
9 Stories Of The Prophet Muhammad And Cats

Who does not know this one animal. Cats are animals that we often find where we live. Cats are also cute and adorable animals. Although known as carnivores, cats do not harm humans, are docile and friendly to humans.


Stories Of The Prophet Muhammad And Cats


In Islam itself the cat is considered a special animal, clean and far from unclean. Even our own role model, the great prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, made cats as favorite pets in his house.


The Story Of The Prophet And the Cat

Many stories of the Prophet and the cat circulating among Muslims. Some of us may already know most of the stories but there are also those who don't know the stories at all. For those of you who want to know about the story of Rasullah and Muezza, see the story in Angora's writing below.

1. The Prophet And Cats As His Pets

One of the reasons why the Messenger of Allah made cats as pets is because cats are animals that really like cleanliness and are pure from najis. Even in a hadith it is mentioned that cats in terms of life are much cleaner than us humans.

This is explained in the hadith below :

  • The Messenger of Allah said: Cats are creatures whose body, sweat, leftover food and saliva are sacred. His saliva is holy and sterilizing. His life is cleaner than humans ( HR. Malik )

  •  “Cats are not unclean. Cats are animals that often roam among you." ( HR. Ahmad, Nasai, Abu Daud, Turmudzi, and authenticated al-Alban i)

2. The Prophet's Meeting With Muezza

What's interesting about the meeting of the prophet and muezza and when the muezza began to be maintained is that this cat was maintained during the prophet's battle in the battle of Uhud. The Uhud War was a war that took place on the 3rd of Hijriah or 625 AD.

This war is the second war that has occurred between the Muslims in Medina and the Quraysh. During the war and after the war, the apostle always loved muezza and often stroked this beloved animal.


3. Rasulullah And The Name Of The Cat Is Muezza

Just like catlovers who used to give a good name for their pet cat. Raulullah also gave the name of his favorite cat Muezza, in Arabic Mu'izza ( ). Muezza means 'precious one'.

For the type of race itself, it is still not certain what the race of Muezza is, but some people think that the Muezza race is Turkish Angora.


4. The Story Of The Prophet, Muezza And Azan's Cat

Muezza was very happy to be in the lap or in the arms of the prophet Muhammad. What is special about Muezza is that he will meow every time he hears the sound of the call to prayer that is reverberating.

This meongan seems as if Muezza understands that he is currently doing the call to prayer and is trying to answer the call to prayer. This is one of the things about Muezza that the apostle really liked.


5. The Messenger of Allah And The Cat On The Cloak

In a story of the Messenger of Allah with his cat it is mentioned that one day when the Prophet was about to go to prayer and wanted to wear his clothes. The Apostle found Muezza sleeping soundly on the robe he was about to wear

Instead of lifting the cat from the robe and then moving it to another place, the Messenger of Allah preferred to cut off part of the robe rather than wake or disturb the sleeping muezza.

He did this because he really loved his pet cat. Upon his return from the congregational prayer in the mosque, he was greeted by the muezza who prostrated before him. Then the prophet replied to muezza's funny behavior by stroking his body 3 times.


6. Rasulullah And The Cat On His Lap

In another story, it is also told that the Messenger of Allah always held his favorite cat, Muezza, when he was giving a lecture at his residence. Rasulullah often did when he gave a lecture at the residence where he lived.

7. Rasulullah And The Water That Cats Drink

The water that has been drunk by the cat in a bucket or bath is holy and can be used for ablution water. This has been exemplified by the prophet who when a cat drinks from the vessel where he will perform ablution, the prophet waits for the cat to be ready to drink then uses the water for ablution.

The following hadith describes the Messenger of Allah and the water that cats drink :

  • "When the Prophet Muhammad was about to perform ablution he was approached by a cat and the cat drank water in the vessel where he was going to perform ablution. The Prophet stopped until the cat had finished drinking and then performed ablution.” ( HR Muslim )

  • "I (Aisyah radhiyallahu 'anha ) once saw the Messenger of Allah doing ablution with water left over from drinking a cat." ( Narrated by Abu Dawud and authenticated by al-Albani )


8. Rasulullah, Cats, Houses and Mosques

Cats are clean animals and their whole body is free from uncleanness, that's why the Messenger of Allah allowed his muezza cat to be in the house. Not only that, in Islam, cats are allowed to enter mosques, including the Al-Haram Mosque.

  • "Cats are included in household jewelry, they are not soiled with anything." ( HR Muslim )


9. Rasulullah And Da'wah Regarding Cats

Once in a da'wah, the Messenger of Allah advised not to persecute animals that are not pests and are dangerous, such as cats and the like. Because our bad deeds against them can plunge us into the heat of hellfire.

  • "A woman is put in hell because of a cat that she tied and did not feed, not even small animals that were on the floor were allowed to eat" ( HR Bukhari )

In this way, a Muslim is recommended to feed the cat and prosper his life and then he will be rewarded.

Those are some stories or stories of the Prophet and his cat. With this article, I hope it can help you, add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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