliva On Cat Tongue |
One of the things that can make us as devout Muslims feel doubtful is about cat saliva. Many questions may cross our minds when I talk about cat saliva and of course we need answers to these questions.
So, to eliminate doubts in our hearts and answer various questions that come to our minds about cat saliva, let Angora take this opportunity to share information about this.
4 Things About Cat Saliva According To Islamic View
As we know that cats are not unclean animals and even in Islam itself cats are considered sacred (clean) animals. Even our beloved prophet Muhammad himself had a cat as his pet.
That's why some of us keep cats because we intend to follow our role models and also because of the cat's cute face, cute and clean behavior. Talking about cat saliva, there are some interesting things about cat saliva and how Islam views cat saliva.
Some interesting things about cat saliva and Islam are as follows :
1. Cat Saliva is Clean And Holy
Cats are clean-loving animals. He likes to bathe by licking his limbs whenever he feels his body is dirty or smelly. Even though cats are clean and not unclean animals, what about cat saliva ?
According to Islam, cat's saliva itself is holy and clean, not only the saliva but the whole body, fur, sweat and food residue is considered clean or holy (not unclean). Even in the view of Islam itself, cat's life is considered far, very clean compared to human life.
This is explained in the hadith below :
The Messenger of Allah said: The cat is a creature whose body, sweat, leftover food and saliva are sacred. His saliva is holy and sterilizing. His life is cleaner than humans ( HR. Malik )
2. Cat Saliva Does Not Invalidate Wudhu
Besides being clean, it turns out that cat saliva does not cancel our ablution. So if shortly after you perform your ablution and your feet or hands are licked by a cat either intentionally or unintentionally, then you don't need to repeat your ablution and can continue praying.
This also applies if the cat strokes or rubs its body against the feet or other body parts while you are in a state of ablution, the friction of its body will not cancel your ablution at all.
This is very different if you are licked by a dog or touched by a dog because if you are licked or touched by a dog while performing ablution, your ablution will be invalidated and you will have to repeat your ablution again. For the argument that saliva or cat saliva does not invalidate ablution, you can see below :
“Cats are not unclean. Cats are animals that often roam among you." ( Narrated by Ahmad, Nasai, Abu Daud, Turmudzi, and authenticated by al-Albani )
"I (Aisyah radhiyallahu 'anha) once saw the Messenger of Allah doing ablution with water left over from drinking a cat." ( Narrated by Abu Dawud and authenticated by al-Albani ).
3. Can Perform Ablution With Water That Is Exposed To Cat Saliva
When your cat drinks in a tub or bucket to hold water. Even though the cat has drunk and has been exposed to his saliva, it turns out that the water used to drink the cat can still be used for ablution.
Of course, if we perform ablution with this water, our prayers are 100% valid and our prayers are still accepted by Allah. This is based on the following hadith :
"I (Aisyah radhiyallahu 'anha) once saw the Messenger of Allah doing ablution with water left over from drinking a cat." (Narrated by Abu Dawud and authenticated by al-Albani).
4. Cat Saliva Does Not Cause Disease
Cat saliva has clean, holy and sterilizing properties. Based on research, cat saliva is thought to contain enzymes that convert it into natural antibiotics, are able to keep wounds on their bodies clean and sterile and are able to eliminate certain types of odors.
Cat saliva will not cause disease if the cat licks our body. So if you are licked by a cat, don't be afraid you will be infected with certain diseases due to having just been licked by a cat.
What About Sick Cat Saliva ?
There is no evidence that explains this, but according to Angora's own opinion, the four things regarding salivation above will not apply if the cat is in a sick condition. Because when a cat suffers from certain types of disease, the smell of the saliva will turn very foul and sometimes turn yellow and black when the cat's saliva dries in the cat's mouth.
This saliva will certainly look dirty in our eyes and can cause disease. One example of a disease that can be transmitted by cats through their saliva is toxoplasmosis. This disease is caused by the parasite T. gondi.
Actually, Toxoplasma disease does not originate from cat saliva, but from contaminated saliva due to licking fur and feces containing the parasite T. gondinya. When we are caring for a sick cat and forget to wash our hands with soap afterward, this can make us infected with this kind of disease.
Therefore, when a cat is sick, immediately take the cat to the veterinarian and isolate the cat in a cage to prevent disease transmission to other cats, maintain our own health and keep the water for ablution clean to purify so that it can still be used for ablution.
That's the explanation of cat saliva in the view of Islam. With this article, hopefully it can answer your questions and add to your insight and can be useful for you.
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